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Guest Book

Welcome to Guest Book. You can give your opinions, inputs and feedbacks about this website by making an entry in the guest book. Your feedbacks will help us improve information in this site. Do feel free to suggest reference to other useful Sanskrit related sources, that we can add in our pages.

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Approved 882
Pending Approval 61
List Range 501 - 750

Message Title: Guestbook Moderation Process Re-activated
Message#: 945 Date: Sunday, February 21, 2021 -- 12:26:25 PM
Guest's Name: team
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Welcome to

On SAMSKRUTAM portal the "guestbook" has remained an important medium of communication enabling us receive feedback from readers and act on the same; and it will remain so for days to come.

In the spirit of open and ease communication, for long, the moderation process was suppressed, so that readers' posts appear immediately in the guestbook. Unfortunately, it has been observed that spammers keep posting unsolicited and inappropriate posts; which not only drowns the genuine feedback from readers, but also degrades the sanctity of the SAMSKRUTAM online platform.

To safeguard against such unwelcome entries getting automatically posted, we are re-activating the moderation process. With this, readers may experience a gap of a day or two before their entries are visible in the guestbook.

Please do continue sharing your feedback through this guestbook and email, as you have been over the years.

Message Title: Volunteer Content Writers
Message#: 763 Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 -- 3:56:55 AM
Guest's Name: SAMSKRUTAM - Sanskrit & Indology Foundation
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

SAMSKRUTAM is in need of volunteers who can write content on wide range topics on Sanskrit-and-Indic subject and help build the envisaged online knowledge repository. This being a volunteer request, it is well suited for students who are persuing MA/BA/Kovida/etc., in Sanskrit, and would like to share their knowledge on the subject by writing for the portal.

To know more about the type of content being written please read Write for SAMSKRUTAM page.

The names of volunteers alongwith their content contributions will be mentioned in the Content Creators page of the SAMSKRUTAM portal. If you would like to be part of this initiative, please email at

Message Title: sugesstion
Message#: 750 Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 -- 10:02:32 AM
Guest's Name: ch aditya sai
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I had asked for very short Sanskrit sayings. But I had got big slokas. The number of the shlokas was also very less. I expected at least 80. I did not get more than 35..... please take care of the number of them and also the required length of the sloka Thanking you

Message Title: sugesstion
Message#: 749 Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 -- 10:02:31 AM
Guest's Name: ch aditya sai
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I had asked for very short Sanskrit sayings. But I had got big slokas. The number of the shlokas was also very less. I expected at least 80. I did not get more than 35..... please take care of the number of them and also the required length of the sloka Thanking you

Message Title: waiting for your response
Message#: 748 Date: Friday, April 25, 2014 -- 4:28:11 PM
Guest's Name: sujatha rangarajan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Namaste I had written to you on 10th April 2014 about the splitting of Geetha Pravesha course. Request you to respond at the earliest so that I can plan my study accordingly

Response from team: Please check with 'Samskrita Bharati', as the 'Geetha Pravesha' course is offered by them. website is operated by 'Sanskrit & Indology Foundation' and is not associated with the organisations/institutions to which it provides reference for benefit of all.

Biswajit Dash

Message Title: Sanrio shabd roop of shashin, karin, fallin
Message#: 747 Date: Monday, April 21, 2014 -- 12:39:51 PM
Guest's Name: Ritvhik
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sanskrit shabd roop of shashin, karin, fallin

Message Title: Sanrio shabd roop of shashin, karin, falling
Message#: 746 Date: Monday, April 21, 2014 -- 12:38:24 PM
Guest's Name: Ritvhik
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sanskrit shabd roop of shashin, karin, falling

Message Title: Shaiva darshan
Message#: 745 Date: Sunday, April 20, 2014 -- 3:39:57 AM
Guest's Name: Sunil Kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Connecting to sanskrit .

Message Title: Shaiva darshan
Message#: 744 Date: Sunday, April 20, 2014 -- 3:39:20 AM
Guest's Name: Sunil Kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Connecting to sanskrit .

Message Title: online test
Message#: 743 Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 -- 2:31:44 AM
Guest's Name: Srilakshmi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Namaste, I took the online test 2 or three times and I don't seem to see the answers displayed when I clicked Submit. I have also not received any email with regards to the transcript or my test evaluation. I am using a Mac. Please let me know as to how I should be able to see the test answers / view transcript.

Message Title: House name
Message#: 742 Date: Sunday, April 13, 2014 -- 8:44:47 AM
Guest's Name: Surya Nair
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Bahrain
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I wish to name my new house 'Vanalika'. I would like to know if it's a Sanskrit word. if so its meaning. Thankyou.

Message Title: Geetha Pravesha
Message#: 741 Date: Thursday, April 10, 2014 -- 7:13:42 AM
Guest's Name: Sujatha Rangarajan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am a student of your organization for the past 5 years. I have completed the first four stages successfully and I joined the Geetha pravesha course. I have completed the first part with a first class. The second part is voluminous with 14 chapters. I feel I will not be able to do justice to my studies. I request you to divide this course into three parts so that our understanding would be better and help us learn it well. You must be aware that most of us are not full time students and so time is also very limited. So it is my earnest request to divide the course into 3 parts and give us the opportunity of learning it with deeper understanding sujatha rangarajan

Message Title: i want paragraph on gandhiji with hindi meaning
Message#: 740 Date: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 -- 5:28:23 PM
Guest's Name: shiwangi raj
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

it's urgent for sanskrit competetion

Message Title: essay
Message#: 739 Date: Saturday, March 08, 2014 -- 10:09:22 AM
Guest's Name: Suma Nair
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want an essay in sanskrit on Adarsha Jeevan. can youhelp me?

Message Title: Kanda Shashthi Kavacham in devanagri script
Message#: 738 Date: Monday, March 03, 2014 -- 11:33:53 PM
Guest's Name: S N Rama Murthy
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am not able to get the Kandashashti Kavacham in devanagari Script, please make it available. Thanks

Message Title: Error in this web entry
Message#: 737 Date: Monday, February 24, 2014 -- 8:06:11 AM
Guest's Name: Dr. V. Gopalakrishnan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I happened to notice an error in this web in the declension of Rajan sabda, i.e. in its 6th case. I wish to bring it to your notice. Thanks. visgop. [May I get a confirmation of receipt of this message?]

