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Guest Book

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Message Title: Guestbook Moderation Process Re-activated
Message#: 945 Date: Sunday, February 21, 2021 -- 12:26:25 PM
Guest's Name: team
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Welcome to

On SAMSKRUTAM portal the "guestbook" has remained an important medium of communication enabling us receive feedback from readers and act on the same; and it will remain so for days to come.

In the spirit of open and ease communication, for long, the moderation process was suppressed, so that readers' posts appear immediately in the guestbook. Unfortunately, it has been observed that spammers keep posting unsolicited and inappropriate posts; which not only drowns the genuine feedback from readers, but also degrades the sanctity of the SAMSKRUTAM online platform.

To safeguard against such unwelcome entries getting automatically posted, we are re-activating the moderation process. With this, readers may experience a gap of a day or two before their entries are visible in the guestbook.

Please do continue sharing your feedback through this guestbook and email, as you have been over the years.

Message Title: Volunteer Content Writers
Message#: 763 Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 -- 3:56:55 AM
Guest's Name: SAMSKRUTAM - Sanskrit & Indology Foundation
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

SAMSKRUTAM is in need of volunteers who can write content on wide range topics on Sanskrit-and-Indic subject and help build the envisaged online knowledge repository. This being a volunteer request, it is well suited for students who are persuing MA/BA/Kovida/etc., in Sanskrit, and would like to share their knowledge on the subject by writing for the portal.

To know more about the type of content being written please read Write for SAMSKRUTAM page.

The names of volunteers alongwith their content contributions will be mentioned in the Content Creators page of the SAMSKRUTAM portal. If you would like to be part of this initiative, please email at

Message Title: Sanskrit Discussion Forum
Message#: 642 Date: Sunday, November 18, 2012 -- 6:27:43 AM
Guest's Name: Biswajit Dash - बिश्वजित् दाश
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha - भुवनेस्वर, ओडिशा Country: India - भारत
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Welcome to

We are pleased to introduce Sanskrit Discussion Forum. If you wish, you can visit this and register your email and become a member of the forum. This can be accessed from the link - Discussion Forum.

Over the years, since the day of inception in 2005, the need of a collaborative forum for all Sanskrit readers had been sincerly felt. Though we do have this Guest Book to accept views, feedback, and queries; it was not possible for readers to participate in any collaborative discussion.

With this newly introduced "Sanskrit Discussion Forum", we hope to build a larger group of readers which can come together online and share/discuss on Sanskrit, which will help bring Sanskrit to our daily life.

While the Discussion Forum will provide a platform for knowledge sharing and discussions, this Guest Book will continue to accept your feedback, queries etc.

! ! ! Happy Knowledge Sharing & Discussion ! ! !

Message Title: Sanskrit Daily Newspaper
Message#: 488 Date: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 -- 5:38:33 PM
Guest's Name: D .C .Bhatt.
Guest's Address: Surat (Gujarat ) Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Namonamh, Respected sir, I have started Daily Sanskrit Newspaper named Vishvasya Vrutantam.since 6 months. At present we publish Current News with photos as well as photo lines,Lokkatha, filmy news,religious metters,Abroad News, Indian News, and some sp. stories. sir, we need some extra articles written by teachers / students.we will publish with their name / photo.(if possible) yours faithfully D.C.Bhatt -Publisher

Message#: 484 Date: Sunday, November 06, 2011 -- 7:19:18 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have wrote a number of religious "Knols" in Hindi like "कर्मण्येवा अधिकारस्ते...... ' पंक्ति का अर्थ क्या है ?". "भगवान शेष ही धराधारी हैं", "अध्यात्म - अनिवार्य विषय हो","ब्रह्म प्रकृति" etc. in website. You will find my Knols worth displaying and useful for your Sanskrit site.

Message Title: thanking you
Message#: 471 Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 -- 5:30:18 PM
Guest's Name: harsh nandan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i am really overwhelmed and very haapy to see this site. thanks to you sir for creating this. i was searching for some mantras of ganesha but i could not find it in here. so i request you to put all the mantras of all the lords accordingly that have been described in our vedas and upnishadas..

