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Guest Book

Welcome to Guest Book. You can give your opinions, inputs and feedbacks about this website by making an entry in the guest book. Your feedbacks will help us improve information in this site. Do feel free to suggest reference to other useful Sanskrit related sources, that we can add in our pages.

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Message Title: want to learn sanskrit
Message#: 1004 Date: Friday, March 4, 2022 -- 11:10:16 PM
Guest's Name: ramita sharma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want to learn Sanskrit.I know hindi well but have never studies sanskrit.I want to know how to start

Message Title: dhanyavaadaha
Message#: 1003 Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022 -- 8:33:50 PM
Guest's Name: Latha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Ji, Thank you very much for your detailed explanation of vibhakthis. It really helps me to understand. God bless!

Message Title: Indica Courses
Message#: 1001 Date: Thursday, February 10, 2022 -- 6:46:21 AM
Guest's Name: Indica Courses
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Indica Courses is a platform for lifelong learners who share their belief in the transformative power of timeless indigenous wisdom. They create and curate online courses across multiple disciplines of global indigenous knowledge systems. Contact Indica Courses today!

Message Title: link not working for Apte Dictionary
Message#: 1000 Date: Thursday, January 20, 2022 -- 4:59:31 AM
Guest's Name: Adite Banerjie
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This link for Apte dictionary is not working...

Message Title: SRIMADRAMAYANAM , BHAGAVATAM, BHAGAVATGITA or any puranas pravachanams
Message#: 999 Date: Monday, January 17, 2022 -- 4:49:02 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Any one want's to learn BHAGAVATGITA or to listen SRIMADRAMAYANAM , BHAGAVATAM or any puranas by pravachanams please contact the above.

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 987 Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 -- 3:52:08 AM
Guest's Name: Medinee Aranke
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: United States
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

How can i create and account on your site? I want to have access to taking the tests and get results.

Message Title: Website
Message#: 973 Date: Monday, November 8, 2021 -- 5:19:01 PM
Guest's Name: J Bhattacharjee
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

The website "" is "Not secure" and google discourages visiting this site. It will be wonderful if this issue is corrected and will enable many more to visit your website and benefit from the enormous amount of information on it.

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 957 Date: Monday, October 25, 2021 -- 7:05:01 PM
Guest's Name: Medinee Aranke
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: United States
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am learning sanskrit and want to take online tests.

Message Title: Feedback on the website
Message#: 954 Date: Thursday, August 5, 2021 -- 9:40:45 AM
Guest's Name: Anagha Kolhe
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Came across this website while searching for some grammar portions. Precise study material, well organized. One stop solution to all Samskrut grammar. Thank you from the bottom of heart. Some topics are missing and I am looking forward for them to be included. Please do add all topics listed in the index.

Message Title: Mobile Edition
Message#: 952 Date: Friday, July 2, 2021 -- 7:00:01 PM
Guest's Name: Tatavarty Viswanadha Rao
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

You may please consider to provide mobile edition of this URL

Message Title: Learning sanskrit
Message#: 951 Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2021 -- 5:03:27 AM
Guest's Name: priya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Malaysia
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

i would like to learn sanskrit

Message Title: Guest Post Submission
Message#: 949 Date: Friday, April 30, 2021 -- 6:04:51 PM
Guest's Address: Master Coloney, Raipur Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

MODERN SANSKRIT এর পক্ষ থেকে সকলকে ধন্যবাদ। আপনাদের জন্য আমরা এক বিশেষ টপিক (Guest Post Submission | অতিথি পোস্ট) নিয়ে এসেছি। এখানে আপনারা আপনাদের জ্ঞান কে সকলের মাঝে ছড়িয়ে দিতে পারেন ফলে অনেক সংস্কৃত পিপাসু মানুষ তথ্য সমৃদ্ধ হতে পারবে। তাই সকলকে আহ্বান করছি আপনারা আপনাদের নিজস্ব কিছু লেখা আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে প্রকাশ করুন। বিশেষ শর্তাবলী আপনার লেখাটি অবশ্যই নিজস্বতা থাকতে হবে কোন ওয়েবসাইট থেকে কপি করা চলবে না। লেখার পূর্বে একটি টাইটেল বেছে নেবেন এবং কি সম্বন্ধে লেখা সেটিও আপনারা অবশ্যই লিখবেন।

Message Title: Vibakthi
Message#: 948 Date: Sunday, April 4, 2021 -- 3:04:27 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: United States
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Namasthe, The vibakthis have been explained so well, it helped me in understanding the vibakthis, appreciate the efforts Thanks Sai

Message Title: Learning Sanskrit
Message#: 947 Date: Friday, February 26, 2021 -- 8:25:23 AM
Guest's Name: Shyamala
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want to learn sanskrit

Message Title: Guestbook Moderation Process Re-activated
Message#: 945 Date: Sunday, February 21, 2021 -- 12:26:25 PM
Guest's Name: team
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Welcome to

On SAMSKRUTAM portal the "guestbook" has remained an important medium of communication enabling us receive feedback from readers and act on the same; and it will remain so for days to come.

In the spirit of open and ease communication, for long, the moderation process was suppressed, so that readers' posts appear immediately in the guestbook. Unfortunately, it has been observed that spammers keep posting unsolicited and inappropriate posts; which not only drowns the genuine feedback from readers, but also degrades the sanctity of the SAMSKRUTAM online platform.

To safeguard against such unwelcome entries getting automatically posted, we are re-activating the moderation process. With this, readers may experience a gap of a day or two before their entries are visible in the guestbook.

Please do continue sharing your feedback through this guestbook and email, as you have been over the years.

Message Title: Ramudu
Message#: 937 Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2020 -- 3:04:06 AM
Guest's Name: Venkataraman
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Sir, I know sanskrit letters and can read text in sanskrit. I am interested in learning how to develop using the language to speak. I will be grateful for your guidance on and how to use the information published on your website to speak Sanskrit. with regards R.Venkataraman

Message Title: Indology Books Publisher
Message#: 936 Date: Monday, December 28, 2020 -- 7:03:46 AM
Guest's Name: Reva Prakashan
Guest's Address: Kishangarh, Vasant kunj, New delhi Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Reva Prakashan is an Indology Book Publisher in Delhi

Message Title: Sanskrit Publisher from kolkata
Message#: 934 Date: Friday, September 25, 2020 -- 8:48:49 AM
Guest's Name: Banaras Mercantile Co.
Guest's Address: 125,M.G.Road. KOLKATa-700007 Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Indological-Oriental Publisher from Kolkata.

Message Title: Nurturing Children in Sanskrit
Message#: 926 Date: Thursday, September 17, 2020 -- 1:18:26 PM
Guest's Name: Chandra Shekhar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I did not find any where in the website, "guide for young parents like me a path to take our children from school age towards teaching Sanskrit & Vedas".

Message Title: Sanskrit Book Publisher
Message#: 906 Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 -- 2:55:27 PM
Guest's Name: Ramlal Kapoor Trust
Guest's Address: Sonepat Country:
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

This house also publishes Sanskrit books.

Message Title: On line test
Message#: 902 Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020 -- 2:53:05 PM
Guest's Name: d,n,sarma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

When I take on line test correction person says error 1104 I cannot understand this error

Message Title: sanskrit speaking.
Message#: 901 Date: Friday, June 12, 2020 -- 5:52:02 AM
Guest's Name: aniruddha sakharam joshi.
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

dear sir, i am very much interested in sanskrit speaking, but whenever i tried to read books on sanskrit, i feel it is very difficult in reading. also sanskrit gramer is also seems to be very difficult to understand... will you please help me to learn sanskrit,... is there any online sanskrit voice chat rooms, so that i can learn, and improve my sanskrit vocabulary by practicing sanskrit.

Message Title: Tutorial
Message#: 900 Date: Thursday, June 11, 2020 -- 7:48:46 AM
Guest's Name: Swati Pande
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Tutorial is amazing. It’s very easy to understand for beginners. By giving examples and explanation on examples makes it very easy to grasp the things easily. Thank you for putting all this in simple manner. All the best for rest of the chapters to complete. Thank you 🙏

Message Title: pl complete the remaining portions of grammar tutorial
Message#: 899 Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 -- 5:02:47 PM
Guest's Name: k.s.reddy
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi sir, Appreciate your good work. pl complete the remaining portions of grammar tutorial. it would be really helpful. thanks.

Message Title: Sanskrit Grammar
Message#: 898 Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 -- 8:23:05 AM
Guest's Name: Ranipriya Hari
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Very nice website. I hope that you would be updating the remaining portions soon.

Message Title: A minor correction
Message#: 897 Date: Monday, May 18, 2020 -- 1:38:22 AM
Guest's Name: Ashok Bhagat
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Canada
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I wish to make a simple statement that in addition to Sanskrit, Mundari language also has, ekvachan, dwivachan and bahu vachan. Mundari is spoken in Jharkhand and western portions of West Bengal, chattisgarh and western parts of Odissa, by substantially large population. It is taught in Schools and Universities in JH.It is likely as old as Sanskrit.

Message Title: Spoken Sanskrit Dictionary
Message#: 896 Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2020 -- 6:25:10 AM
Guest's Name: Klaus Glashoff
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Our website has a new URL: http://spokensanskrit .org . It has changed from, which is now a commercial website which has nothing to do with spoken Sanskrit. Please check and possibly modify your links. Response from SAMSKRUTAM: We have updated the URL; now it is listed under "Sanskrit & Indology Websites/Links" page. It took us some time to notice this correction, as the entry was lost in hundreds of spam entries.

Message Title: Tumun pratyaya
Message#: 895 Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 -- 2:47:15 PM
Guest's Name: Ramana Vemu
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I went to hotel to drink milk. ....aham dugdham paathum upahaaramandiram Agachchatam ....kindly verify . Sending this in good faith and reverence. not to point out any mistakes.

Message Title: Regarding Sanskrit Website
Message#: 894 Date: Friday, May 1, 2020 -- 1:24:02 AM
Guest's Name: Vyom Shah
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sanskrit Hitaay is a good website I came through for Sanskrit Subhashitas.

Message Title: Tutorial Completion
Message#: 885 Date: Sunday, January 26, 2020 -- 2:53:23 AM
Guest's Name: Rima
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sir, Wanted to express my gratitude to you for this website. I am finding the tutorials, with the numerous examples and rules, extremely helpful! Dhanyavaadaha! Requesting you to please complete them all! Sincerely, Rima

Message Title: Journal web page throwing error
Message#: 884 Date: Thursday, January 2, 2020 -- 6:24:58 PM
Guest's Name: Sunil Skanda
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Why is the journal section of the website not working? When will we be able to post something? Please do let me know.

Message Title: Grammar
Message#: 883 Date: Sunday, December 29, 2019 -- 3:57:03 AM
Guest's Name: K.s.vijayaraghavan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am able to open only those typed in green do I access the other topics.Thanks.

Message Title: access to your web site
Message#: 882 Date: Sunday, November 24, 2019 -- 1:56:13 PM
Guest's Name: ANAND K ALSHI
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I tried to create login id but I got message that I do not have authority to login

Message Title: Basic Sanskrit Learning
Message#: 879 Date: Saturday, October 19, 2019 -- 2:45:14 PM
Guest's Name: debasis mitra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have been learning (or, rather, trying to learn this complicated language!) for last four months. I just chanced upon your website and am amazed. The presentation is lucid and get-up is fantastic. My heartfelt gratitude to the creator of this site. Is there any android app or is this available in kindle (e.g. *.mobi) format? Thanks

Message Title: ktavatu pratyayas
Message#: 878 Date: Monday, September 23, 2019 -- 5:59:17 PM
Guest's Name: HARIPRIYA
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I wanted to know whether ktavatu pratyayas are krudantas?

Response from SAMSKRUTAM: Yes.

Message Title: Bhāshā
Message#: 877 Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 -- 11:45:22 PM
Guest's Name: Govinda Thakkar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: United States
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dhanyavāda for work you are doing Do you suggest Devanāgarī fonts which can be used for music notation I was looking for VIBHAKTI for VISHNU (4th Eka vachan) Namaskāra Govinda

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 876 Date: Monday, September 9, 2019 -- 3:34:49 PM
Guest's Name: Shivathmika
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Play /bavisyakaali

Message Title: Thanks
Message#: 875 Date: Saturday, August 24, 2019 -- 5:20:11 PM
Guest's Name: Nandish Patel
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: UK
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Thank you so much for this wonderful resource!