Message Title: My Passion for Sanskrit
Message#: 736 Date: Sunday, February 23, 2014 -- 12:24:37 PM
Guest's Name: Siva Palakodety
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I love sanskrit and want to learn more so that i can read Ramayana, Bharata and Gita

Message Title: kalidasa works
Message#: 735 Date: Friday, February 21, 2014 -- 1:56:46 PM
Guest's Name: sreelatha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

sir.. i need mahakavi kalidasa's works..

Message Title: my mother
Message#: 734 Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014 -- 11:01:45 AM
Guest's Name: shreya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

plz give me a short speech on the topic my mother in sanskrit

Message Title: Essay on hamara Vidayalaya
Message#: 733 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014 -- 4:48:55 AM
Guest's Name: S. K. Agrawal
Guest's Address: Dongargarh Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please give me 10 lines on hamara vidayalaya for essay.

Message Title: sanskrit prahelika
Message#: 732 Date: Friday, January 31, 2014 -- 1:51:05 AM
Guest's Name: madhumitha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

please send me some sanskrit prahelika its urgent

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 731 Date: Sunday, January 26, 2014 -- 3:09:38 PM
Guest's Name: gaurav
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: delhi
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want sanskrit vartalap

Message Title: SANSKRIT
Message#: 730 Date: Saturday, January 25, 2014 -- 4:40:29 PM
Guest's Name: ATUL MISRA
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 729 Date: Saturday, January 25, 2014 -- 8:34:02 AM
Guest's Name: Umasrinivasan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: Trichy

Sir I want some model question papers for Pravesha:

Message Title: Register
Message#: 728 Date: Thursday, January 23, 2014 -- 6:21:03 PM
Guest's Name: Priya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Canada
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

How do I register to this site? Whe I click register tab it takes me to another link. Please help.

Message Title: previous years' question papers for shiksha course
Message#: 727 Date: Monday, January 20, 2014 -- 6:46:06 AM
Guest's Name: mrinalini
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I would like to get January 2013, july 2013 question papers by mail. thank you

Message Title: sanskrit language
Message#: 726 Date: Sunday, January 19, 2014 -- 5:01:16 AM
Guest's Name: Ramesh Rateria
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: sanskrit

I want to take part in discssion forum.

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 725 Date: Friday, January 17, 2014 -- 3:34:44 AM
Guest's Name: Subash Khanijow
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: United States
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Interested in Sanskrit Wishing your aspirations well

Message Title: essay mera priya adhyapak
Message#: 724 Date: Friday, January 10, 2014 -- 2:35:33 AM
Guest's Name: rehan khan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls dear sir mam... pls send me the essay for mera priya adhyapak and 7 state name in sanskrit 7 mountain , contienent, 7 ocean name pls pls thank you

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 723 Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 -- 12:07:50 PM
Guest's Name: aasish kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want essay on "my school" in sanskrit language.

Message Title: Shabda roop for Hari
Message#: 722 Date: Sunday, December 15, 2013 -- 10:13:44 AM
Guest's Name: Aayush Sheth
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Can you please send me the shabda roop for hari

Message Title: संख्यावाचक - संख्यापुरक विशेषण
Message#: 721 Date: Sunday, December 01, 2013 -- 8:02:48 AM
Guest's Name: रविशङ्कर जोशी
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear sir, I found your site very helpful for the learners, but I can't find 'sankhya vachak' and 'sankhyapurak' adjectives on your site. Please make these available on your site as soon as possible. I also have a website on which I have put some sanskrit subhashits. D: 01/DEC/2013 Ravishankar Joshi

Message Title: Downloadable Links for Sanskrit Material
Message#: 720 Date: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 -- 5:14:22 AM
Guest's Name: DR Y N RAO
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Sirs, I found that the Sanskrit Material of your Site is very helpful for those who wish to learn the Sanskrit Language! But I am not finding any 'Downloadable Links' for this material!! May I request you to provide the same or alternatively keep the PDF Formats and oblige. Hope, you would do this at the earliest. Sincerely, Sd/-xx, 11/27/2013 (DR Y N RAO)

Message Title: Downloadable Links for Sanskrit Material
Message#: 719 Date: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 -- 5:11:09 AM
Guest's Name: DR Y N RAO
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Sirs, I found that the Sanskrit Material of your Site is very helpful for those who wish to learn the Sanskrit Language! But I am not finding any 'Downloadable Links' for this material!! May I request you to provide the same or alternatively keep the PDF Formats and oblige. Hope, you would do this at the earliest. Sincerely, Sd/-xx, 11/27/2013 (DR Y N RAO) e-mail:

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 718 Date: Friday, November 15, 2013 -- 2:06:32 AM
Guest's Name: pooja mehra
Guest's Address: 40 Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

hi i want sanskrit chitr varnan

Message Title: chitra varnan and apathita gadyaansh
Message#: 717 Date: Monday, November 11, 2013 -- 7:49:13 AM
Guest's Name: udit singhania
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

looking for different pictures along with their description in 5 sentences in sanskrit

Message Title: Quote for Wedding aniversary
Message#: 716 Date: Thursday, November 07, 2013 -- 7:58:59 AM
Guest's Name: Nagaraju
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Looking for a Sanskrit quote with meaning in English that I can present to an elderly couple for a wedding anniversary -

Message Title: i need a sanskrit name for my baby girl
Message#: 715 Date: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 -- 6:19:02 PM
Guest's Name: martin
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

please suggest names for meen rashi that starts from ch,D,th

Message Title: Any authentic teacher to teach sanskrit online?
Message#: 714 Date: Thursday, October 31, 2013 -- 12:04:34 AM
Guest's Name: Neyveli santhanagopalan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am a touring classical south indian musician..i am seriously looking for someone who can teach me spoken sanskrit online.thanks.dhanyavad

Message Title: essay on chindern's day
Message#: 713 Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 -- 3:58:52 PM
Guest's Name: Vikash Bomb
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

looking for essay in Sanskrit on Childern's Day

Message Title: Want the mantra, "mangalyam tantunanena" in devangiri script
Message#: 712 Date: Thursday, October 17, 2013 -- 5:46:29 AM
Guest's Name: Akruti Rao
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I need the mantra, "mangalyam tantunanena" in devangiri script. Please do sent it across if you could. Thank You.