Message Title: learniing
Message#: 468 Date: Friday, October 14, 2011 -- 6:59:09 PM
Guest's Name: jam nilal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

hi, i want to learn sanskrit, can you please reffer me to some book in urdu or english to learn sanskrit. thank you

Message Title: Spoken Sanskrit Organisation to be Added
Message#: 460 Date: Sunday, September 18, 2011 -- 5:38:29 AM
Guest's Name: Lokabhasha Prachara Samitih
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

You have missed an organisation "LOKABHASHA PRACHRA SAMITIH" established in 1983 at Puri, Odisha state, India which is working for spread of spoken sanskrit its URL is visit this site and include its details you can contact us at the given e-mail ID or the ID given in the ewbsite

Message Title: Good Site for learner
Message#: 457 Date: Monday, September 12, 2011 -- 9:08:12 AM
Guest's Name: Pramod Kushwaha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have enrolled for learning Sanskrit through Correspondence Course from Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. This site provides additional exercises. The Tutorials, ONLINE TEST are wonderful for any beginner who wants to learn Sanskrit.

Message Title: The name of a very old Sanskrit Organisation is missing in your List
Message#: 443 Date: Saturday, August 13, 2011 -- 4:13:29 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

LOKABHASHA PRACHARA SAMITIH was established in 1983 in JAGANNATH DHAM PURI, ORISSA for promoting sanskrit language through general people. But sadly you have not listed it. Please go through its website, verify and enlist them.

Message Title: Sanskrit books
Message#: 442 Date: Thursday, August 11, 2011 -- 7:11:16 AM
Guest's Name: AVR Rao
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

You are doing a noble service to humanity in developing this website. Please continue to update this and make it more informative and self-contained. Till that is done, please give URLs to find relevant information.

Message Title: about your website
Message#: 441 Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 -- 5:45:23 PM
Guest's Name: shaurya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

you folks have done an incredible job, we love you !!! when everybody is going after western culture, everybody is copying the western life style blindly even our government officials , you are few of those people who have put somne effort to rearrange and present the "gyan ke moti"( pearls of knowledge to us in a very efficient way . please do increase the content of guru vandana and chanakya neeti, and upnishad mantras.

Message Title: Request for including in mailing list
Message#: 436 Date: Friday, August 05, 2011 -- 5:46:05 AM
Guest's Name: Prof. Ramana M.V
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sir ! Congrats for the sanskrit site . really it is a unique contribution. I would be glad if you could include me in the mailing list. Prof. Ramana

Message Title: Sanskrit translation tool kit & sanskrit word net
Message#: 434 Date: Thursday, August 04, 2011 -- 2:56:30 PM
Guest's Name: Prof. Mrs M.V.RAMANA
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

this web site is extremely useful for all sanskrit scholars. kindly try to develop Sanskrit translation tool kit & sanskrit word net . which would be a unique contribution Congrats & wishing success Ramana

Message Title: suggestion for online test
Message#: 429 Date: Thursday, July 21, 2011 -- 11:38:21 AM
Guest's Name: smruti bhate
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

namo nam: i just tried to solve this test - id 989e48c9-b18c-4cc3-8478-3045f33197af I loved this idea. A great effort indeed. By mistake a few typo-errors are left. please take a note. Que.4 answer should be इत: + तत: Que.14 answer - पुच्छम् + इव Que.20 says the boy going to home, means it gives the home as the destination/ target, and not the source. The explanation given is very precise, but the answer doesnot match. it should be option A.

Message Title: minor mistake
Message#: 428 Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 -- 2:51:00 AM
Guest's Name: piush
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: CH
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear reader I started studying your excellent project and just jumbled over a small slip of error, I think: 'you all are reading - युयं पठथ / yuyam paThata' should transliterate 'paThatha' thank you for your generous offer piush

Message Title: Vedavani & Devvani
Message#: 418 Date: Monday, July 18, 2011 -- 3:55:16 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: BHARAT[INDIA]
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sir / Madam ! I am interested in Vedavani and Sanskrit working by your consideration Thanks.

Message Title: Thank you so much
Message#: 416 Date: Friday, July 15, 2011 -- 9:32:44 AM
Guest's Name: Dipen Vipani
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I think this is a comprehensive site for Sanskrita and i loved the way every sloka has been explained....

Message Title: I am teacher in astrology in ICAS
Message#: 414 Date: Thursday, July 14, 2011 -- 5:45:03 AM
Guest's Name: Dr.S.C.Kursija
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: I am not computer engineer and do not know URL meaning or function

I am interested in spreading sanskrit

Message Title: Reference of a Sanskrit Daily
Message#: 412 Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 -- 5:55:53 AM
Guest's Name: Rajesha N
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I would like to bring your notice towards a Sanskrit Daily which is been publishing from past 42 Years, Hope its reference can be added into your site. Address:- Sudharma Sanskrit Daily Editor: Sri KV Sampath Kumar No. 561, 2nd cross, Ramachandra Agrahara, Mysore - 570 004 Karnataka INDIA 0821-244-2835 Regd. No. KA/SK/MYS-107/09-11 R.N.I. No. 20007/70 E-mail : E-paper : Phone : 0821-2442835 / 4287835

Message Title: Literature
Message#: 409 Date: Sunday, July 03, 2011 -- 7:00:59 AM
Guest's Name: Ishika
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Literature section should be expanded and guests should be given d chance 2 post info.