Message Title: Samskrit
Message#: 874 Date: Thursday, May 16, 2019 -- 6:20:04 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Guyana
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: 00

Namaskar i am truly delighted to have found this site hope i will be able to further my Samskrit

Message Title: sanskrit writeups in 250-300 words
Message#: 873 Date: Sunday, March 31, 2019 -- 5:43:52 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: google chrome

topic vigyanam-vedik kaladaarabhya mangalgaman paryantam.

Message Title: Completion of other chapters not available
Message#: 872 Date: Thursday, March 21, 2019 -- 3:23:05 PM
Guest's Name: Shashwat
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sir, your lessons are of immense help to me. I understand that all the chapters that are available for reading were completed and uploaded in the year 2013. Why rest of the chapters have not been uploaded in 2019, after a span of 5 years?

Response from SAMSKRUTAM: Yes, it is indeed true that it was not possible to progress on the contents, for longer than that could have been imagined. We have resumed the content creation and will be publishing the same progressively.

Message Title: Sanskrit Verse
Message#: 871 Date: Friday, March 15, 2019 -- 2:26:27 PM
Guest's Name: DG Radhakrishnan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Pl give me the Mangalyam Thandunanena verse in sanskrit

Message Title: vibhakti roopam
Message#: 870 Date: Thursday, March 7, 2019 -- 8:30:58 AM
Guest's Name: mohan
Guest's Address: vasudha, Ramakrishnanagar, Palakkad 678 008, kerala Country: india
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Vocative सम्बोधन - sambodhana गच्छन् gachchhat गच्छन्तौ gachchhantau गच्छन्तः gachchhantaH

Message Title: vibhakti roopam
Message#: 869 Date: Thursday, March 7, 2019 -- 8:29:49 AM
Guest's Name: mohan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Vocative सम्बोधन - sambodhana गच्छन् gachchhat गच्छन्तौ gachchhantau गच्छन्तः gachchhantaH

Message Title: vibhakti roopam
Message#: 868 Date: Thursday, March 7, 2019 -- 8:29:24 AM
Guest's Name: mohan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Vocative सम्बोधन - sambodhana गच्छन् gachchhat गच्छन्तौ gachchhantau गच्छन्तः gachchhantaH

Message Title: vibhakti roopam
Message#: 867 Date: Thursday, March 7, 2019 -- 8:28:55 AM
Guest's Name: mohan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Vocative सम्बोधन - sambodhana गच्छन् gachchhat गच्छन्तौ gachchhantau गच्छन्तः gachchhantaH

Message Title: Samskrit chapters
Message#: 866 Date: Sunday, February 17, 2019 -- 4:15:56 PM
Guest's Name: Hemangi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This is great Sanskrit tutorial. Please continue with your efforts to additional chapters. Regards.

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 865 Date: Sunday, June 17, 2018 -- 11:12:50 AM
Guest's Name: aayush dubey
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: manduadih

chitra aadarit sanskrit vakya nirman

Message Title: Trying to learn samskrutam
Message#: 864 Date: Monday, May 7, 2018 -- 3:01:36 AM
Guest's Name: udaya allu
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: United States
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Trying to learn samskrutam

Message Title: Clear explanation on Pratyayaas
Message#: 863 Date: Friday, April 20, 2018 -- 9:33:17 AM
Guest's Name: Sunitha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Namaste. I went through the pratyayas explanation in chapter-6 and am very pleased to see such a clear explanation. I was going through various books to understand and summarize pratyayas and their rules, but your notes is so far the best I have come across. Please let me know when will the rest of the topics be covered. DhanyavadaH.

Message Title: looking for stotram
Message#: 862 Date: Monday, April 16, 2018 -- 4:47:15 AM
Guest's Name: anuradha ramoji
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

यो बुध भीष्टदः सिद्धः सनहा सन्तति वृदि कृत I am searching for the source of above stotram. Can you help me? Regards

Message Title: Pluta: Vedic Grammar
Message#: 859 Date: Friday, January 12, 2018 -- 6:10:32 AM
Guest's Name: Srinivasan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sir, Dayananda Saraswati, the founder of Arya Samaj wrote 'Om' as ओ३म्.Digit ३ is number 3. This is said to be the pluta value addition to ओ३म् according to Vedic grammar. But, its application is not clearly stated anywhere. Will you be able to enlighten me about the application of PLUTA value in recitation of 'Om'?

Message Title: Sanskrit objective question
Message#: 858 Date: Wednesday, December 6, 2017 -- 1:14:44 AM
Guest's Name: Poppy
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: 303303


Message Title: Thank you
Message#: 857 Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 -- 6:03:58 AM
Guest's Name: Katyayini A
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Thank you for compiling all the sanskrit work on your website. It is a wonderful resource.

Message Title: maths
Message#: 856 Date: Friday, October 6, 2017 -- 9:24:06 AM
Guest's Name: RAJAT GUPTA
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

plz send sanskrit

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 855 Date: Friday, October 6, 2017 -- 9:23:31 AM
Guest's Name: RAJAT GUPTA
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

plz send sanskrit

Message Title: Abhivadan
Message#: 854 Date: Saturday, September 30, 2017 -- 3:26:52 AM
Guest's Name: Gaurav Singh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sincerely appreciate your efforts to keep Sanskrit alive and flying high

Message Title: Abhivadan
Message#: 853 Date: Friday, September 29, 2017 -- 11:01:48 PM
Guest's Name: Gaurav Singh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sincerely appreciate your efforts to keep Sanskrit alive and flying high

Message Title: Abhivadan
Message#: 852 Date: Friday, September 29, 2017 -- 11:01:10 PM
Guest's Name: Gaurav Singh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sincerely appreciate your efforts to keep Sanskrit alive and flying high

Message Title: Sanskrit learning - specially grammar
Message#: 851 Date: Friday, September 29, 2017 -- 2:09:45 PM
Guest's Name: J Krishnamurthy
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

May I suggest that a special section for Sanskrit-learning students all over the country. You may, in your discretion pick and answer questions of your choice - subject wise - from across various question papers set in the past by various bodies like Samskrutha Bharati, various universities in the country, for students taking examinations at different levels - like Pravesa, Parichaya, MA (Sanskrit) etc-. All the thousands -even lakhs - of students will feel greatly obliged to your website and to your Foundation. Suitable payment/contribution structure for utilising this section may also be devised - like priced publications where you can recover the cost of maintaining this section.Thanks and Regards J Krishnamurthy (80) 91 9391024014

Message Title: Bhojan mantra in bhagwat geeta
Message#: 850 Date: Saturday, September 16, 2017 -- 5:01:11 AM
Guest's Name: Vijay
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Mantra for bhojan in sanscrit text in bhagwatam

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 849 Date: Sunday, August 13, 2017 -- 3:14:27 AM
Guest's Name: jyoti
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want Sanskrit grammar

Message Title: What should i do to learn Sanskrit?
Message#: 848 Date: Saturday, August 12, 2017 -- 1:27:07 AM
Guest's Name: VINEET
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

What should I do to learn Sanskrit?

Message Title: What should i do to learn Sanskrit?
Message#: 847 Date: Saturday, August 12, 2017 -- 1:24:26 AM
Guest's Name: VINEET
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

What should I do to learn Sanskrit?

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 846 Date: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 -- 9:38:04 AM
Guest's Name: Neelam modi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Five sentences about anushashan

Message Title: sanskrit grammar for mahabhashy
Message#: 845 Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 -- 10:22:07 AM
Guest's Name: shiva tripathi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

मुझे संस्कृत महाभाष्य से सम्बन्धित कुछ जानकारिया प्राप्त करनी थी ।

Message Title: Mailing list
Message#: 844 Date: Thursday, June 15, 2017 -- 5:18:04 PM
Guest's Name: Dr. Venkat Raman
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: U.S.A.
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Could you please include my name in your mailing list? Thanks

Message Title: Request for the translation of 4 lines of Sanskrit to English or Hindi
Message#: 843 Date: Friday, May 26, 2017 -- 11:04:20 PM
Guest's Name: Vijay Sharma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Sir/Madam, I will appreciate the English or Hindi translation of the following from Shri Hanuman Ji Kavach: "Nammani sarvanyapvargdaani Rupani vishvai cha yasy santi karmani deverapi durghatani tam marutim saptmukham prapadhe Thanks in advance Waiting to receive reply in my e-mail Thanks again for your help

Message Title: general
Message#: 840 Date: Thursday, May 11, 2017 -- 12:31:45 PM
Guest's Name: vinod
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

nice site, I want to all chapters in pdf file please inf how I found

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 839 Date: Monday, May 8, 2017 -- 7:26:09 AM
Guest's Name: C V MOHANAN
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

A excellant site. From chapter 5 not available or is it restricted. I would be interested in those catagories. Thanks

Message Title: General
Message#: 838 Date: Thursday, April 27, 2017 -- 4:49:51 PM
Guest's Name: DDMisra
Guest's Address: 4 Arya Bhumi, Bhubaneshwar 751031 Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Excellent effort to popularize learning of Sanskrith. I wish you all success in your noble venture. However I suggest, with a remark like "May be skipped on first reading" the uses of the following should also be discussed. लिट्लकार / liTlakaara लुट्लकार / lRRiTlakaara आशीलिङ्लकार / aashiiliN^lakaara लुङ्लकार / luN^lakaara लृङ्लकार / lRRiN^lakaara

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 837 Date: Saturday, April 15, 2017 -- 9:14:02 PM
Guest's Name: Ash K
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Canada
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This is excellent Sanskrit tutorial. Please continue with your efforts to additional chapters.

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 836 Date: Sunday, April 9, 2017 -- 5:58:13 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

To learn Sanskrit

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 835 Date: Sunday, April 9, 2017 -- 5:56:21 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

To learn Sanskrit

Message Title: Tatva Sangraha Ramayana
Message#: 834 Date: Monday, March 27, 2017 -- 5:34:32 AM
Guest's Name: Vignesh Kannan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi, I am a lover of Ramayana. I need to read TAttva Sangraha Ramayana. Can you please provide me the book as PDF in your website. Yours truly, Vignesh Kannan

Message Title: Learning Sanskrit newly
Message#: 833 Date: Saturday, March 25, 2017 -- 6:54:39 AM
Guest's Name: Suresh Lakade
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Recently started learning Sanskrut at the age of 63. I have gone through index page and hope that I can get very good material on this site once your work is complete, to study the language. Many many thanks for such a excellent site-Suresh Lakade.

Message Title: nice site
Message#: 832 Date: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 -- 6:29:01 AM
Guest's Name: aditi madhavan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: meaning of sloka with explanation of Sandhis, samaasa and other vyakarna
Message#: 831 Date: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 -- 4:55:29 AM
Guest's Name: T.R.Balaraman
Guest's Address: Flat no. 4, Usha Kiran, Old no.8B, 2nd Seaward Road, Valmiki Nagar,Thiruvanmiyur,chennai-600041 Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

can somebody help me with meaning and grammar of the slokastarting: kausalyayai pradhamamadhishat bhoopathi payasaardham......

Message Title: Where and how can I get the dasalakaras of 'as" dhaathu/
Message#: 830 Date: Saturday, March 18, 2017 -- 8:03:44 AM
Guest's Name: mgunair
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

can i see the lakaaras of all verbs in sanskrit in this vebsite? how?Also need additional help in improving my Sanskrit knowledge.

Message Title: book publishers
Message#: 829 Date: Thursday, February 2, 2017 -- 8:26:15 AM
Guest's Name: bala subramanian
Guest's Address: Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

kind suggestion to add the following book publishers too Samskrita bharati , New Delhi , Bangalore : More details from net you may get R S Vadhyar & sons, palakkad, kerala contactno 9446456066

Message Title: Commendable work!
Message#: 828 Date: Saturday, January 21, 2017 -- 10:56:51 PM
Guest's Name: Archan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am interested in learning Sanskrit. I just studied 1st Chapter and I really enjoyed studying it. Everything is explained very lucidly and in proper order along with the examples. I hope you finish all the chapters very soon. Great Job & Thank you!!