Message Title: appreciation
Message#: 711 Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 -- 2:10:45 AM
Guest's Name: Dr.D.Gnanasundaram
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

It is a precious guide to those who want to learn Sanskrit. You have done a commendable service. Long back joining the evening class, I got a diploma in Sanskrit in the Madras University. Then there was no way to continue my learning. Now at the age of 73, I refresh what I learnt long back with the materials you have provided. My heartfelt thanks to you. I am of the opinion a detailed explanation of the Perfect past tense and Reduplicative Perfect will help one who wants to read Valmiki Ramayana as they are very much present in it. Ramayana.

Message Title: Sanskrit grammer
Message#: 710 Date: Monday, September 30, 2013 -- 10:28:57 AM
Guest's Name: Mukesh Chandra Rai
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website: http://

I also Love with Sanskrit,But Some Reason i have join a job for our family,after this i want to live with Sanskrit. For devasthan pujari job i want to learn Sanskrit Grammer, So please suggest me.

Message Title: Sanskrit grammer
Message#: 709 Date: Monday, September 30, 2013 -- 10:23:20 AM
Guest's Name: Mukesh Chandra Rai
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I also Love with Sanskrit,But Some Reason i have join a job for our family,after this i want to live with Sanskrit. For devasthan pujari job i want to learn Sanskrit Grammer, So please suggest me.

Message Title: God
Message#: 708 Date: Friday, September 20, 2013 -- 10:34:39 AM
Guest's Name: All
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Tamilnadu
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: Indhu

Pls send the samSkrita book

Message Title: God
Message#: 707 Date: Friday, September 20, 2013 -- 10:33:48 AM
Guest's Name: All
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Tamilnadu
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: Indhu

Pls send the samSkrita book

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 706 Date: Friday, September 20, 2013 -- 7:53:05 AM
Guest's Name: gayatri
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: The website address of samskrita Bharathi provided is wrong
Message#: 705 Date: Thursday, September 19, 2013 -- 9:44:35 AM
Guest's Name: Haritha K
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please correct the website address of Samskrita Bharati as "".

Message Title: Sanskrit Jokes
Message#: 704 Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 -- 9:50:13 AM
Guest's Name: M. S. Khan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want 10 jokes in sanskrit language for my daughter school project. I request you to help me. Thanking You, Regards, M. S. Khan

Message Title: I want sandhi
Message#: 703 Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 -- 4:14:40 AM
Guest's Name: premprasad bhandari
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

अत्र स्वर,व्यञ्जन,विसर्गसन्धि नागच्छति कृपया एकवारं पष्येयम्।

Message Title: Shlokas on kalpavruksha with meaning
Message#: 702 Date: Thursday, August 01, 2013 -- 7:08:57 AM
Guest's Name: Shubha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Bharat
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want the shlokas on importance of kalpavriksha coconut in Poojas as well as in daily life.

Message Title: Correction
Message#: 701 Date: Sunday, July 28, 2013 -- 6:43:31 PM
Guest's Name: sumit
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This is really nice effort by you to promote Sanskrit. I am also looking for some course. Please correct the website URL in Resources > Organnization > Sanskrit Bharti Correcrt url = ""

Message Title: Connecting Sanskrit forum
Message#: 700 Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 -- 10:43:44 PM
Guest's Name: Anand K. Gujarathi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Bharat
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Pranam, A Lot of thanks need to be given to you. Your website is exactly what I could think of doing ... I have tried to register to network but I could not register ... Registration page is showing error after filling proper information. can you please help me how should I connect. Please feel free to contact me on my email. Anand.

Message Title: Connecting Sanskrit forum
Message#: 699 Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 -- 10:43:11 PM
Guest's Name: Anand K. Gujarathi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Bharat
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Pranam, A Lot of thanks need to be given to you. Your website is exactly what I could think of doing ... I have tried to register to network but I could not register ... Registration page is showing error after filling proper information. can you please help me how should I connect. Please feel free to contact me on my email. Anand.

Message Title: sanskrit Discussion Forum
Message#: 698 Date: Sunday, July 21, 2013 -- 1:57:19 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

plz give me some shlokes in sanskrit n litreture urgent which i can put in essay on guru mahima

Message Title: Need Sanskrit shlok or subhashitani which describes importance of marriage
Message#: 697 Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 -- 6:41:26 PM
Guest's Name: Saurabh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please provide me some sanskrit shlokas or subhashits which can describes marriage life & importance of marriage. I want to add this on my wedding card. Also please guide me for preparing wedding card with sanskrit matter.

Message Title: Sanskrit Grammar
Message#: 696 Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 -- 4:01:41 AM
Guest's Name: Sanjay Chakravarty
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am waiting for all sections of grammar to be over. Is there a date for that?

Message Title: Sanskrit qutations on 'knowledge', 'books', importance of reading'
Message#: 695 Date: Monday, July 15, 2013 -- 12:01:44 PM
Guest's Name: Swapna
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: UK
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hello, I am looking for Sanskrit qutations on 'knowledge', 'books', importance of reading', please. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Regards, Swapna

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 694 Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 -- 1:50:18 PM
Guest's Name: mayank
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

dhatu roops on sanskrit

Message Title: CHILD LABOUR
Message#: 693 Date: Thursday, July 04, 2013 -- 2:47:31 PM
Guest's Name: YOGESH
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I Need 5 to 6 lines in Sanskrit on topic: CHILD LABOUR. Regards.

Message Title: mobile phones are necessary essay
Message#: 692 Date: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 -- 1:23:47 PM
Guest's Name: ardra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want an essay on mobile phones are necessary

Message Title: mobile phones are necessary essay
Message#: 691 Date: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 -- 1:21:37 PM
Guest's Name: ardra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: vibhkti rupe of words in audio format
Message#: 690 Date: Thursday, June 27, 2013 -- 6:53:52 AM
Guest's Name: Ashutosh Deshpande
Guest's Address: Pune Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I have recorded few sanskrit words & their vibhakti rupe in audio format(.mp3)I can give those recordings to interested people.