Message Title: Great thank you and request
Message#: 394 Date: Sunday, June 19, 2011 -- 10:12:19 PM
Guest's Name: Swami Tapasyananda
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

First I would like to say THANK YOU for the wonderful and comprehensive website. I am studying Sanskrit in Self study and I found your website extremely useful! I would like to ask please to complete the detailed pages on all the pratyayas. Thank you!!!

Message Title: sanskrit mei shistachaar par shlok
Message#: 389 Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 -- 5:46:09 AM
Guest's Name: mahesh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: no

r/- NAMASTAY. KRIPYA sanskrit mei shistachaar par shlok MEI HELP KAREI.

Message Title: shubham bhavatu
Message#: 383 Date: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 -- 4:38:27 PM
Guest's Name: deepal parekh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Bharat
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Iam learning sanskrit and am happy that I have a help at hand.

Message Title: THANK YOU
Message#: 377 Date: Friday, May 13, 2011 -- 1:43:22 PM
Guest's Name: Tanya Chauhan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

thank you very much for the slokas...i can write this slokas in my copy. once more thank you.:-) -tanya

Message Title: Learning Sanskrit.
Message#: 359 Date: Monday, March 28, 2011 -- 7:04:10 AM
Guest's Name: Yashvant Palsule
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sanskrit was a compulsory subject in schooldays Oh! that was some 65 years back. though i rememer some what I am not fluent now. While browsing I hit upon your site and lo I am now delighted I can freshan up. Thanks a lot for your efforts.

Message Title: Sanskrit learning
Message#: 346 Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 -- 5:39:37 AM
Guest's Name: C R Ananthanarayanan Iyer
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I did my schooling in Tamil and did not learn any other Indian languages. I find it difficult to learn Samskrutham as it has four letters for its Tamil equivalent (example in Tamil there is only one Cha but in Sanmskrutham we have Cha, Chha, Jha Jhha. Kindly explain me how to differenciate and learn the languagr. Ananthanarayanan

Message Title: please provide meanong of slok
Message#: 333 Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011 -- 3:39:41 PM
Guest's Name: amruta
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

""shantakaram chaturhast shrona nakshatra vallabham vishnukamal patranksham dhyayed garud vahnam""""" please provide me MEANING OF ABOVE MENTIONED SLOK THANK YOU

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 331 Date: Monday, February 14, 2011 -- 5:59:52 PM
Guest's Name: Ravi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: US
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Owner, You and your team have a done a wonderful job in creating this website and helping people learn our ancient language. Kudos to all of you ! Regards, Ravi

Message Title: error
Message#: 329 Date: Sunday, February 06, 2011 -- 10:58:11 PM
Guest's Name: madhusudan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: usa
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Today is my first day trying to learn Sanskrit with the help of your website.(Jan.27,2010) My observations. Girl / वाला / vaalaa (Femenine / स्त्रीलिङ्ग / striiliN^ga) Had understood that Sanskrit word for girl is बाला. Kindly clarify. Madhusudan

Message Title: identification of gender
Message#: 328 Date: Sunday, February 06, 2011 -- 10:55:49 PM
Guest's Name: madhusudan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: usa
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Have gone through your website. Could you kindly tell me if you have addressed the following 1) how is the gender identified?(eg words ending with का, ई is feminine ) 2)What is the reasoning behind assigning a masculine gender to an inanimate thing. eg.दर्पन,विधुदीप् ३)Feminine--जनविका,यानपेतिका OR could you guide me to any contents which has dealt clearly on this subject . Await your response/clarification. Madhusudan Mansata

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 327 Date: Saturday, February 05, 2011 -- 4:27:53 PM
Guest's Name: Subham
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: 23<235sdlflk>

This is very useful side.

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 325 Date: Saturday, January 29, 2011 -- 2:14:54 PM
Guest's Name: Sourav Acharya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

it is a good sanskrit website

Message Title: samaasah
Message#: 323 Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 -- 5:35:03 PM
Guest's Name: Kristie Ray
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: 99
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i really need to learn samaas.i want to know when the tutorial will make available pages on samaasah.