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 827 Date: Monday, December 26, 2016 -- 5:54:18 AM
Guest's Name: Prabhakaram
Guest's Address: Hyderabad Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: PRA

I am a lover of Sanskrit slokas and I can give lecture with the help of different slokas related to different occasions. For example, when I attend a marriage function, I wish to read a stanza which gives the importance of wife and husband, their life long relation...So, I wish to learn some sanskrit slokas/stanzas. I wish to sign up this community.

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 826 Date: Monday, December 26, 2016 -- 5:53:31 AM
Guest's Name: Prabhakaram
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am a lover of Sanskrit slokas and I can give lecture with the help of different slokas related to different occasions. For example, when I attend a marriage function, I wish to read a stanza which gives the importance of wife and husband, their life long relation...So, I wish to learn some sanskrit slokas/stanzas. I wish to sign up this community.

Message Title: samskritam/Parichay of samskrita bharati
Message#: 825 Date: Saturday, October 29, 2016 -- 11:08:15 AM
Guest's Name: R.Srinivasan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Ihave registered for Parichay course of Samskrita Bharti&finding it difficult to continue without help of tutor.I have already cleared Pravesha recently.My mob 8056243922.Pl help me to advance in Samskritam learning &as i m a retired person time is no constraint for me.

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 824 Date: Saturday, October 22, 2016 -- 5:32:02 AM
Guest's Name: raghu
Guest's Address: patan pole kota raj Country: india
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

grammar topic wise

Message Title: Create an account
Message#: 823 Date: Thursday, September 29, 2016 -- 12:13:42 PM
Guest's Name: Rubens Turci
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Brazil
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I am trying to create an account, but access is denied. Furthermore, I cannot reach the Sanskrit dictionary -- its link is not active anymore.

Message Title: science in sanskrit
Message#: 822 Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 -- 7:17:33 PM
Guest's Name: Keshab Luitel
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I Wish to read book on science in sanskrit

Message#: 821 Date: Monday, August 8, 2016 -- 5:51:38 PM
Guest's Name: Biswajit Dash
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: IN
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: mistake in naamroop table (" Sakhi")
Message#: 820 Date: Monday, May 18, 2015 -- 4:16:53 AM
Guest's Name: Mahesh Kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

In the Chapter No- , there is a table showing Naamroop of word- Sakhi.just after the word "Pati". There is a mistake in the title Heading of Sakhi. The word Sakhi is having the gender " Stri Ling", but in the table it is written as "Pulling". Take note of that. At least in the tutorial of Sanskrit Grammer, such a serious mistake can't be overlooked.

Recponse from SAMSKRUTAM: Please check the below post where the same feedback was provided by you. While the typo in the title has been corrected, no change is needed for the actual noun-form.

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 819 Date: Friday, May 15, 2015 -- 7:40:07 PM
Guest's Name: Maya Yadav
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want to learn Sanskrit on line.

Message Title: sankhya yog
Message#: 818 Date: Monday, May 11, 2015 -- 4:48:40 AM
Guest's Name: vijender
Guest's Address: rewari Country: india
Guest's Email:
Refered Website: viru


Message Title: Sanskrit Learning and Books
Message#: 817 Date: Thursday, April 30, 2015 -- 6:56:09 PM
Guest's Name: Ratnakar Narale
Guest's Address: 180 Torresdale Avenue, Toronto M2R 3E4 Country: Canada
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I have written valuable and interesting Sanskrit works to share with the world.

Message Title: Sample Sanskrit Invitation Card
Message#: 816 Date: Monday, April 27, 2015 -- 7:24:15 AM
Guest's Name: Yogesh Purkar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Namaskar Mahodaya, I want to print my Marriage invitation card in Sanskrit. Plz send sample formats of it. It's Urgent.

Message Title: Promotion of Sanskrit and Bharatiya Darshan
Message#: 815 Date: Friday, April 24, 2015 -- 6:23:08 AM
Guest's Name: Sati Shankar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Visited yout site, found it quite valuable. I would like to associate/list Global Synergetic Foundation which has been working in above field and has more than 50000 sanskrit/Indology documents in its digital library and has global presence. I hope an association will be mutually beneficial.

Message Title: sanskrit chitravarnam
Message#: 814 Date: Monday, April 20, 2015 -- 11:26:08 PM
Guest's Name: ramarao
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: need granthas
Message#: 813 Date: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 -- 4:36:55 PM
Guest's Name: shyam
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Namaste sir I need samskuruta ekakshara nighantuhu plz that pdf send to my email......

Message Title: Reference of Astronomy and Mathematics in Samskrit
Message#: 812 Date: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 -- 5:46:10 PM
Guest's Name: Amalesh Dasgupta
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I would like to know references of Astronomy and Mathematics in ancient Sanskrit writings. If anyone can throw light on this, please send email to me. Thanks...

Message Title: Reference of Astronomy and Mathematics in Samskrit
Message#: 811 Date: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 -- 5:42:17 PM
Guest's Name: Amalesh Dasgupta
Guest's Address: 15/B, Bosepukur Road, Flat - A, P.O. Kasba, Kolkata 700042 Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I would like to know references of Astronomy and Mathematics in ancient Sanskrit writings. Please send email to me if anyone can throw light on this.

Message#: 810 Date: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 -- 12:30:13 PM
Guest's Name: MUKUL
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message#: 809 Date: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 -- 12:25:30 PM
Guest's Name: MUKUL
Guest's Address: Country: INDIA
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:


Message#: 808 Date: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 -- 12:25:29 PM
Guest's Name: MUKUL
Guest's Address: Country: INDIA
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:


Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 807 Date: Saturday, March 28, 2015 -- 2:22:24 AM
Guest's Name: mamta
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want to know about dandi's books andthem story

Message Title: sanskrit for ias
Message#: 806 Date: Thursday, March 26, 2015 -- 5:56:16 AM
Guest's Name: ankur pareek
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hello sir, I am a engineer student. Now i am appearing in indian administration services examination. I want to choose samskrit litrature as my optinal paper. Samskrit was my third language in school days and i got 98% in 10 class. But from last 6-7 years becz of engineering not touched with this. So is this my right step. Please help and suggest books and strategy. Thank you Ankur Pareek

Message Title: sanskrit for ias
Message#: 805 Date: Thursday, March 26, 2015 -- 5:51:17 AM
Guest's Name: ankur pareek
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hello sir, I am a engineer student. Now i am appearing in indian administration services examination. I want to choose samskrit litrature as my optinal paper. Samskrit was my third language in school days and i got 98% in 10 class. But from last 6-7 years becz of engineering not touched with this. So is this my right step. Please help and suggest books and strategy. Thank you Ankur Pareek

Message Title: sanskrit for ias
Message#: 804 Date: Thursday, March 26, 2015 -- 5:50:24 AM
Guest's Name: ankur pareek
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hello sir, I am a engineer student. Now i am appearing in indian administration services examination. I want to choose samskrit litrature as my optinal paper. Samskrit was my third language in school days and i got 98% in 10 class. But from last 6-7 years becz of engineering not touched with this. So is this my right step. Please help and suggest books and strategy. Thank you Ankur Pareek

Message Title:
Message#: 802 Date: Saturday, March 14, 2015 -- 9:28:44 AM
Guest's Name: V.S. Nagarajan
Guest's Address: 92/8, Mudaliar Store, North Andar Street, Tiruchirappalli-620002 (Tamil nadu) Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

All sanskrit documents to be presented in splitted sandhi fashion till spoken language appears among the needy. For which Alphabetical Ending Dictionary - Sanskrit to Mother tongue must be emerged with etymological notes. The sanskrit words must be presented in Devanagari fonts only. Also univarsal specification for printing the documents must be published or recommended. Thanking to all the samskritam organising committee. V.S. Nagarajan

Message Title: Best for know Sanskrit langvage
Message#: 801 Date: Friday, March 06, 2015 -- 7:20:40 AM
Guest's Address: 18-GHOGHA RD.SUMERUTOWNS,Bhavnagar ,GujaratHIP Country: INDIA
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Great web

Message Title: Information about Anundoram Borooah Institute of Language, Art and Culture, North Guwahati, Rajaduar, Assam
Message#: 800 Date: Monday, February 23, 2015 -- 7:02:43 AM
Guest's Name: Amalesh Dasgupta
Guest's Address: 15/B, Bosepukur Road, Flat - A, P.O. Kasba, Kolkata 700042 Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Anundoram Borooah Institute of Language, Art and Culture (ABILAC)of North Guwahati, Rajaduar, Assam was instituted in 1989 in the name of great Sanskrit scholar (Born 1850, Died 1989). He wrote English-Sanskrit Dictionary in three volumes, during 1877 to 1880, when he was only 30 years old. His work was appreciated by F.Maxmueller, Acharya Sunity Kumar Chatterjee, Prof.Suryakumar Bhuyan etc. many.He was the 5th ICS of India and 1st ICS from Assam. He wrote Higher Sanskrit Grammar - Gender and Syntax, Saraswatikanthavaranam, Dhatusar and so many books. Recenly, a documentary film has been made to in memory of this great Sanskrit schlar, produced by Dr.Dilip Kumar Kalita, Director, ABILAC. I am a Director of the film. Please consider displaying this entry.

Message Title: Full slokam on power of words
Message#: 799 Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 -- 8:29:34 AM
Guest's Name: vijayakumarvedagiri
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sir, Can I have full sloka which runs like "keyurani vibhushayanti kalayam haaraana sandojwala, na snaanam na vilepanam na kusumam naalankrita moordhajaa.........."?

Message Title: prediksi bola
Message#: 798 Date: Saturday, February 14, 2015 -- 1:41:04 PM
Guest's Name: ak18bet
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: indonesia
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 797 Date: Friday, February 13, 2015 -- 2:47:44 PM
Guest's Name: waikar A
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: no url

Give me easy project

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 796 Date: Friday, February 13, 2015 -- 2:47:17 PM
Guest's Name: waikar A
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: no url

Give me easy project

Message Title: 12 parts of sanskrit
Message#: 795 Date: Friday, February 13, 2015 -- 1:58:34 PM
Guest's Name: v.s.nagarajan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

basics of Sanskrit grammar I am trying to upload in the above website to achieve etymological notes in all Indian languages including in English. Wishing to look in to take over the great task. thanking you to the community of v.s.nagarajan

Message Title: using global community portals
Message#: 794 Date: Friday, February 13, 2015 -- 6:32:26 AM
Guest's Name: Krishnan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Sir, You are doing a great service by supporting the learning of sanskrit. I would suggest the use of free community portals such as for teaching so that it reaches out to a larger audience across the world. Thanks, Krishnan

Message Title: sanskrit grammar, literature tutorials
Message#: 793 Date: Friday, February 06, 2015 -- 2:13:48 PM
Guest's Name: DR S VASISHTA
Guest's Address: A 407 shriram vijaya hyyde park apartments, peelamedu, coimbatore 641004 Country: india
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I highly appreciate this website. I am keen to learn samskritam properly and I think this will help me. I am unable to save the web pages. can you help me?

Message Title: sanskrit grammar, literature tutorials
Message#: 792 Date: Friday, February 06, 2015 -- 2:12:43 PM
Guest's Name: DR S VASISHTA
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I highly appreciate this website. I am keen to learn samskritam properly and I think this will help me. I am unable to save the web pages. can you help me?

Message Title: To suggest reference to a Website
Message#: 791 Date: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 -- 3:38:39 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Recently,I have published a Sanskrit oriented Website in English, which describes Vishnu, who is all pervading. It is with reference to Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharata,Gita etc.Site's Url is I request you to kindly add it to your pages.

Message Title: Making Sanskrit as a functional Language on par with English
Message#: 790 Date: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 -- 6:46:54 AM
Guest's Name: Kaushik
Guest's Address: Chennai Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

The numerous agencies propogating Sanskrit studies need to be brought together.So also the Sanskrit scholars should form an association and embark on a nationwide Sanskrit teaching mission.

Message Title: samskritum tutorial
Message#: 789 Date: Thursday, January 29, 2015 -- 1:44:56 PM
Guest's Name: dr s vasishta
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am interested in learning samskritum. kindly help

Message Title: beauty of sanskrit
Message#: 788 Date: Sunday, January 25, 2015 -- 7:40:20 PM
Guest's Name: prathamesh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

hinduism is the origin of humanity

Message Title: sanskrit grammer
Message#: 787 Date: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 -- 11:14:27 AM
Guest's Name: sunder
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

want to learn sanskrit grammer and hence found this site. The way the grammer is explained is very nice and simple. Like it very much. However, am looking for proper pronunciation method with the appropriate symbols and their use. Please help me. Thanks.