Message Title: meaning
Message#: 689 Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 -- 11:23:04 AM
Guest's Name: Anupama
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: -
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

urogatabhyayam hastabhyam kapittyo vignaratakaraha ...Can u please get the meaning of this sloka word by word. *** {samskrutam} moved from earlier blog ***

Message Title: Sanskrit Words in other indian languages
Message#: 688 Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 -- 11:20:43 AM
Guest's Name: Sanskrit Roots
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: -

Dear Admin, We have created a list of 700 sanskrit words which are used on a regular basis in day-to-day Tamil language in both spoken and written forms. We are in the process of updating this list. The file is available at the following address The list contains the equivalent of such words in Hindi and share similar phonetics. We are in the process of updating the corresponding words in Bengali, Gujarati, Marati etc., The objective behind the above effort is to enable Tamil students to understand, how they are already familiar with words which are used in other languages ,as well. With a bit of extra effort, they can clearly master many other Indian languages. This would make them multi-lingual, which is a major draw back for anybody trying to pursue a carrer opportunity outside of Tamilnadu. Also the site contains opinions of learned scholars on Sanskrit like Dr. Abdulkalam, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi and others. Since your site is focussed on Sanskrit , we thought publication of the above effort by yourselves would enable reaching out to a larger audience. Ours is purely a non-profit initiative. Thanks and Regards Sanskrit Roots. *** {samskrutam} moved from earlier blog ***

Message Title: संगणकस्य कृते संस्कृत व्याकरणस्य महत्व
Message#: 687 Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 -- 1:58:49 AM
Guest's Name: chanchal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

संगणकस्य कृते संस्कृत व्याकरणस्य महत्व कृपया एतत विषय को अपि सूचना प्रेष्यतु

Message Title: vikas khullar
Message#: 686 Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 -- 4:33:23 PM
Guest's Name: vikas khullar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls. send me a paragraph in sanskrit on child labour. alsowrite opinion on " child labour is good or bad", also in sanskrit.

Message Title: paragraph in sanskrit on child labour and steps taken by the govt. to stop this practicse. child labour is good or bad, write your opinion in sanskrit.
Message#: 685 Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 -- 4:32:43 PM
Guest's Name: vikas khullar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls. send me a paragraph in sanskrit on child labour. alsowrite opinion on " child labour is good or bad", also in sanskrit.

Message Title: paragraph in sanskrit on child labour and steps taken by the govt. to stop this practicse. child labour is good or bad, write your opinion in sanskrit.
Message#: 684 Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 -- 4:32:05 PM
Guest's Name: vikas khullar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls. send me a paragraph in sanskrit on child labour. alsowrite opinion on " child labour is good or bad", also in sanskrit.

Message Title: sankrit
Message#: 683 Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 -- 9:08:18 AM
Guest's Name: pranav
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i love this site

Message Title: nitishastra के पांच श्लोक
Message#: 682 Date: Monday, June 24, 2013 -- 9:15:52 AM
Guest's Name: Manoj
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

nitishastra के पांच श्लोक अर्थ के साथ संस्कृत में

Message Title: essay in Sanskrit language
Message#: 681 Date: Friday, June 21, 2013 -- 4:51:52 AM
Guest's Name: shaila singh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls send me essay in Sanskrit on Surya ka mahatava, Vidya ka Mahatava, and few lines on dincharya(time table of the day)

Message Title: essay in Sanskrit language
Message#: 680 Date: Friday, June 21, 2013 -- 4:50:05 AM
Guest's Name: shaila singh
Guest's Address: 60/103, himvarsha apts., i.p. extn., patparganj Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

pls send me essay in Sanskrit on Surya ka mahatava, Vidya ka Mahatava, and few lines on dincharya(time table of the day)

Message Title: 10 Sentences In Sanskrit - Child Labour Must Be Banned
Message#: 679 Date: Friday, June 21, 2013 -- 4:49:35 AM
Guest's Name: Siddharth
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sentences In Sanskrit - Child Labour Must Be Banned

Message Title: paragraph on importance of dhenu in india
Message#: 678 Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 -- 11:16:32 AM
Guest's Name: geeta taneja
Guest's Address: Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sir, i would be gratefule if you could send paragraph on cow's importance in indie. with regards geeta taneja

Message Title: chitra varnan in sanskrit
Message#: 677 Date: Saturday, June 08, 2013 -- 6:07:41 AM
Guest's Name: ishita
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am learning Sanskrit so hope it helps....

Message Title: Essay Happy Holidays in Sanskrit
Message#: 676 Date: Saturday, June 08, 2013 -- 2:46:33 AM
Guest's Name: Patel Kishan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: 39507

Plz give me this essay

Message Title: Essay Happy Holidays in Sanskrit
Message#: 675 Date: Saturday, June 08, 2013 -- 2:45:58 AM
Guest's Name: Patel Kishan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Plz give me this essay

Message Title: 10 Sentences In Sanskrit - Child Labour Must Be Banned
Message#: 674 Date: Thursday, June 06, 2013 -- 4:36:10 AM
Guest's Name: V. Saxena
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

कृपया बाल श्रम पर रोकथाम हेतु 10 वाक्य संस्कृत में उपलब्ध करा दें (कक्षा 6 हेतु)। आभार सहित

Message Title: Dhaturoop
Message#: 673 Date: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 -- 7:16:44 AM
Guest's Name: Simmi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Bhavdiya, Saadar Pranam, mera beta kaksha 8 mein hai aur mujhe uske liye gya, gam aur pa ke panchon lakaaron mein dhaturoop chahiye. Kya ap ye teeno dhaturoop uplabdh kara sakenge? apki atyant kripa hogi. Dhanyavaad Simmi

Message Title: electric goods names of sanskrit
Message#: 672 Date: Monday, June 03, 2013 -- 7:00:47 PM
Guest's Name: Rajat
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: No url

i want to know that electric goods like television,freeze,cooler,geaser,machine,mixcy,fan,bulb.plz send the every word of names in sanskrit

Message Title: electric goods names of sanskrit
Message#: 671 Date: Monday, June 03, 2013 -- 6:59:27 PM
Guest's Name: Rajat
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: No url

i want to know that electric goods like television,freeze,cooler,geaser,machine,mixcy,fan,bulb

Message Title: Essay in Sanskrit " Pariyavaran samraksharan
Message#: 670 Date: Saturday, June 01, 2013 -- 7:03:26 AM
Guest's Name: Nanda Kumar
Guest's Address: Mumbai Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Pl send me an essay in sanskrit Pariyavaran samraksharan

Message Title: Essay in Sanskrit " Pariyavaran samraksharan
Message#: 669 Date: Saturday, June 01, 2013 -- 7:02:53 AM
Guest's Name: Nanda Kumar
Guest's Address: Mumbai Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Pl send me an essay in sanskrit Pariyavaran samraksharan

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 668 Date: Sunday, May 26, 2013 -- 11:42:02 AM
Guest's Name: arvind harish
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

give me notes in sanskrit notes upon child labour

Message Title: Sanskrit Shlokas for Hindu Wedding
Message#: 667 Date: Sunday, May 26, 2013 -- 5:24:24 AM
Guest's Name: Swathy Anand
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want to write a Sanskrit Wedding Sholka on my wedding card Can you pls help me. Can you please send me a few shlokas so that I can pick and choose.