Message Title: aksharam tel no.
Message#: 312 Date: Monday, January 10, 2011 -- 2:16:22 PM
Guest's Name: latha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

sir, i found the aksharam telephone number in the beginning of this article, long outdated! it consists of 7 digits that is no more prevalent. it is very important to update your articles on the web. i am a bangalorean and i could understand that digit 2 has to be prefixed to it. but what about people from other places/countries?? hope to see the correction soon. namaste.

Message Title: सद्गुरुम् sadgurum
Message#: 311 Date: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 -- 7:25:34 PM
Guest's Name: श्रीहरप्रसादः haraprasAda mahApAtra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: bhAratawarSam
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

ब्रह्मानन्दं परमसुखदं केवळंज्ञानमूर्त्तिं द्वन्द्वातीतं गगनसदृशं तत्त्वम्अस्यादिलक्षम्। एकंनित्यं विमळम्अचळं सर्वधीसाक्षिभूतं भावातीतं त्रिगुणरहितं सद्गुरुं तं नमामि।।

Message Title: Shuddhadwait Vedantanusaren Shrimadbhagwatasya Samikshatmakam Adhyayanam
Message#: 305 Date: Monday, December 20, 2010 -- 11:14:24 AM
Guest's Name: Ulhas Martand Pradhan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Date:27th September 2010/20th December 2010 Dear Sir, Shuddhadwait Vedant is a very very subtle sub ject and through numerous "Shruti Vakyas" found in all the Adhyayas of Shrimad Brahmasutranubhashyam grantha we feel that we go very near to the heart of Shrimad Vallabhacharya and his son Shrimad Vitthaleshji. If one wants to study in depth the subtalities of Shrimad Brahmasutra whose rachanakar is the great saint Shrimad Vyasa Maharshi then its Anubhashya by these two great exponents of Vallabh Vedant will definitely serve ones purpose. The more you study in depth the sutras esp Bhashya Prakash and Rashmi as narrated in Brahmasutranubhashyam granth one realises the indepth study of these Vallabh Vedant scholars. Say for example the bhashya on Brahma Sutra "Shabdaccha". Above and numerous Brahma Sutras as explained in all the adhyayas of the great granth " Brahmasutranubhashyam" written by these two great scholars will give us in depth knowledge of the Shuddha Adwait Vedant philosophy. Regards, Ulhas Pradhan Mo.No09930142924

Message Title: Great work done and helpful in learning sanskrit and it is also helpful to school students in doing the homework and assignemts
Message#: 296 Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 -- 4:05:13 PM
Guest's Name: Pankaj gupta
Guest's Address: Delhi Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Great work done and helpful in learning sanskrit and it is also helpful to school students in doing the homework and assignemts. Please also try to make it interactive,as there are some very small querries for u, but very difficult for us, that can be answered by u and ur staff in seconds. Thank a lot for providing such a beautiful work on the website

Message Title: Hindi transalation for Vakratunda Mahakaya and Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu
Message#: 290 Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010 -- 6:16:23 AM
Guest's Name: Shweta Johari
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Pls send me the hindi transalation for 1. Vakratunda Mahakaya 2. Mangalam bhagwan Vishnu Mangalam Garudwadhaj

Message Title: sanskrit words meaning
Message#: 286 Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010 -- 4:53:44 PM
Guest's Name: shreekunjmandapam
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

great work, its delight that someone takes so much pain to provide this beautiful information thanks

Message Title: शंशोधनार्थं
Message#: 285 Date: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 -- 7:01:12 AM
Guest's Name: देवानन्द शुक्लः
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

मान्याः कृपया एतस्य वाक्यस्य मुख्यपृष्ठे संशोधनं कुर्वन्तु इति मे निवेदनम् । आगच्छन्तु प्रतिदिन जीवने वयं शुध्द संस्कृतं कथयिष्यामः (अशुद्धम्) आगच्छन्तु प्रतिदिन-जीवने वयं शुद्धं संस्कृतं कथयिष्यामः (शुद्धम्)

Message Title: To know the originity
Message#: 284 Date: Sunday, November 07, 2010 -- 1:58:20 PM
Guest's Name: Dr. Harprakash Sharma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear sir, first of all i thank you for creating this wonderful site . Will you please let me know who has written and in which book " Sarvey bahvantu sukhinah Sarvey Santu Nirmaye Sarvey bhadrayani pashyantu ma kaschychit dukh bhaak bhavet" Awaiting your reply. Harparkash

Message Title: Expressing gratefulness!!
Message#: 277 Date: Monday, October 25, 2010 -- 10:20:07 AM
Guest's Name: Yatin Narendrabhai Pathak
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

You have done a fantastic job to give the best to future generations.