Message Title: food
Message#: 786 Date: Sunday, January 11, 2015 -- 8:59:10 AM
Guest's Name: Samar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Want an essay on healthy and harmful food

Message Title: good
Message#: 785 Date: Friday, January 09, 2015 -- 4:48:03 AM
Guest's Name: gaurav
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

its good

Message Title: sanskrit grammer
Message#: 784 Date: Monday, December 15, 2014 -- 11:56:42 AM
Guest's Name: MANISHA MORE
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I searched your web for my daughter in 6th std -cbsc board, she difficult to understand grammer. Help me if any class in thane (west) for sanskrit. In your web side grammer is usefull and help to my daughter

Message Title: Need Help
Message#: 783 Date: Sunday, December 14, 2014 -- 5:08:55 AM
Guest's Name: Biju Gopi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hello, I would need the below sloka in Sanskrit for my sisters wedding. Pls help. "Mangalyam tantunanena mama jeevana hetuna: kanthe badhnami subhage twam jeeva sarada satam"

Message Title: sanskrit MA
Message#: 782 Date: Thursday, December 11, 2014 -- 4:52:32 PM
Guest's Name: Mallika Mondal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please help me,to give me a work in this subject(Sanskrit. my qualification mark H.S.-66.75%; B.A-62.5%; M.A-66%

Message Title: paryavaran samrakshanam
Message#: 781 Date: Friday, November 28, 2014 -- 5:24:07 PM
Guest's Name: lekha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

for my son

Message Title: i89yijkml
Message#: 780 Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 -- 4:03:12 PM
Guest's Name: jijpoij'oihi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Message Title: enviromental pollution
Message#: 779 Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 -- 12:58:56 PM
Guest's Name: Aman
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want an essay now

Message Title: enviromental pollution
Message#: 778 Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 -- 12:58:06 PM
Guest's Name: Aman
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want an essay now

Message Title: valmiki
Message#: 777 Date: Sunday, November 23, 2014 -- 1:35:33 AM
Guest's Name: sushma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want an essay on valmiki in sanskrit

Message Title: environment pollution
Message#: 776 Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 -- 2:01:56 PM
Guest's Name: bharat
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want essay on environment pollution give me the essay fast that i should get marks .

Message Title: environment pollution
Message#: 775 Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 -- 2:00:58 PM
Guest's Name: bharat
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want essay on environment pollution give me the essay fast that i should get marks .

Message Title: food
Message#: 774 Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 -- 12:58:00 PM
Guest's Name: arpan kumar sahu
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want an essay on the topic food

Message Title: shatru shanach
Message#: 773 Date: Saturday, November 01, 2014 -- 5:55:48 AM
Guest's Name: Kalpana Rajgopal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

When I click on shatru shanach pratyaya the page is not opening..why? please i want to know in detail about shatru and shanach pratyaya. help me.

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 772 Date: Monday, October 20, 2014 -- 11:44:18 AM
Guest's Name: Ramakant yadav
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Learn sanskrit

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 771 Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 -- 3:04:57 PM
Guest's Name: kurui
Guest's Address: Country:
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

essay on natuure in sanskrit

Message Title: Panini
Message#: 770 Date: Sunday, October 12, 2014 -- 5:24:26 PM
Guest's Name: Anya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Can you upload information on the sanskrit grammarian Panini in sanskrit?

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 769 Date: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 -- 8:40:56 AM
Guest's Name: mahesh kumar sharma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

online test are very usefull but result on server not service

Message Title: Subject coverage
Message#: 768 Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 -- 7:01:59 AM
Guest's Name: Sudeshna Mukherjee
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

You have done nice work in terms of presenting the chapters / topics, however, details of many chapters are yet to be given. Please complete the site. It is a very good site and highly useful one at that for beginners of Sanskrit learning.

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 767 Date: Monday, September 22, 2014 -- 10:07:36 AM
Guest's Name: Amrita
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

How to do a sentence in chitra varnan sanskrit

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 766 Date: Thursday, September 18, 2014 -- 6:37:46 AM
Guest's Name: kavya shree
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: karnataka

essay topic my country in sanskrit

Message Title: learning sanskrit throgh kannada
Message#: 765 Date: Sunday, September 14, 2014 -- 2:44:32 AM
Guest's Name: madhu rao
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Need to learn sanskrit

Message Title: learning sanskrit throgh kannada
Message#: 764 Date: Sunday, September 14, 2014 -- 2:43:32 AM
Guest's Name: madhu rao
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Need to learn sanskrit

Message Title: Volunteer Content Writers
Message#: 763 Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 -- 3:56:55 AM
Guest's Name: SAMSKRUTAM - Sanskrit & Indology Foundation
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

SAMSKRUTAM is in need of volunteers who can write content on wide range topics on Sanskrit-and-Indic subject and help build the envisaged online knowledge repository. This being a volunteer request, it is well suited for students who are persuing MA/BA/Kovida/etc., in Sanskrit, and would like to share their knowledge on the subject by writing for the portal.

To know more about the type of content being written please read Write for SAMSKRUTAM page.

The names of volunteers alongwith their content contributions will be mentioned in the Content Creators page of the SAMSKRUTAM portal. If you would like to be part of this initiative, please email at

Message Title: why not a web application for Samskrit
Message#: 762 Date: Thursday, August 14, 2014 -- 5:59:25 AM
Guest's Name: s k menon
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

why cant we develop a web application for ipad and android for easy online learning of Samskrit language....the new generation kids will like it.

Message Title: TEST
Message#: 761 Date: Saturday, August 02, 2014 -- 5:26:12 PM
Guest's Name: TEST
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: TEST
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: TEST


Message Title: सत्संगतिः
Message#: 760 Date: Friday, July 25, 2014 -- 1:04:23 AM
Guest's Name: anish
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

essay on सत्संगतिः

Message Title: My online test is not working. on submission it is going to error message
Message#: 759 Date: Thursday, June 26, 2014 -- 1:17:53 AM
Guest's Name: Deena Dayal
Guest's Address: SC Railway, Vijayawada Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I attempted on line test, when I clicked the submit of evaluation it is going to server error. server is not responding.

Message Title: My online test is not working. on submission it is going to error message
Message#: 758 Date: Thursday, June 26, 2014 -- 1:15:39 AM
Guest's Name: Deena Dayal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I attempted on line test, when I clicked the submit of evaluation it is going to server error. server is not responding.

Message Title: Chitra Varnan
Message#: 757 Date: Monday, June 09, 2014 -- 3:27:44 AM
Guest's Name: Vaibhav
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please give me an example of chitra varnan.....

Message Title: sanskrit -grammer dhatu roop
Message#: 756 Date: Thursday, June 05, 2014 -- 11:18:40 AM
Guest's Name: aahan bhargava
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

dhatu roop samer (memory) in all five styles

Message Title: Not able to register
Message#: 755 Date: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 -- 10:35:19 AM
Guest's Name: Virinchi Madanapalli
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am getting some exception message while trying to register. Please help.

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 753 Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 -- 2:20:24 AM
Guest's Name: deep bansal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

10 lines on dincharya in sanskrit

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 752 Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 -- 2:20:16 AM
Guest's Name: deep bansal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

10 lines on dincharya in sanskrit

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 751 Date: Sunday, May 25, 2014 -- 11:42:31 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: sugesstion
Message#: 750 Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 -- 10:02:32 AM
Guest's Name: ch aditya sai
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I had asked for very short Sanskrit sayings. But I had got big slokas. The number of the shlokas was also very less. I expected at least 80. I did not get more than 35..... please take care of the number of them and also the required length of the sloka Thanking you

Message Title: sugesstion
Message#: 749 Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 -- 10:02:31 AM
Guest's Name: ch aditya sai
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I had asked for very short Sanskrit sayings. But I had got big slokas. The number of the shlokas was also very less. I expected at least 80. I did not get more than 35..... please take care of the number of them and also the required length of the sloka Thanking you

Message Title: waiting for your response
Message#: 748 Date: Friday, April 25, 2014 -- 4:28:11 PM
Guest's Name: sujatha rangarajan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Namaste I had written to you on 10th April 2014 about the splitting of Geetha Pravesha course. Request you to respond at the earliest so that I can plan my study accordingly

Response from team: Please check with 'Samskrita Bharati', as the 'Geetha Pravesha' course is offered by them. website is operated by 'Sanskrit & Indology Foundation' and is not associated with the organisations/institutions to which it provides reference for benefit of all.

Biswajit Dash

Message Title: Sanrio shabd roop of shashin, karin, fallin
Message#: 747 Date: Monday, April 21, 2014 -- 12:39:51 PM
Guest's Name: Ritvhik
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sanskrit shabd roop of shashin, karin, fallin

Message Title: Sanrio shabd roop of shashin, karin, falling
Message#: 746 Date: Monday, April 21, 2014 -- 12:38:24 PM
Guest's Name: Ritvhik
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sanskrit shabd roop of shashin, karin, falling

Message Title: Shaiva darshan
Message#: 745 Date: Sunday, April 20, 2014 -- 3:39:57 AM
Guest's Name: Sunil Kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Connecting to sanskrit .

Message Title: Shaiva darshan
Message#: 744 Date: Sunday, April 20, 2014 -- 3:39:20 AM
Guest's Name: Sunil Kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Connecting to sanskrit .

Message Title: online test
Message#: 743 Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 -- 2:31:44 AM
Guest's Name: Srilakshmi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Namaste, I took the online test 2 or three times and I don't seem to see the answers displayed when I clicked Submit. I have also not received any email with regards to the transcript or my test evaluation. I am using a Mac. Please let me know as to how I should be able to see the test answers / view transcript.

Message Title: House name
Message#: 742 Date: Sunday, April 13, 2014 -- 8:44:47 AM
Guest's Name: Surya Nair
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Bahrain
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I wish to name my new house 'Vanalika'. I would like to know if it's a Sanskrit word. if so its meaning. Thankyou.

Message Title: Geetha Pravesha
Message#: 741 Date: Thursday, April 10, 2014 -- 7:13:42 AM
Guest's Name: Sujatha Rangarajan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am a student of your organization for the past 5 years. I have completed the first four stages successfully and I joined the Geetha pravesha course. I have completed the first part with a first class. The second part is voluminous with 14 chapters. I feel I will not be able to do justice to my studies. I request you to divide this course into three parts so that our understanding would be better and help us learn it well. You must be aware that most of us are not full time students and so time is also very limited. So it is my earnest request to divide the course into 3 parts and give us the opportunity of learning it with deeper understanding sujatha rangarajan

Message Title: i want paragraph on gandhiji with hindi meaning
Message#: 740 Date: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 -- 5:28:23 PM
Guest's Name: shiwangi raj
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

it's urgent for sanskrit competetion

Message Title: essay
Message#: 739 Date: Saturday, March 08, 2014 -- 10:09:22 AM
Guest's Name: Suma Nair
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want an essay in sanskrit on Adarsha Jeevan. can youhelp me?

Message Title: Kanda Shashthi Kavacham in devanagri script
Message#: 738 Date: Monday, March 03, 2014 -- 11:33:53 PM
Guest's Name: S N Rama Murthy
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am not able to get the Kandashashti Kavacham in devanagari Script, please make it available. Thanks

Message Title: Error in this web entry
Message#: 737 Date: Monday, February 24, 2014 -- 8:06:11 AM
Guest's Name: Dr. V. Gopalakrishnan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I happened to notice an error in this web in the declension of Rajan sabda, i.e. in its 6th case. I wish to bring it to your notice. Thanks. visgop. [May I get a confirmation of receipt of this message?]

Message Title: My Passion for Sanskrit
Message#: 736 Date: Sunday, February 23, 2014 -- 12:24:37 PM
Guest's Name: Siva Palakodety
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I love sanskrit and want to learn more so that i can read Ramayana, Bharata and Gita

Message Title: kalidasa works
Message#: 735 Date: Friday, February 21, 2014 -- 1:56:46 PM
Guest's Name: sreelatha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

sir.. i need mahakavi kalidasa's works..

Message Title: my mother
Message#: 734 Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014 -- 11:01:45 AM
Guest's Name: shreya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

plz give me a short speech on the topic my mother in sanskrit

Message Title: Essay on hamara Vidayalaya
Message#: 733 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014 -- 4:48:55 AM
Guest's Name: S. K. Agrawal
Guest's Address: Dongargarh Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please give me 10 lines on hamara vidayalaya for essay.