Message Title: SANSKRIT
Message#: 666 Date: Sunday, April 07, 2013 -- 2:15:52 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: I Want to know about the relation between Indo Aryan languages particularly relation between DARDIC SHINA language and Sanskrit
Message#: 665 Date: Thursday, April 04, 2013 -- 6:01:57 PM
Guest's Name: Mukhtar Zahid Badgami
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i am a lover of sanskrit language presently i m researching in a topic named RELATION BETEEN SHINA DARDIC and SANSKRIT languages .. plz confirm me and accept me as a member of this website .. becoz via u i can get more knowledge regarding Sanskrit language.

Message Title: I Want to know about the relation between Indo Aryan languages particularly relation between DARDIC SHINA language and Sanskrit
Message#: 664 Date: Thursday, April 04, 2013 -- 6:01:24 PM
Guest's Name: Mukhtar Zahid Badgami
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i am a lover of sanskrit language presently i m researching in a topic named RELATION BETEEN SHINA DARDIC and SANSKRIT languages .. plz confirm me and accept me as a member of this website .. becoz via u i can get more knowledge regarding Sanskrit language.

Message Title: ABOUT EXAM
Message#: 663 Date: Monday, April 01, 2013 -- 4:18:29 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i had done my 4 exams sanskrit of t.m vidyapith frm 2001 to 2004 bt nw i want to complete my nxt two exams will u help me to give details pls i m wtng AND ONCE U R DOING FABULOUS JOB IT IS VERY USEFUL

Message Title: Sincere Appreciation of your effort
Message#: 662 Date: Monday, April 01, 2013 -- 6:11:36 AM
Guest's Name: Jaideep Adhvaryu
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Samskrutam team, Only today, i came across your site and am really impressed with the effort you and your team have put in. Would recommend that you convert your site into a social platform around sanskrit that allows people of to contribute, collaborate and communicate about this beautiful language

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 661 Date: Friday, March 22, 2013 -- 5:01:02 PM
Guest's Name: samta
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have taken online tests. When i go for another test, questions are same . please add some more questions. thanks

Message Title: Moral of subhashita
Message#: 660 Date: Thursday, February 07, 2013 -- 8:16:10 AM
Guest's Name: Harsha Rao R
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

In search of a subhasitani

Message Title: Sanskrit Resources
Message#: 659 Date: Thursday, February 07, 2013 -- 1:15:34 AM
Guest's Name: Avinash Mishra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have read the tutorials in your website.They are very informative.If it is made available in pdf download format, it will be easy for readers.IN shlokas-More to be added.

Message Title: Sanskrit Resources
Message#: 658 Date: Thursday, February 07, 2013 -- 1:14:32 AM
Guest's Name: Avinash Mishra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have read the tutorials in your website.They are very informative.If it is made available in pdf download format, it will be easy for readers.IN shlokas-More to be added.

Message Title: ethical behavior
Message#: 657 Date: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 -- 6:03:46 AM
Guest's Name: S.L.SARAF
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I thhink if subhashitas are displayed whereever possible along with meaning,the ethical standerds will rise.

Message Title: Publisher of Sanskrit Books
Message#: 656 Date: Saturday, January 19, 2013 -- 5:45:32 AM
Guest's Name: Indian Books Centre- Sri Satguru Publications
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please add our name in your list of Sanskrit Books Publisher Thanks Anil Gupta

Message Title: essay on child labour
Message#: 655 Date: Sunday, January 13, 2013 -- 1:40:12 PM
Guest's Name: sana
Guest's Address: kolkata Country: india
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

i need an essay in sanskrit for school project

Message Title: essay on child labour
Message#: 654 Date: Sunday, January 13, 2013 -- 1:39:33 PM
Guest's Name: sana
Guest's Address: kolkata Country: india
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

i need an essay in sanskrit for school project

Message Title: Sanskrit Resources
Message#: 653 Date: Thursday, January 03, 2013 -- 9:21:18 AM
Guest's Name: Prithvi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have read the tutorials in your website.They are very informative.I am waiting for the tutorials which are to come in future.I would like you to enter these websites in your Sanskrit Resource list - - These are good websites & forum to learn about Sanskrit. Thanks

Message Title: In Search of Shloka for Blessing to Bride.
Message#: 652 Date: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 -- 10:37:51 AM
Guest's Name: Mukesh K. Tiwari
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

एक बहुत ही नेक कार्य है जो कि भूली हुई भाषा से जोड़ रहा है, बधाईयाँ।

Message Title: In Search of Shloka for Blessing to Bride.
Message#: 651 Date: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 -- 10:37:30 AM
Guest's Name: Mukesh K. Tiwari
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

एक बहुत ही नेक कार्य है जो कि भूली हुई भाषा से जोड़ रहा है, बधाईयाँ।

Message Title: Advanced Grammar Chapter 12 to 16
Message#: 650 Date: Friday, December 14, 2012 -- 2:32:29 PM
Guest's Name: C Amirthavalli Satagopan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am learning Sanskrit. Your site provided me with lots of input and it was very useful in clearing the examination. I now request you to enable Chapter 12 to Chapter 16 in Advanced Grammar so that it will be of immense help for my upcoming examination. Kindly look into that and enable the chapters.