Message Title: find the slokas in sanscrit with their meaning
Message#: 261 Date: Friday, October 08, 2010 -- 9:38:34 AM
Guest's Name: Paban Sharma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am always interested to find out what is there in our sanscrit literature. But most of the site that I have visited are in english without putting "original sloka" neaby. I want to visualize the things in my own way. If you can help me, Thank you Prof. Dr.Paban Sharma

Message Title: Reference of Sanskrit Shloka
Message#: 259 Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 -- 3:00:40 AM
Guest's Name: Braj
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I wanted to know the reference of the shloka given on the top left hand corner of this page Sarve bhavantu sukhinah sarve santu niramayaah Sarve bhadrani pashyantu ma kashit dukhbhagbhavet

Message Title: Sanskrit Crossword Puzzles
Message#: 76 Date: Friday, November 07, 2008 -- 10:40:04 AM
Guest's Name: team
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Orissa Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website: - Sanskrit Crosswrod Puzzle

Welcome to

In our continuing effort to spread Sanskrit we are happy to introduce the Sanskrit version of famous word game Crossword Puzzles. We have started with puzzles covering different themes, along with their solutions. The puzzles can be accessed at - Crossword Puzzles.

You can also contribute crossword puzzles. We will check those for correctness and publish along with your name. While authoring few rules are to be followed. The rules are listed in the puzzle page. For submitting a puzzle or for any queries please write to us at

! ! ! Happy Puzzle Solving ! ! !

Message Title: Learn Sanskrit Online - Test, Dictionary, Shloka, Stories, Grammar
Message#: 29 Date: Monday, May 19, 2008 -- 1:01:39 PM
Guest's Name: team
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Orissa Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Welcome to In our continuing effort to spread Sanskrit we have included the following online features in our website. These will help learning Sanskrit easily, and are free to use.

Online Test: You can undergo online-tests to test your knowledge on Sanskrit grammar, literature and shloka. Each test will list a set of 20 randomly selected objective type questions for you to answer. On completion, the result is displayed immediately, along with detailed answers. Each such test is given an unique Test Id and we preserve all such test sessions for your reference. Using the Test Id you can view your earlier tests. You can undergo any number of online-tests. (Online Test)

Online Dictionary: 5000+ words for day-to-day use, collected from different sources are in the dictionary. You can search words as Sanskrit-English, English-Sanskrit and ITRANS-Sanskrit. More words are being added to the dictionary. (Online Dictionary)

Online Shloka: A collection of shlokas and mantras are in the "Shloka" section, categorised as Chanakya Neeti, Subhattiam, Peace Mantras and Mantras. More such shlokas are being collected. (Shloka Collection)

Online Grammar: Basic Sanskrit grammar has been detailed in "Grammar &amp; Tutorial" section. Content for advanced grammar is being written. (Online Grammar Tutorial)

ASP.NET Web Service: We have exposed the Online Dictionary and Shloka as web services. If you are building any Sanskrit Software, these web services can be consumed to get the data from data repository. (ASP.NET Web Service&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;Service WSDL)

Besides these we have different pages for literature, stories, Sanskrit website links, book publishers etc. We keep on adding more contents, to cover different aspects of Sanskrit language and literature. So, do keep visiting the different sections.

Message Title: Email from 'Himanshu R Pota'
Message#: 2 Date: Sunday, May 07, 2006 -- 4:58:26 AM
Guest's Name: team on behalf of 'Himanshu R Pota'
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Australia
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Following email was received from 'Himanshu R Pota', which we thought of posting here. We appreciate the message in Sanskrit.

नमो नमः|
संस्कृतशिक्षणाय भवन्तः जाल-पत्रः ( अतीव सुन्दरः अस्ति| भवद्भ्यः अस्माकं शुभकामनाः| मम आशा अस्ति भवतां जाल-पत्रः अस्मान् चिरकालपर्यन्तं संस्कृतं शिक्षयिष्यति|

अहमपि संस्कृतशिक्षणस्य प्रयासं करोमि | तत् प्रयासं पश्यन्तु

विशेषरूपे मम नित्यवाक्यानि पश्यन्तु

तत्र मासस्य पत्रे नित्यवाक्यानि सन्ति| उदाहरणतः

मम सर्वस्य जालपत्रस्य सूची अस्ति

धन्यवादाः, त्रुटयः क्षमध्वम्|


हिमांशु पोटा
केन्बरा, औस्ट्रेलिया

Message Title: First Entry - प्रथमः आवलि
Message#: 1 Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 -- 7:45:06 AM
Guest's Name: Biswajit Dash - बिश्वजित् दाश
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Orissa - भुवनेस्वर, ओडिशा Country: India - भारत
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