Message Title: sanskrit prahelika
Message#: 732 Date: Friday, January 31, 2014 -- 1:51:05 AM
Guest's Name: madhumitha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

please send me some sanskrit prahelika its urgent

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 731 Date: Sunday, January 26, 2014 -- 3:09:38 PM
Guest's Name: gaurav
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: delhi
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want sanskrit vartalap

Message Title: SANSKRIT
Message#: 730 Date: Saturday, January 25, 2014 -- 4:40:29 PM
Guest's Name: ATUL MISRA
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 729 Date: Saturday, January 25, 2014 -- 8:34:02 AM
Guest's Name: Umasrinivasan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: Trichy

Sir I want some model question papers for Pravesha:

Message Title: Register
Message#: 728 Date: Thursday, January 23, 2014 -- 6:21:03 PM
Guest's Name: Priya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Canada
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

How do I register to this site? Whe I click register tab it takes me to another link. Please help.

Message Title: previous years' question papers for shiksha course
Message#: 727 Date: Monday, January 20, 2014 -- 6:46:06 AM
Guest's Name: mrinalini
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I would like to get January 2013, july 2013 question papers by mail. thank you

Message Title: sanskrit language
Message#: 726 Date: Sunday, January 19, 2014 -- 5:01:16 AM
Guest's Name: Ramesh Rateria
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: sanskrit

I want to take part in discssion forum.

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 725 Date: Friday, January 17, 2014 -- 3:34:44 AM
Guest's Name: Subash Khanijow
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: United States
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Interested in Sanskrit Wishing your aspirations well

Message Title: essay mera priya adhyapak
Message#: 724 Date: Friday, January 10, 2014 -- 2:35:33 AM
Guest's Name: rehan khan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls dear sir mam... pls send me the essay for mera priya adhyapak and 7 state name in sanskrit 7 mountain , contienent, 7 ocean name pls pls thank you

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 723 Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 -- 12:07:50 PM
Guest's Name: aasish kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want essay on "my school" in sanskrit language.

Message Title: Shabda roop for Hari
Message#: 722 Date: Sunday, December 15, 2013 -- 10:13:44 AM
Guest's Name: Aayush Sheth
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Can you please send me the shabda roop for hari

Message Title: संख्यावाचक - संख्यापुरक विशेषण
Message#: 721 Date: Sunday, December 01, 2013 -- 8:02:48 AM
Guest's Name: रविशङ्कर जोशी
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear sir, I found your site very helpful for the learners, but I can't find 'sankhya vachak' and 'sankhyapurak' adjectives on your site. Please make these available on your site as soon as possible. I also have a website on which I have put some sanskrit subhashits. D: 01/DEC/2013 Ravishankar Joshi

Message Title: Downloadable Links for Sanskrit Material
Message#: 720 Date: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 -- 5:14:22 AM
Guest's Name: DR Y N RAO
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Sirs, I found that the Sanskrit Material of your Site is very helpful for those who wish to learn the Sanskrit Language! But I am not finding any 'Downloadable Links' for this material!! May I request you to provide the same or alternatively keep the PDF Formats and oblige. Hope, you would do this at the earliest. Sincerely, Sd/-xx, 11/27/2013 (DR Y N RAO)

Message Title: Downloadable Links for Sanskrit Material
Message#: 719 Date: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 -- 5:11:09 AM
Guest's Name: DR Y N RAO
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Sirs, I found that the Sanskrit Material of your Site is very helpful for those who wish to learn the Sanskrit Language! But I am not finding any 'Downloadable Links' for this material!! May I request you to provide the same or alternatively keep the PDF Formats and oblige. Hope, you would do this at the earliest. Sincerely, Sd/-xx, 11/27/2013 (DR Y N RAO) e-mail:

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 718 Date: Friday, November 15, 2013 -- 2:06:32 AM
Guest's Name: pooja mehra
Guest's Address: 40 Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

hi i want sanskrit chitr varnan

Message Title: chitra varnan and apathita gadyaansh
Message#: 717 Date: Monday, November 11, 2013 -- 7:49:13 AM
Guest's Name: udit singhania
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

looking for different pictures along with their description in 5 sentences in sanskrit

Message Title: Quote for Wedding aniversary
Message#: 716 Date: Thursday, November 07, 2013 -- 7:58:59 AM
Guest's Name: Nagaraju
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Looking for a Sanskrit quote with meaning in English that I can present to an elderly couple for a wedding anniversary -

Message Title: i need a sanskrit name for my baby girl
Message#: 715 Date: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 -- 6:19:02 PM
Guest's Name: martin
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

please suggest names for meen rashi that starts from ch,D,th

Message Title: Any authentic teacher to teach sanskrit online?
Message#: 714 Date: Thursday, October 31, 2013 -- 12:04:34 AM
Guest's Name: Neyveli santhanagopalan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am a touring classical south indian musician..i am seriously looking for someone who can teach me spoken sanskrit online.thanks.dhanyavad

Message Title: essay on chindern's day
Message#: 713 Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 -- 3:58:52 PM
Guest's Name: Vikash Bomb
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

looking for essay in Sanskrit on Childern's Day

Message Title: Want the mantra, "mangalyam tantunanena" in devangiri script
Message#: 712 Date: Thursday, October 17, 2013 -- 5:46:29 AM
Guest's Name: Akruti Rao
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I need the mantra, "mangalyam tantunanena" in devangiri script. Please do sent it across if you could. Thank You.

Message Title: appreciation
Message#: 711 Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 -- 2:10:45 AM
Guest's Name: Dr.D.Gnanasundaram
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

It is a precious guide to those who want to learn Sanskrit. You have done a commendable service. Long back joining the evening class, I got a diploma in Sanskrit in the Madras University. Then there was no way to continue my learning. Now at the age of 73, I refresh what I learnt long back with the materials you have provided. My heartfelt thanks to you. I am of the opinion a detailed explanation of the Perfect past tense and Reduplicative Perfect will help one who wants to read Valmiki Ramayana as they are very much present in it. Ramayana.

Message Title: Sanskrit grammer
Message#: 710 Date: Monday, September 30, 2013 -- 10:28:57 AM
Guest's Name: Mukesh Chandra Rai
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website: http://

I also Love with Sanskrit,But Some Reason i have join a job for our family,after this i want to live with Sanskrit. For devasthan pujari job i want to learn Sanskrit Grammer, So please suggest me.

Message Title: Sanskrit grammer
Message#: 709 Date: Monday, September 30, 2013 -- 10:23:20 AM
Guest's Name: Mukesh Chandra Rai
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I also Love with Sanskrit,But Some Reason i have join a job for our family,after this i want to live with Sanskrit. For devasthan pujari job i want to learn Sanskrit Grammer, So please suggest me.

Message Title: God
Message#: 708 Date: Friday, September 20, 2013 -- 10:34:39 AM
Guest's Name: All
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Tamilnadu
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: Indhu

Pls send the samSkrita book

Message Title: God
Message#: 707 Date: Friday, September 20, 2013 -- 10:33:48 AM
Guest's Name: All
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Tamilnadu
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: Indhu

Pls send the samSkrita book

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 706 Date: Friday, September 20, 2013 -- 7:53:05 AM
Guest's Name: gayatri
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: The website address of samskrita Bharathi provided is wrong
Message#: 705 Date: Thursday, September 19, 2013 -- 9:44:35 AM
Guest's Name: Haritha K
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please correct the website address of Samskrita Bharati as "".

Message Title: Sanskrit Jokes
Message#: 704 Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 -- 9:50:13 AM
Guest's Name: M. S. Khan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want 10 jokes in sanskrit language for my daughter school project. I request you to help me. Thanking You, Regards, M. S. Khan

Message Title: I want sandhi
Message#: 703 Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 -- 4:14:40 AM
Guest's Name: premprasad bhandari
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

अत्र स्वर,व्यञ्जन,विसर्गसन्धि नागच्छति कृपया एकवारं पष्येयम्।

Message Title: Shlokas on kalpavruksha with meaning
Message#: 702 Date: Thursday, August 01, 2013 -- 7:08:57 AM
Guest's Name: Shubha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Bharat
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want the shlokas on importance of kalpavriksha coconut in Poojas as well as in daily life.

Message Title: Correction
Message#: 701 Date: Sunday, July 28, 2013 -- 6:43:31 PM
Guest's Name: sumit
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This is really nice effort by you to promote Sanskrit. I am also looking for some course. Please correct the website URL in Resources > Organnization > Sanskrit Bharti Correcrt url = ""

Message Title: Connecting Sanskrit forum
Message#: 700 Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 -- 10:43:44 PM
Guest's Name: Anand K. Gujarathi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Bharat
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Pranam, A Lot of thanks need to be given to you. Your website is exactly what I could think of doing ... I have tried to register to network but I could not register ... Registration page is showing error after filling proper information. can you please help me how should I connect. Please feel free to contact me on my email. Anand.

Message Title: Connecting Sanskrit forum
Message#: 699 Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 -- 10:43:11 PM
Guest's Name: Anand K. Gujarathi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Bharat
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Pranam, A Lot of thanks need to be given to you. Your website is exactly what I could think of doing ... I have tried to register to network but I could not register ... Registration page is showing error after filling proper information. can you please help me how should I connect. Please feel free to contact me on my email. Anand.

Message Title: sanskrit Discussion Forum
Message#: 698 Date: Sunday, July 21, 2013 -- 1:57:19 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

plz give me some shlokes in sanskrit n litreture urgent which i can put in essay on guru mahima

Message Title: Need Sanskrit shlok or subhashitani which describes importance of marriage
Message#: 697 Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 -- 6:41:26 PM
Guest's Name: Saurabh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please provide me some sanskrit shlokas or subhashits which can describes marriage life & importance of marriage. I want to add this on my wedding card. Also please guide me for preparing wedding card with sanskrit matter.

Message Title: Sanskrit Grammar
Message#: 696 Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 -- 4:01:41 AM
Guest's Name: Sanjay Chakravarty
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am waiting for all sections of grammar to be over. Is there a date for that?

Message Title: Sanskrit qutations on 'knowledge', 'books', importance of reading'
Message#: 695 Date: Monday, July 15, 2013 -- 12:01:44 PM
Guest's Name: Swapna
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: UK
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hello, I am looking for Sanskrit qutations on 'knowledge', 'books', importance of reading', please. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Regards, Swapna

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 694 Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 -- 1:50:18 PM
Guest's Name: mayank
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

dhatu roops on sanskrit

Message Title: CHILD LABOUR
Message#: 693 Date: Thursday, July 04, 2013 -- 2:47:31 PM
Guest's Name: YOGESH
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I Need 5 to 6 lines in Sanskrit on topic: CHILD LABOUR. Regards.

Message Title: mobile phones are necessary essay
Message#: 692 Date: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 -- 1:23:47 PM
Guest's Name: ardra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want an essay on mobile phones are necessary

Message Title: mobile phones are necessary essay
Message#: 691 Date: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 -- 1:21:37 PM
Guest's Name: ardra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: vibhkti rupe of words in audio format
Message#: 690 Date: Thursday, June 27, 2013 -- 6:53:52 AM
Guest's Name: Ashutosh Deshpande
Guest's Address: Pune Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I have recorded few sanskrit words & their vibhakti rupe in audio format(.mp3)I can give those recordings to interested people.