Message Title: sanskrit mantra recited during a wedding by the groom
Message#: 649 Date: Thursday, December 13, 2012 -- 11:45:03 PM
Guest's Name: chandra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I need the devanagari script for this mantra: Mangalyam tantunanena mama jeevana hetuna: kanthe badhnami subhage twam jeeva sarada satam ||

Message Title: REGARDING shlokas of yuddha kanda.
Message#: 648 Date: Thursday, December 13, 2012 -- 7:27:36 PM
Guest's Name: Mohan kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

sir, great site, but i hv searched 1 shloka from ramayana that is from end of yuddha kanda, there is shloka called "" MUKUTA DHARANA'' MANTRA/SHLOKA AT THE TIME OF RAMA'S PATTABHISHEKAM. PLS PROVIDE ME OR PUBLISH IN YOUR WEBSITE. THNKS

Message Title: story with moral value
Message#: 647 Date: Friday, December 07, 2012 -- 10:48:51 AM
Guest's Name: keerthi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i need a story in sanskrit the topic is "children's relationship with their teachers" or any story related with children (but not sports) i need to write in an A4 sheet (both the sides with pictures) please help me

Message Title: Essay
Message#: 646 Date: Friday, November 30, 2012 -- 12:26:36 AM
Guest's Name: Srinath
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I need an essay on my school in sanskrit

Message Title: marriage shlok
Message#: 645 Date: Friday, November 23, 2012 -- 5:07:18 AM
Guest's Name: vj
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please provide an appropriate sloka to insert in my brother's wedding card

Message Title: भगवान शेष ही धराधारी हैं
Message#: 644 Date: Thursday, November 22, 2012 -- 3:02:45 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: BHARAT
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

भगवान शेष ही धराधारी हैं
यह सत्य है की भगवान शेष ही धरा को धारण करते हैं |

Diwakar Sharma

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Version 25

Last edited: Jun 14, 2011

Exported: Jul 18, 2012

Original URL:
भला आज के समय में कौन इस मान्यता को स्वीकार करता है कि भगवान शेषनाग धराधारी हैं | परन्तु हमारी यह पुरानी मान्यता शत प्रतिशत सत्य है | जानिये कैसे : -
प्रकृति में पांच महाभूत हैं - आकाश, वायु, अग्नि, जल और पृथ्वी | साथ ही परमेश्वर भी पांच ही हैं | वे हैं - ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, महेश,सूर्यऔर गणेश | पांच महाभूत पञ्च परमेश्वरों की प्रकृति स्वरुप हैं |ब्रह्मदेव की प्रकृति आकाश है | वायु भगवान शिव की प्रकृति है | अग्नि परमेश्वर सूर्य की प्रकृति है | योगेश्वर विष्णु की प्रकृति जल है और पृथ्वी तत्त्व गणपतिजी की प्रकृति है | यहाँ मैं पृथ्वी तत्त्व का अर्थ स्पष्ट करना चाहूंगा | पृथ्वी और पृथ्वी तत्त्व दोनों का अर्थ अलग - अलग है| पृथ्वी तत्त्व का अर्थ है भूमि अर्थात मिटटी, जबकि पृथ्वी का अर्थ है कि जहां पाँचों तत्वों का समावेश है | पृथ्वी पर जल, वायु, अग्नि, भूमि और आकाश पाँचों तत्त्व विद्यमान हैं | अर्थात पृथ्वी की प्रकृति पांच प्रकार की है और भुवनेश्वर शेष भी पंचधा प्रकृति हैं | उनके पांच मुख भी इसी प्रकृति को दर्शाते हैं | इस प्रकार स्पष्ट है कि भगवान शेष धराधारी हैं | अब परमेश्वरों कि प्रकृति को सरलता से जानिये :

क्रम संख्या परमेश्वर प्रकृति (तत्त्व)

१ ब्रह्मा आकाश
२ शंकर वायु
३ सूर्य अग्नि
४ विष्णु जल
५ गणेश भूमि (पृथ्वी तत्त्व)
६ शेषनाग पृथ्वी

इस प्रकार हम देखते हैं कि पंच परमेश्वर (ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शिव, रवि और गणेश) केवल एक - एक तत्त्व के स्वामी हैं | पंचमुख शेष ही ऐसे हैं जो पञ्च प्रकृतियों को पृथ्वी के रूप में एक साथ धारण करते हैं | देखा जाये तो हम भारतीयों ने अपने प्राचीन ज्ञान को विस्मृत कर दिया है | विचार करने पर हम देखते हैं कि हमारी प्राचीन मान्यता अन्धविश्वास नहीं अपितु निर्विवाद सत्य है |


दिवाकर शर्मा
फ्लैट नंबर ११, प्लाट नंबर २५,
जे एंड के विस्तार,
लक्ष्मी नगर,
दिल्ली ११००९२

Message Title: Sanskrit Discussion Forum
Message#: 642 Date: Sunday, November 18, 2012 -- 6:27:43 AM
Guest's Name: Biswajit Dash - बिश्वजित् दाश
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha - भुवनेस्वर, ओडिशा Country: India - भारत
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Welcome to

We are pleased to introduce Sanskrit Discussion Forum. If you wish, you can visit this and register your email and become a member of the forum. This can be accessed from the link - Discussion Forum.

Over the years, since the day of inception in 2005, the need of a collaborative forum for all Sanskrit readers had been sincerly felt. Though we do have this Guest Book to accept views, feedback, and queries; it was not possible for readers to participate in any collaborative discussion.

With this newly introduced "Sanskrit Discussion Forum", we hope to build a larger group of readers which can come together online and share/discuss on Sanskrit, which will help bring Sanskrit to our daily life.

While the Discussion Forum will provide a platform for knowledge sharing and discussions, this Guest Book will continue to accept your feedback, queries etc.

! ! ! Happy Knowledge Sharing & Discussion ! ! !

Message Title: Slokam for wedding from Vedas
Message#: 641 Date: Saturday, November 17, 2012 -- 6:57:33 AM
Guest's Name: S.Krishnaswamy
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please provide an appropriate sloka to insert in my son's wedding card

Message Title: sansrit essay on india my country
Message#: 640 Date: Friday, November 16, 2012 -- 1:27:13 PM
Guest's Name: anushree
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want an sanskrit essay about india can u help ??

Message Title: dhatu
Message#: 639 Date: Monday, November 05, 2012 -- 2:13:09 PM
Guest's Name: saudamini
Guest's Address: C-006 (ground floor) Yamuna Apartments Alaknanda, Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i am a phd scholar need to learn sanskrit

Message Title: Sanskrit Vartalap
Message#: 638 Date: Monday, October 29, 2012 -- 12:17:59 PM
Guest's Name: Tanzeel
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please Provide me a vartalap of three persons.

Message Title: Wedding Shlok
Message#: 637 Date: Saturday, October 27, 2012 -- 1:57:06 PM
Guest's Name: shishir pal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am looking for slokas to print on a wedding invitation card. Kindly send the translation also.

Message Title: slokas for my wedding card
Message#: 636 Date: Saturday, October 27, 2012 -- 6:21:40 AM
Guest's Name: Gayathri
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hello Madam/Sir very happy to see a website for sanskrit slogas... please help me to print a sloga in my wedding card. My wedding is on Nov17 &18.Il be happy if u send a sloka now Regards Gayathri

Message Title: Regrets to English spelling
Message#: 635 Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 -- 10:17:09 AM
Guest's Name: Hitesh Purohit
Guest's Address: L. E. College, MORBI 363 642 Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Details in the "Quotes On Sanskrit Language & Heritage: " contains spelling of the word great is to be checked.

Message Title: encouraging about sanskrit
Message#: 633 Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 -- 2:21:14 PM
Guest's Name: neeta ambani
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

this is a superbbb website of sanskrit. i like it you should add letters, e_mails, reports etc. hope u will.

Message Title: compliments
Message#: 632 Date: Sunday, September 09, 2012 -- 12:09:57 PM
Guest's Name: Raghavendra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Compliments for putting up this excellent site. I am thrilled with your tutorial section. Now I know most of Sanskrit grammar. Waiting for you to upload remaining topics. You have done immense service to Sanskrit literacy.All the best.

Message Title: Thanks you and Proud of you..!
Message#: 628 Date: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 -- 3:02:28 PM
Guest's Name: Raviprakash
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I whole heartedly appreciate your efforts to bring the sacred language Samskrithum to the easy access of the public. I was a topper in Sanskrit always (in school days) , but coming to the IT world kind of lost a touch. Your site is really amazing. It just gave me a wakeup call ..thanks for that. I have incorporated samkritum in my life and want to continue with it.

Message Title: Dictionary not working
Message#: 627 Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 -- 11:32:20 AM
Guest's Name: Girish
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi Dash, Looks like the dictionary is not working. I tried searching for the meaning of an english word, but it gave no results. Girish

<u>Response from team</u>: <br> Hello Girish. It is pleasure to see an entry from someone personally known. On the dictionary, it is working fine. However, it may be possible the word you were looking for may not be existing in the dictionary. If you can share the word, I can add it to the dictionary. <br> <br> Biswajit Dash

Message Title: Namaskaramulu
Message#: 622 Date: Saturday, July 21, 2012 -- 5:10:42 PM
Guest's Name: Shankar Narayana
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I thank you all who have contributed even a min for this site. I can’t keep my feelings in words; let me do something to make your hard work worthwhile.

Message Title: Abhinandan wa Shubhechha!
Message#: 621 Date: Friday, July 20, 2012 -- 7:55:59 AM
Guest's Name: Sameer Joshi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This site makes me feel very happy each time I visit. Please keep adding Shlokas and such nice verse from our most historic and best language - Sanskrut!

Message Title: Request
Message#: 620 Date: Friday, July 20, 2012 -- 2:04:18 AM
Guest's Name: Balai Canchi Sistla
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Shubhodayam! The site was excellent and informative. I felt adding one more thing would fetch fullfilment to this site. Audio support to all mantars and slokas. I can read the them from the site, thats ok but how would I know the ups and downs of accent, dragging voice sometime, etc? Would you think it in this way and let know when added? All the best and my high regards to all those took strain to made this site possible. CS Balaji Sharma

Message Title: any paragraph on description of a place
Message#: 609 Date: Saturday, July 07, 2012 -- 1:19:11 AM
Guest's Name: Garry
Guest's Address: Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

any paragraph on description of a place which a person usually visits during vacations ?

Message Title: sanskrit - the soul language
Message#: 608 Date: Thursday, July 05, 2012 -- 7:06:49 AM
Guest's Name: Bhatt Vishal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Really best site. Thank u v.much :-)... Eagerly waintin 4 d rest incomplete grammar chapters :-)...plz publish dem :-)...... Really gr8 site. Gbu

Message Title: Sanskrit Learning
Message#: 601 Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 -- 2:27:34 PM
Guest's Name: Raju Shaikh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

what should be do for learning sanskrit???

Message Title: Online course "Training in Sanskrit Pronunciation"
Message#: 593 Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 -- 9:58:26 AM
Guest's Name: Vidvan Gauranga dasa
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Sirs, We are happy to announce that we are offering an online course "Training in Sanskrit Pronunciation" which will be useful to one and all interested in Sanskrit. Registration for the course will be open throughout the year. The charges are minimal. Please see further details at Yours in the service of Lord Krishna, Vidvan Gauranga dasa

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 585 Date: Sunday, June 03, 2012 -- 3:58:56 AM
Guest's Name: JaishankarJshankarp
Guest's Address: Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am impressed by the website. I intend using it extensively in my learning.

Message Title: Sanskrit fonts and keyboard
Message#: 576 Date: Sunday, May 13, 2012 -- 2:27:57 PM
Guest's Name: Jegajothy Vythilingam
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: usa
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I am researching to type in Sanskrit for Microsoft Word using the Mangal font. Does anyone know the step by step instructions on how to install the font and also the keyboard. Thank u

Message Title: dictionaries in sanskrit/english-english/sanskrit
Message#: 572 Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 -- 12:42:03 AM
Guest's Name: robert moratoya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: u.s.a.
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

l, loooking for a dictionarie as mentioned above

Message Title: Dhanyavad
Message#: 571 Date: Saturday, April 21, 2012 -- 9:13:10 AM
Guest's Name: Dr. Nikhil K
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I wish to thank all who made this site possible. this site is a wonderful learning resource to understand sanskrit. I am a doctor by profession, who always felt sorry not able to learn sanskrit during my academic years and this language always filled me with wonder and awe. i am grateful to this site to allow me to learn this language.