Message Title: meaning
Message#: 689 Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 -- 11:23:04 AM
Guest's Name: Anupama
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: -
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

urogatabhyayam hastabhyam kapittyo vignaratakaraha ...Can u please get the meaning of this sloka word by word. *** {samskrutam} moved from earlier blog ***

Message Title: Sanskrit Words in other indian languages
Message#: 688 Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 -- 11:20:43 AM
Guest's Name: Sanskrit Roots
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: -

Dear Admin, We have created a list of 700 sanskrit words which are used on a regular basis in day-to-day Tamil language in both spoken and written forms. We are in the process of updating this list. The file is available at the following address The list contains the equivalent of such words in Hindi and share similar phonetics. We are in the process of updating the corresponding words in Bengali, Gujarati, Marati etc., The objective behind the above effort is to enable Tamil students to understand, how they are already familiar with words which are used in other languages ,as well. With a bit of extra effort, they can clearly master many other Indian languages. This would make them multi-lingual, which is a major draw back for anybody trying to pursue a carrer opportunity outside of Tamilnadu. Also the site contains opinions of learned scholars on Sanskrit like Dr. Abdulkalam, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi and others. Since your site is focussed on Sanskrit , we thought publication of the above effort by yourselves would enable reaching out to a larger audience. Ours is purely a non-profit initiative. Thanks and Regards Sanskrit Roots. *** {samskrutam} moved from earlier blog ***

Message Title: संगणकस्य कृते संस्कृत व्याकरणस्य महत्व
Message#: 687 Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 -- 1:58:49 AM
Guest's Name: chanchal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

संगणकस्य कृते संस्कृत व्याकरणस्य महत्व कृपया एतत विषय को अपि सूचना प्रेष्यतु

Message Title: vikas khullar
Message#: 686 Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 -- 4:33:23 PM
Guest's Name: vikas khullar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls. send me a paragraph in sanskrit on child labour. alsowrite opinion on " child labour is good or bad", also in sanskrit.

Message Title: paragraph in sanskrit on child labour and steps taken by the govt. to stop this practicse. child labour is good or bad, write your opinion in sanskrit.
Message#: 685 Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 -- 4:32:43 PM
Guest's Name: vikas khullar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls. send me a paragraph in sanskrit on child labour. alsowrite opinion on " child labour is good or bad", also in sanskrit.

Message Title: paragraph in sanskrit on child labour and steps taken by the govt. to stop this practicse. child labour is good or bad, write your opinion in sanskrit.
Message#: 684 Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 -- 4:32:05 PM
Guest's Name: vikas khullar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls. send me a paragraph in sanskrit on child labour. alsowrite opinion on " child labour is good or bad", also in sanskrit.

Message Title: sankrit
Message#: 683 Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 -- 9:08:18 AM
Guest's Name: pranav
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i love this site

Message Title: nitishastra के पांच श्लोक
Message#: 682 Date: Monday, June 24, 2013 -- 9:15:52 AM
Guest's Name: Manoj
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

nitishastra के पांच श्लोक अर्थ के साथ संस्कृत में

Message Title: essay in Sanskrit language
Message#: 681 Date: Friday, June 21, 2013 -- 4:51:52 AM
Guest's Name: shaila singh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls send me essay in Sanskrit on Surya ka mahatava, Vidya ka Mahatava, and few lines on dincharya(time table of the day)

Message Title: essay in Sanskrit language
Message#: 680 Date: Friday, June 21, 2013 -- 4:50:05 AM
Guest's Name: shaila singh
Guest's Address: 60/103, himvarsha apts., i.p. extn., patparganj Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

pls send me essay in Sanskrit on Surya ka mahatava, Vidya ka Mahatava, and few lines on dincharya(time table of the day)

Message Title: 10 Sentences In Sanskrit - Child Labour Must Be Banned
Message#: 679 Date: Friday, June 21, 2013 -- 4:49:35 AM
Guest's Name: Siddharth
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sentences In Sanskrit - Child Labour Must Be Banned

Message Title: paragraph on importance of dhenu in india
Message#: 678 Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 -- 11:16:32 AM
Guest's Name: geeta taneja
Guest's Address: Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sir, i would be gratefule if you could send paragraph on cow's importance in indie. with regards geeta taneja

Message Title: chitra varnan in sanskrit
Message#: 677 Date: Saturday, June 08, 2013 -- 6:07:41 AM
Guest's Name: ishita
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am learning Sanskrit so hope it helps....

Message Title: Essay Happy Holidays in Sanskrit
Message#: 676 Date: Saturday, June 08, 2013 -- 2:46:33 AM
Guest's Name: Patel Kishan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: 39507

Plz give me this essay

Message Title: Essay Happy Holidays in Sanskrit
Message#: 675 Date: Saturday, June 08, 2013 -- 2:45:58 AM
Guest's Name: Patel Kishan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Plz give me this essay

Message Title: 10 Sentences In Sanskrit - Child Labour Must Be Banned
Message#: 674 Date: Thursday, June 06, 2013 -- 4:36:10 AM
Guest's Name: V. Saxena
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

कृपया बाल श्रम पर रोकथाम हेतु 10 वाक्य संस्कृत में उपलब्ध करा दें (कक्षा 6 हेतु)। आभार सहित

Message Title: Dhaturoop
Message#: 673 Date: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 -- 7:16:44 AM
Guest's Name: Simmi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Bhavdiya, Saadar Pranam, mera beta kaksha 8 mein hai aur mujhe uske liye gya, gam aur pa ke panchon lakaaron mein dhaturoop chahiye. Kya ap ye teeno dhaturoop uplabdh kara sakenge? apki atyant kripa hogi. Dhanyavaad Simmi

Message Title: electric goods names of sanskrit
Message#: 672 Date: Monday, June 03, 2013 -- 7:00:47 PM
Guest's Name: Rajat
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: No url

i want to know that electric goods like television,freeze,cooler,geaser,machine,mixcy,fan,bulb.plz send the every word of names in sanskrit

Message Title: electric goods names of sanskrit
Message#: 671 Date: Monday, June 03, 2013 -- 6:59:27 PM
Guest's Name: Rajat
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: No url

i want to know that electric goods like television,freeze,cooler,geaser,machine,mixcy,fan,bulb

Message Title: Essay in Sanskrit " Pariyavaran samraksharan
Message#: 670 Date: Saturday, June 01, 2013 -- 7:03:26 AM
Guest's Name: Nanda Kumar
Guest's Address: Mumbai Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Pl send me an essay in sanskrit Pariyavaran samraksharan

Message Title: Essay in Sanskrit " Pariyavaran samraksharan
Message#: 669 Date: Saturday, June 01, 2013 -- 7:02:53 AM
Guest's Name: Nanda Kumar
Guest's Address: Mumbai Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Pl send me an essay in sanskrit Pariyavaran samraksharan

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 668 Date: Sunday, May 26, 2013 -- 11:42:02 AM
Guest's Name: arvind harish
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

give me notes in sanskrit notes upon child labour

Message Title: Sanskrit Shlokas for Hindu Wedding
Message#: 667 Date: Sunday, May 26, 2013 -- 5:24:24 AM
Guest's Name: Swathy Anand
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want to write a Sanskrit Wedding Sholka on my wedding card Can you pls help me. Can you please send me a few shlokas so that I can pick and choose.

Message Title: SANSKRIT
Message#: 666 Date: Sunday, April 07, 2013 -- 2:15:52 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: I Want to know about the relation between Indo Aryan languages particularly relation between DARDIC SHINA language and Sanskrit
Message#: 665 Date: Thursday, April 04, 2013 -- 6:01:57 PM
Guest's Name: Mukhtar Zahid Badgami
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i am a lover of sanskrit language presently i m researching in a topic named RELATION BETEEN SHINA DARDIC and SANSKRIT languages .. plz confirm me and accept me as a member of this website .. becoz via u i can get more knowledge regarding Sanskrit language.

Message Title: I Want to know about the relation between Indo Aryan languages particularly relation between DARDIC SHINA language and Sanskrit
Message#: 664 Date: Thursday, April 04, 2013 -- 6:01:24 PM
Guest's Name: Mukhtar Zahid Badgami
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i am a lover of sanskrit language presently i m researching in a topic named RELATION BETEEN SHINA DARDIC and SANSKRIT languages .. plz confirm me and accept me as a member of this website .. becoz via u i can get more knowledge regarding Sanskrit language.

Message Title: ABOUT EXAM
Message#: 663 Date: Monday, April 01, 2013 -- 4:18:29 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i had done my 4 exams sanskrit of t.m vidyapith frm 2001 to 2004 bt nw i want to complete my nxt two exams will u help me to give details pls i m wtng AND ONCE U R DOING FABULOUS JOB IT IS VERY USEFUL

Message Title: Sincere Appreciation of your effort
Message#: 662 Date: Monday, April 01, 2013 -- 6:11:36 AM
Guest's Name: Jaideep Adhvaryu
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Samskrutam team, Only today, i came across your site and am really impressed with the effort you and your team have put in. Would recommend that you convert your site into a social platform around sanskrit that allows people of to contribute, collaborate and communicate about this beautiful language

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 661 Date: Friday, March 22, 2013 -- 5:01:02 PM
Guest's Name: samta
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have taken online tests. When i go for another test, questions are same . please add some more questions. thanks

Message Title: Moral of subhashita
Message#: 660 Date: Thursday, February 07, 2013 -- 8:16:10 AM
Guest's Name: Harsha Rao R
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

In search of a subhasitani

Message Title: Sanskrit Resources
Message#: 659 Date: Thursday, February 07, 2013 -- 1:15:34 AM
Guest's Name: Avinash Mishra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have read the tutorials in your website.They are very informative.If it is made available in pdf download format, it will be easy for readers.IN shlokas-More to be added.

Message Title: Sanskrit Resources
Message#: 658 Date: Thursday, February 07, 2013 -- 1:14:32 AM
Guest's Name: Avinash Mishra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have read the tutorials in your website.They are very informative.If it is made available in pdf download format, it will be easy for readers.IN shlokas-More to be added.

Message Title: ethical behavior
Message#: 657 Date: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 -- 6:03:46 AM
Guest's Name: S.L.SARAF
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I thhink if subhashitas are displayed whereever possible along with meaning,the ethical standerds will rise.

Message Title: Publisher of Sanskrit Books
Message#: 656 Date: Saturday, January 19, 2013 -- 5:45:32 AM
Guest's Name: Indian Books Centre- Sri Satguru Publications
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please add our name in your list of Sanskrit Books Publisher Thanks Anil Gupta

Message Title: essay on child labour
Message#: 655 Date: Sunday, January 13, 2013 -- 1:40:12 PM
Guest's Name: sana
Guest's Address: kolkata Country: india
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

i need an essay in sanskrit for school project

Message Title: essay on child labour
Message#: 654 Date: Sunday, January 13, 2013 -- 1:39:33 PM
Guest's Name: sana
Guest's Address: kolkata Country: india
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

i need an essay in sanskrit for school project

Message Title: Sanskrit Resources
Message#: 653 Date: Thursday, January 03, 2013 -- 9:21:18 AM
Guest's Name: Prithvi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have read the tutorials in your website.They are very informative.I am waiting for the tutorials which are to come in future.I would like you to enter these websites in your Sanskrit Resource list - - These are good websites & forum to learn about Sanskrit. Thanks

Message Title: In Search of Shloka for Blessing to Bride.
Message#: 652 Date: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 -- 10:37:51 AM
Guest's Name: Mukesh K. Tiwari
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

एक बहुत ही नेक कार्य है जो कि भूली हुई भाषा से जोड़ रहा है, बधाईयाँ।

Message Title: In Search of Shloka for Blessing to Bride.
Message#: 651 Date: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 -- 10:37:30 AM
Guest's Name: Mukesh K. Tiwari
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

एक बहुत ही नेक कार्य है जो कि भूली हुई भाषा से जोड़ रहा है, बधाईयाँ।

Message Title: Advanced Grammar Chapter 12 to 16
Message#: 650 Date: Friday, December 14, 2012 -- 2:32:29 PM
Guest's Name: C Amirthavalli Satagopan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am learning Sanskrit. Your site provided me with lots of input and it was very useful in clearing the examination. I now request you to enable Chapter 12 to Chapter 16 in Advanced Grammar so that it will be of immense help for my upcoming examination. Kindly look into that and enable the chapters.