Message Title: Thank you
Message#: 568 Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 -- 4:35:22 PM
Guest's Name: shubha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Thank you sir for your efforts. One of the best site I have come across to learn samskritam. bahu dhaynayaavadaH krupya continue with this noble work Hari Om shubha

Message Title: great work with some Typos
Message#: 565 Date: Thursday, March 29, 2012 -- 7:34:55 PM
Guest's Name: Raama
Guest's Address: Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi, Let me congratulate the team for putting this website together. However I want to point to some mistakes could be clear typos. its बहुवचन (bahuvachana) not वहुवचन (Vahuvachana) similarly its Subanta not suvanta. clearly there is a confusion between va and ba. I would appreciate if you can make these little corrections. Raama

Message Title: संस्कृत-हिन्दी शब्दकोश
Message#: 564 Date: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 -- 6:20:23 AM
Guest's Name: अनुनाद सिंह
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

यदि यह शब्दकोश एक टेक्स्ट फाइल के रूप में या एक एचटीएमएल फाइल के रूप में डाउनलोड के लिये उपलब्ध हो तो बहुत से लोगों को लाभ होगा।

Message Title: NIce Site
Message#: 557 Date: Saturday, February 18, 2012 -- 1:41:59 PM
Guest's Name: Hannan Reuben
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Israel
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

good site and really hard work to do this...keep up the good work.

Message Title: THANK U
Message#: 530 Date: Friday, January 06, 2012 -- 2:42:30 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i really wanna thank u for making this type of site because i am a student of class 8th and i got a holiday homework my holiday homework was to make 5 crosswords in sanskrit and i got it at this site i really loved it..... once again thank u...:-)

Message#: 508 Date: Friday, December 16, 2011 -- 10:42:43 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: certain fault committed by you
Message#: 503 Date: Friday, December 02, 2011 -- 4:09:19 PM
Guest's Name: jk chandra sekhar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I tried to attempt a test here. I got a fault in the same. a boy is going home - baalah grihat gachchati. Is it not the mistake?

Message Title: इन्द्रजाल
Message#: 502 Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 -- 7:14:00 AM
Guest's Name: डॉ. धर्मेन्द्र कुमार शर्मा
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: भारत
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

संस्कृत बाषा को जानने और अपनी जानकारियों को बढ़ाने के लिए एक सम्पूर्ण और परिपक्व इन्द्रजाल है। इस इन्द्रजाल को बनाने और संस्कृत भाषा के प्रचार-प्रसार के लिएृ आप सभी को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद।

Message Title: Sanskrit Crossword Puzzles
Message#: 76 Date: Friday, November 07, 2008 -- 10:40:04 AM
Guest's Name: team
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Orissa Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website: - Sanskrit Crosswrod Puzzle

Welcome to

In our continuing effort to spread Sanskrit we are happy to introduce the Sanskrit version of famous word game Crossword Puzzles. We have started with puzzles covering different themes, along with their solutions. The puzzles can be accessed at - Crossword Puzzles.

You can also contribute crossword puzzles. We will check those for correctness and publish along with your name. While authoring few rules are to be followed. The rules are listed in the puzzle page. For submitting a puzzle or for any queries please write to us at

! ! ! Happy Puzzle Solving ! ! !

Message Title: Learn Sanskrit Online - Test, Dictionary, Shloka, Stories, Grammar
Message#: 29 Date: Monday, May 19, 2008 -- 1:01:39 PM
Guest's Name: team
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Orissa Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Welcome to In our continuing effort to spread Sanskrit we have included the following online features in our website. These will help learning Sanskrit easily, and are free to use.

Online Test: You can undergo online-tests to test your knowledge on Sanskrit grammar, literature and shloka. Each test will list a set of 20 randomly selected objective type questions for you to answer. On completion, the result is displayed immediately, along with detailed answers. Each such test is given an unique Test Id and we preserve all such test sessions for your reference. Using the Test Id you can view your earlier tests. You can undergo any number of online-tests. (Online Test)

Online Dictionary: 5000+ words for day-to-day use, collected from different sources are in the dictionary. You can search words as Sanskrit-English, English-Sanskrit and ITRANS-Sanskrit. More words are being added to the dictionary. (Online Dictionary)

Online Shloka: A collection of shlokas and mantras are in the "Shloka" section, categorised as Chanakya Neeti, Subhattiam, Peace Mantras and Mantras. More such shlokas are being collected. (Shloka Collection)

Online Grammar: Basic Sanskrit grammar has been detailed in "Grammar &amp; Tutorial" section. Content for advanced grammar is being written. (Online Grammar Tutorial)

ASP.NET Web Service: We have exposed the Online Dictionary and Shloka as web services. If you are building any Sanskrit Software, these web services can be consumed to get the data from data repository. (ASP.NET Web Service&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;Service WSDL)

Besides these we have different pages for literature, stories, Sanskrit website links, book publishers etc. We keep on adding more contents, to cover different aspects of Sanskrit language and literature. So, do keep visiting the different sections.

Message Title: Email from 'Himanshu R Pota'
Message#: 2 Date: Sunday, May 07, 2006 -- 4:58:26 AM
Guest's Name: team on behalf of 'Himanshu R Pota'
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Australia
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Following email was received from 'Himanshu R Pota', which we thought of posting here. We appreciate the message in Sanskrit.

नमो नमः|
संस्कृतशिक्षणाय भवन्तः जाल-पत्रः ( अतीव सुन्दरः अस्ति| भवद्भ्यः अस्माकं शुभकामनाः| मम आशा अस्ति भवतां जाल-पत्रः अस्मान् चिरकालपर्यन्तं संस्कृतं शिक्षयिष्यति|

अहमपि संस्कृतशिक्षणस्य प्रयासं करोमि | तत् प्रयासं पश्यन्तु

विशेषरूपे मम नित्यवाक्यानि पश्यन्तु

तत्र मासस्य पत्रे नित्यवाक्यानि सन्ति| उदाहरणतः

मम सर्वस्य जालपत्रस्य सूची अस्ति

धन्यवादाः, त्रुटयः क्षमध्वम्|


हिमांशु पोटा
केन्बरा, औस्ट्रेलिया

Message Title: First Entry - प्रथमः आवलि
Message#: 1 Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 -- 7:45:06 AM
Guest's Name: Biswajit Dash - बिश्वजित् दाश
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Orissa - भुवनेस्वर, ओडिशा Country: India - भारत
Guest's Email:,
Refered Website:

Greetings, Welcome to

Here you will find useful information on Sanskrit language and literature. Please give us your inputs and feedbacks, so that we can improve our contents.

Also if you know of any useful sources related to Sanskrit, please let us know. We will try to include those in our reference pages.

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