Message Title: sanskrit mantra recited during a wedding by the groom
Message#: 649 Date: Thursday, December 13, 2012 -- 11:45:03 PM
Guest's Name: chandra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I need the devanagari script for this mantra: Mangalyam tantunanena mama jeevana hetuna: kanthe badhnami subhage twam jeeva sarada satam ||

Message Title: REGARDING shlokas of yuddha kanda.
Message#: 648 Date: Thursday, December 13, 2012 -- 7:27:36 PM
Guest's Name: Mohan kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

sir, great site, but i hv searched 1 shloka from ramayana that is from end of yuddha kanda, there is shloka called "" MUKUTA DHARANA'' MANTRA/SHLOKA AT THE TIME OF RAMA'S PATTABHISHEKAM. PLS PROVIDE ME OR PUBLISH IN YOUR WEBSITE. THNKS

Message Title: story with moral value
Message#: 647 Date: Friday, December 07, 2012 -- 10:48:51 AM
Guest's Name: keerthi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i need a story in sanskrit the topic is "children's relationship with their teachers" or any story related with children (but not sports) i need to write in an A4 sheet (both the sides with pictures) please help me

Message Title: Essay
Message#: 646 Date: Friday, November 30, 2012 -- 12:26:36 AM
Guest's Name: Srinath
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I need an essay on my school in sanskrit

Message Title: marriage shlok
Message#: 645 Date: Friday, November 23, 2012 -- 5:07:18 AM
Guest's Name: vj
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please provide an appropriate sloka to insert in my brother's wedding card

Message Title: भगवान शेष ही धराधारी हैं
Message#: 644 Date: Thursday, November 22, 2012 -- 3:02:45 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: BHARAT
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

भगवान शेष ही धराधारी हैं
यह सत्य है की भगवान शेष ही धरा को धारण करते हैं |

Diwakar Sharma

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Version 25

Last edited: Jun 14, 2011

Exported: Jul 18, 2012

Original URL:
भला आज के समय में कौन इस मान्यता को स्वीकार करता है कि भगवान शेषनाग धराधारी हैं | परन्तु हमारी यह पुरानी मान्यता शत प्रतिशत सत्य है | जानिये कैसे : -
प्रकृति में पांच महाभूत हैं - आकाश, वायु, अग्नि, जल और पृथ्वी | साथ ही परमेश्वर भी पांच ही हैं | वे हैं - ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, महेश,सूर्यऔर गणेश | पांच महाभूत पञ्च परमेश्वरों की प्रकृति स्वरुप हैं |ब्रह्मदेव की प्रकृति आकाश है | वायु भगवान शिव की प्रकृति है | अग्नि परमेश्वर सूर्य की प्रकृति है | योगेश्वर विष्णु की प्रकृति जल है और पृथ्वी तत्त्व गणपतिजी की प्रकृति है | यहाँ मैं पृथ्वी तत्त्व का अर्थ स्पष्ट करना चाहूंगा | पृथ्वी और पृथ्वी तत्त्व दोनों का अर्थ अलग - अलग है| पृथ्वी तत्त्व का अर्थ है भूमि अर्थात मिटटी, जबकि पृथ्वी का अर्थ है कि जहां पाँचों तत्वों का समावेश है | पृथ्वी पर जल, वायु, अग्नि, भूमि और आकाश पाँचों तत्त्व विद्यमान हैं | अर्थात पृथ्वी की प्रकृति पांच प्रकार की है और भुवनेश्वर शेष भी पंचधा प्रकृति हैं | उनके पांच मुख भी इसी प्रकृति को दर्शाते हैं | इस प्रकार स्पष्ट है कि भगवान शेष धराधारी हैं | अब परमेश्वरों कि प्रकृति को सरलता से जानिये :

क्रम संख्या परमेश्वर प्रकृति (तत्त्व)

१ ब्रह्मा आकाश
२ शंकर वायु
३ सूर्य अग्नि
४ विष्णु जल
५ गणेश भूमि (पृथ्वी तत्त्व)
६ शेषनाग पृथ्वी

इस प्रकार हम देखते हैं कि पंच परमेश्वर (ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शिव, रवि और गणेश) केवल एक - एक तत्त्व के स्वामी हैं | पंचमुख शेष ही ऐसे हैं जो पञ्च प्रकृतियों को पृथ्वी के रूप में एक साथ धारण करते हैं | देखा जाये तो हम भारतीयों ने अपने प्राचीन ज्ञान को विस्मृत कर दिया है | विचार करने पर हम देखते हैं कि हमारी प्राचीन मान्यता अन्धविश्वास नहीं अपितु निर्विवाद सत्य है |


दिवाकर शर्मा
फ्लैट नंबर ११, प्लाट नंबर २५,
जे एंड के विस्तार,
लक्ष्मी नगर,
दिल्ली ११००९२

Message Title: Sanskrit Discussion Forum
Message#: 642 Date: Sunday, November 18, 2012 -- 6:27:43 AM
Guest's Name: Biswajit Dash - बिश्वजित् दाश
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha - भुवनेस्वर, ओडिशा Country: India - भारत
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Welcome to

We are pleased to introduce Sanskrit Discussion Forum. If you wish, you can visit this and register your email and become a member of the forum. This can be accessed from the link - Discussion Forum.

Over the years, since the day of inception in 2005, the need of a collaborative forum for all Sanskrit readers had been sincerly felt. Though we do have this Guest Book to accept views, feedback, and queries; it was not possible for readers to participate in any collaborative discussion.

With this newly introduced "Sanskrit Discussion Forum", we hope to build a larger group of readers which can come together online and share/discuss on Sanskrit, which will help bring Sanskrit to our daily life.

While the Discussion Forum will provide a platform for knowledge sharing and discussions, this Guest Book will continue to accept your feedback, queries etc.

! ! ! Happy Knowledge Sharing & Discussion ! ! !

Message Title: Slokam for wedding from Vedas
Message#: 641 Date: Saturday, November 17, 2012 -- 6:57:33 AM
Guest's Name: S.Krishnaswamy
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please provide an appropriate sloka to insert in my son's wedding card

Message Title: sansrit essay on india my country
Message#: 640 Date: Friday, November 16, 2012 -- 1:27:13 PM
Guest's Name: anushree
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want an sanskrit essay about india can u help ??

Message Title: dhatu
Message#: 639 Date: Monday, November 05, 2012 -- 2:13:09 PM
Guest's Name: saudamini
Guest's Address: C-006 (ground floor) Yamuna Apartments Alaknanda, Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i am a phd scholar need to learn sanskrit

Message Title: Sanskrit Vartalap
Message#: 638 Date: Monday, October 29, 2012 -- 12:17:59 PM
Guest's Name: Tanzeel
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please Provide me a vartalap of three persons.

Message Title: Wedding Shlok
Message#: 637 Date: Saturday, October 27, 2012 -- 1:57:06 PM
Guest's Name: shishir pal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am looking for slokas to print on a wedding invitation card. Kindly send the translation also.

Message Title: slokas for my wedding card
Message#: 636 Date: Saturday, October 27, 2012 -- 6:21:40 AM
Guest's Name: Gayathri
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hello Madam/Sir very happy to see a website for sanskrit slogas... please help me to print a sloga in my wedding card. My wedding is on Nov17 &18.Il be happy if u send a sloka now Regards Gayathri

Message Title: Regrets to English spelling
Message#: 635 Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 -- 10:17:09 AM
Guest's Name: Hitesh Purohit
Guest's Address: L. E. College, MORBI 363 642 Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Details in the "Quotes On Sanskrit Language & Heritage: " contains spelling of the word great is to be checked.

Message Title: encouraging about sanskrit
Message#: 633 Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 -- 2:21:14 PM
Guest's Name: neeta ambani
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

this is a superbbb website of sanskrit. i like it you should add letters, e_mails, reports etc. hope u will.

Message Title: compliments
Message#: 632 Date: Sunday, September 09, 2012 -- 12:09:57 PM
Guest's Name: Raghavendra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Compliments for putting up this excellent site. I am thrilled with your tutorial section. Now I know most of Sanskrit grammar. Waiting for you to upload remaining topics. You have done immense service to Sanskrit literacy.All the best.

Message Title: Thanks you and Proud of you..!
Message#: 628 Date: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 -- 3:02:28 PM
Guest's Name: Raviprakash
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I whole heartedly appreciate your efforts to bring the sacred language Samskrithum to the easy access of the public. I was a topper in Sanskrit always (in school days) , but coming to the IT world kind of lost a touch. Your site is really amazing. It just gave me a wakeup call ..thanks for that. I have incorporated samkritum in my life and want to continue with it.

Message Title: Dictionary not working
Message#: 627 Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 -- 11:32:20 AM
Guest's Name: Girish
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi Dash, Looks like the dictionary is not working. I tried searching for the meaning of an english word, but it gave no results. Girish

<u>Response from team</u>: <br> Hello Girish. It is pleasure to see an entry from someone personally known. On the dictionary, it is working fine. However, it may be possible the word you were looking for may not be existing in the dictionary. If you can share the word, I can add it to the dictionary. <br> <br> Biswajit Dash

Message Title: Namaskaramulu
Message#: 622 Date: Saturday, July 21, 2012 -- 5:10:42 PM
Guest's Name: Shankar Narayana
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I thank you all who have contributed even a min for this site. I can’t keep my feelings in words; let me do something to make your hard work worthwhile.

Message Title: Abhinandan wa Shubhechha!
Message#: 621 Date: Friday, July 20, 2012 -- 7:55:59 AM
Guest's Name: Sameer Joshi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This site makes me feel very happy each time I visit. Please keep adding Shlokas and such nice verse from our most historic and best language - Sanskrut!

Message Title: Request
Message#: 620 Date: Friday, July 20, 2012 -- 2:04:18 AM
Guest's Name: Balai Canchi Sistla
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Shubhodayam! The site was excellent and informative. I felt adding one more thing would fetch fullfilment to this site. Audio support to all mantars and slokas. I can read the them from the site, thats ok but how would I know the ups and downs of accent, dragging voice sometime, etc? Would you think it in this way and let know when added? All the best and my high regards to all those took strain to made this site possible. CS Balaji Sharma

Message Title: any paragraph on description of a place
Message#: 609 Date: Saturday, July 07, 2012 -- 1:19:11 AM
Guest's Name: Garry
Guest's Address: Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

any paragraph on description of a place which a person usually visits during vacations ?

Message Title: sanskrit - the soul language
Message#: 608 Date: Thursday, July 05, 2012 -- 7:06:49 AM
Guest's Name: Bhatt Vishal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Really best site. Thank u v.much :-)... Eagerly waintin 4 d rest incomplete grammar chapters :-)...plz publish dem :-)...... Really gr8 site. Gbu

Message Title: Sanskrit Learning
Message#: 601 Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 -- 2:27:34 PM
Guest's Name: Raju Shaikh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

what should be do for learning sanskrit???

Message Title: Online course "Training in Sanskrit Pronunciation"
Message#: 593 Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 -- 9:58:26 AM
Guest's Name: Vidvan Gauranga dasa
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Sirs, We are happy to announce that we are offering an online course "Training in Sanskrit Pronunciation" which will be useful to one and all interested in Sanskrit. Registration for the course will be open throughout the year. The charges are minimal. Please see further details at Yours in the service of Lord Krishna, Vidvan Gauranga dasa

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 585 Date: Sunday, June 03, 2012 -- 3:58:56 AM
Guest's Name: JaishankarJshankarp
Guest's Address: Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am impressed by the website. I intend using it extensively in my learning.

Message Title: Sanskrit fonts and keyboard
Message#: 576 Date: Sunday, May 13, 2012 -- 2:27:57 PM
Guest's Name: Jegajothy Vythilingam
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: usa
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I am researching to type in Sanskrit for Microsoft Word using the Mangal font. Does anyone know the step by step instructions on how to install the font and also the keyboard. Thank u

Message Title: dictionaries in sanskrit/english-english/sanskrit
Message#: 572 Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 -- 12:42:03 AM
Guest's Name: robert moratoya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: u.s.a.
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

l, loooking for a dictionarie as mentioned above

Message Title: Dhanyavad
Message#: 571 Date: Saturday, April 21, 2012 -- 9:13:10 AM
Guest's Name: Dr. Nikhil K
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I wish to thank all who made this site possible. this site is a wonderful learning resource to understand sanskrit. I am a doctor by profession, who always felt sorry not able to learn sanskrit during my academic years and this language always filled me with wonder and awe. i am grateful to this site to allow me to learn this language.

Message Title: Thank you
Message#: 568 Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 -- 4:35:22 PM
Guest's Name: shubha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Thank you sir for your efforts. One of the best site I have come across to learn samskritam. bahu dhaynayaavadaH krupya continue with this noble work Hari Om shubha

Message Title: great work with some Typos
Message#: 565 Date: Thursday, March 29, 2012 -- 7:34:55 PM
Guest's Name: Raama
Guest's Address: Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi, Let me congratulate the team for putting this website together. However I want to point to some mistakes could be clear typos. its बहुवचन (bahuvachana) not वहुवचन (Vahuvachana) similarly its Subanta not suvanta. clearly there is a confusion between va and ba. I would appreciate if you can make these little corrections. Raama

Message Title: संस्कृत-हिन्दी शब्दकोश
Message#: 564 Date: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 -- 6:20:23 AM
Guest's Name: अनुनाद सिंह
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

यदि यह शब्दकोश एक टेक्स्ट फाइल के रूप में या एक एचटीएमएल फाइल के रूप में डाउनलोड के लिये उपलब्ध हो तो बहुत से लोगों को लाभ होगा।

Message Title: NIce Site
Message#: 557 Date: Saturday, February 18, 2012 -- 1:41:59 PM
Guest's Name: Hannan Reuben
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Israel
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

good site and really hard work to do this...keep up the good work.

Message Title: THANK U
Message#: 530 Date: Friday, January 06, 2012 -- 2:42:30 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i really wanna thank u for making this type of site because i am a student of class 8th and i got a holiday homework my holiday homework was to make 5 crosswords in sanskrit and i got it at this site i really loved it..... once again thank u...:-)

Message#: 508 Date: Friday, December 16, 2011 -- 10:42:43 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: certain fault committed by you
Message#: 503 Date: Friday, December 02, 2011 -- 4:09:19 PM
Guest's Name: jk chandra sekhar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I tried to attempt a test here. I got a fault in the same. a boy is going home - baalah grihat gachchati. Is it not the mistake?

Message Title: इन्द्रजाल
Message#: 502 Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 -- 7:14:00 AM
Guest's Name: डॉ. धर्मेन्द्र कुमार शर्मा
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: भारत
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

संस्कृत बाषा को जानने और अपनी जानकारियों को बढ़ाने के लिए एक सम्पूर्ण और परिपक्व इन्द्रजाल है। इस इन्द्रजाल को बनाने और संस्कृत भाषा के प्रचार-प्रसार के लिएृ आप सभी को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद।

Message Title: Sanskrit Daily Newspaper
Message#: 488 Date: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 -- 5:38:33 PM
Guest's Name: D .C .Bhatt.
Guest's Address: Surat (Gujarat ) Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Namonamh, Respected sir, I have started Daily Sanskrit Newspaper named Vishvasya Vrutantam.since 6 months. At present we publish Current News with photos as well as photo lines,Lokkatha, filmy news,religious metters,Abroad News, Indian News, and some sp. stories. sir, we need some extra articles written by teachers / students.we will publish with their name / photo.(if possible) yours faithfully D.C.Bhatt -Publisher

Message#: 484 Date: Sunday, November 06, 2011 -- 7:19:18 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have wrote a number of religious "Knols" in Hindi like "कर्मण्येवा अधिकारस्ते...... ' पंक्ति का अर्थ क्या है ?". "भगवान शेष ही धराधारी हैं", "अध्यात्म - अनिवार्य विषय हो","ब्रह्म प्रकृति" etc. in website. You will find my Knols worth displaying and useful for your Sanskrit site.

Message Title: thanking you
Message#: 471 Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 -- 5:30:18 PM
Guest's Name: harsh nandan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i am really overwhelmed and very haapy to see this site. thanks to you sir for creating this. i was searching for some mantras of ganesha but i could not find it in here. so i request you to put all the mantras of all the lords accordingly that have been described in our vedas and upnishadas..

Message Title: learniing
Message#: 468 Date: Friday, October 14, 2011 -- 6:59:09 PM
Guest's Name: jam nilal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

hi, i want to learn sanskrit, can you please reffer me to some book in urdu or english to learn sanskrit. thank you

Message Title: Spoken Sanskrit Organisation to be Added
Message#: 460 Date: Sunday, September 18, 2011 -- 5:38:29 AM
Guest's Name: Lokabhasha Prachara Samitih
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

You have missed an organisation "LOKABHASHA PRACHRA SAMITIH" established in 1983 at Puri, Odisha state, India which is working for spread of spoken sanskrit its URL is visit this site and include its details you can contact us at the given e-mail ID or the ID given in the ewbsite

Message Title: Good Site for learner
Message#: 457 Date: Monday, September 12, 2011 -- 9:08:12 AM
Guest's Name: Pramod Kushwaha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have enrolled for learning Sanskrit through Correspondence Course from Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. This site provides additional exercises. The Tutorials, ONLINE TEST are wonderful for any beginner who wants to learn Sanskrit.

Message Title: The name of a very old Sanskrit Organisation is missing in your List
Message#: 443 Date: Saturday, August 13, 2011 -- 4:13:29 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

LOKABHASHA PRACHARA SAMITIH was established in 1983 in JAGANNATH DHAM PURI, ORISSA for promoting sanskrit language through general people. But sadly you have not listed it. Please go through its website, verify and enlist them.

Message Title: Sanskrit books
Message#: 442 Date: Thursday, August 11, 2011 -- 7:11:16 AM
Guest's Name: AVR Rao
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

You are doing a noble service to humanity in developing this website. Please continue to update this and make it more informative and self-contained. Till that is done, please give URLs to find relevant information.

Message Title: about your website
Message#: 441 Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 -- 5:45:23 PM
Guest's Name: shaurya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

you folks have done an incredible job, we love you !!! when everybody is going after western culture, everybody is copying the western life style blindly even our government officials , you are few of those people who have put somne effort to rearrange and present the "gyan ke moti"( pearls of knowledge to us in a very efficient way . please do increase the content of guru vandana and chanakya neeti, and upnishad mantras.

Message Title: Request for including in mailing list
Message#: 436 Date: Friday, August 05, 2011 -- 5:46:05 AM
Guest's Name: Prof. Ramana M.V
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sir ! Congrats for the sanskrit site . really it is a unique contribution. I would be glad if you could include me in the mailing list. Prof. Ramana

Message Title: Sanskrit translation tool kit & sanskrit word net
Message#: 434 Date: Thursday, August 04, 2011 -- 2:56:30 PM
Guest's Name: Prof. Mrs M.V.RAMANA
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

this web site is extremely useful for all sanskrit scholars. kindly try to develop Sanskrit translation tool kit & sanskrit word net . which would be a unique contribution Congrats & wishing success Ramana

Message Title: suggestion for online test
Message#: 429 Date: Thursday, July 21, 2011 -- 11:38:21 AM
Guest's Name: smruti bhate
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

namo nam: i just tried to solve this test - id 989e48c9-b18c-4cc3-8478-3045f33197af I loved this idea. A great effort indeed. By mistake a few typo-errors are left. please take a note. Que.4 answer should be इत: + तत: Que.14 answer - पुच्छम् + इव Que.20 says the boy going to home, means it gives the home as the destination/ target, and not the source. The explanation given is very precise, but the answer doesnot match. it should be option A.

Message Title: minor mistake
Message#: 428 Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 -- 2:51:00 AM
Guest's Name: piush
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: CH
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear reader I started studying your excellent project and just jumbled over a small slip of error, I think: 'you all are reading - युयं पठथ / yuyam paThata' should transliterate 'paThatha' thank you for your generous offer piush

Message Title: Vedavani & Devvani
Message#: 418 Date: Monday, July 18, 2011 -- 3:55:16 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: BHARAT[INDIA]
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sir / Madam ! I am interested in Vedavani and Sanskrit working by your consideration Thanks.

Message Title: Thank you so much
Message#: 416 Date: Friday, July 15, 2011 -- 9:32:44 AM
Guest's Name: Dipen Vipani
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I think this is a comprehensive site for Sanskrita and i loved the way every sloka has been explained....

Message Title: I am teacher in astrology in ICAS
Message#: 414 Date: Thursday, July 14, 2011 -- 5:45:03 AM
Guest's Name: Dr.S.C.Kursija
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: I am not computer engineer and do not know URL meaning or function

I am interested in spreading sanskrit

Message Title: Reference of a Sanskrit Daily
Message#: 412 Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 -- 5:55:53 AM
Guest's Name: Rajesha N
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I would like to bring your notice towards a Sanskrit Daily which is been publishing from past 42 Years, Hope its reference can be added into your site. Address:- Sudharma Sanskrit Daily Editor: Sri KV Sampath Kumar No. 561, 2nd cross, Ramachandra Agrahara, Mysore - 570 004 Karnataka INDIA 0821-244-2835 Regd. No. KA/SK/MYS-107/09-11 R.N.I. No. 20007/70 E-mail : E-paper : Phone : 0821-2442835 / 4287835

Message Title: Literature
Message#: 409 Date: Sunday, July 03, 2011 -- 7:00:59 AM
Guest's Name: Ishika
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Literature section should be expanded and guests should be given d chance 2 post info.

Message Title: Great thank you and request
Message#: 394 Date: Sunday, June 19, 2011 -- 10:12:19 PM
Guest's Name: Swami Tapasyananda
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

First I would like to say THANK YOU for the wonderful and comprehensive website. I am studying Sanskrit in Self study and I found your website extremely useful! I would like to ask please to complete the detailed pages on all the pratyayas. Thank you!!!

Message Title: sanskrit mei shistachaar par shlok
Message#: 389 Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 -- 5:46:09 AM
Guest's Name: mahesh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: no

r/- NAMASTAY. KRIPYA sanskrit mei shistachaar par shlok MEI HELP KAREI.

Message Title: shubham bhavatu
Message#: 383 Date: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 -- 4:38:27 PM
Guest's Name: deepal parekh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Bharat
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Iam learning sanskrit and am happy that I have a help at hand.

Message Title: THANK YOU
Message#: 377 Date: Friday, May 13, 2011 -- 1:43:22 PM
Guest's Name: Tanya Chauhan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

thank you very much for the slokas...i can write this slokas in my copy. once more thank you.:-) -tanya

Message Title: Learning Sanskrit.
Message#: 359 Date: Monday, March 28, 2011 -- 7:04:10 AM
Guest's Name: Yashvant Palsule
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sanskrit was a compulsory subject in schooldays Oh! that was some 65 years back. though i rememer some what I am not fluent now. While browsing I hit upon your site and lo I am now delighted I can freshan up. Thanks a lot for your efforts.

Message Title: Sanskrit learning
Message#: 346 Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 -- 5:39:37 AM
Guest's Name: C R Ananthanarayanan Iyer
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I did my schooling in Tamil and did not learn any other Indian languages. I find it difficult to learn Samskrutham as it has four letters for its Tamil equivalent (example in Tamil there is only one Cha but in Sanmskrutham we have Cha, Chha, Jha Jhha. Kindly explain me how to differenciate and learn the languagr. Ananthanarayanan

Message Title: please provide meanong of slok
Message#: 333 Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011 -- 3:39:41 PM
Guest's Name: amruta
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

""shantakaram chaturhast shrona nakshatra vallabham vishnukamal patranksham dhyayed garud vahnam""""" please provide me MEANING OF ABOVE MENTIONED SLOK THANK YOU

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 331 Date: Monday, February 14, 2011 -- 5:59:52 PM
Guest's Name: Ravi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: US
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Owner, You and your team have a done a wonderful job in creating this website and helping people learn our ancient language. Kudos to all of you ! Regards, Ravi

Message Title: error
Message#: 329 Date: Sunday, February 06, 2011 -- 10:58:11 PM
Guest's Name: madhusudan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: usa
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Today is my first day trying to learn Sanskrit with the help of your website.(Jan.27,2010) My observations. Girl / वाला / vaalaa (Femenine / स्त्रीलिङ्ग / striiliN^ga) Had understood that Sanskrit word for girl is बाला. Kindly clarify. Madhusudan

Message Title: identification of gender
Message#: 328 Date: Sunday, February 06, 2011 -- 10:55:49 PM
Guest's Name: madhusudan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: usa
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Have gone through your website. Could you kindly tell me if you have addressed the following 1) how is the gender identified?(eg words ending with का, ई is feminine ) 2)What is the reasoning behind assigning a masculine gender to an inanimate thing. eg.दर्पन,विधुदीप् ३)Feminine--जनविका,यानपेतिका OR could you guide me to any contents which has dealt clearly on this subject . Await your response/clarification. Madhusudan Mansata

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 327 Date: Saturday, February 05, 2011 -- 4:27:53 PM
Guest's Name: Subham
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: 23<235sdlflk>

This is very useful side.

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 325 Date: Saturday, January 29, 2011 -- 2:14:54 PM
Guest's Name: Sourav Acharya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

it is a good sanskrit website

Message Title: samaasah
Message#: 323 Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 -- 5:35:03 PM
Guest's Name: Kristie Ray
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: 99
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i really need to learn samaas.i want to know when the tutorial will make available pages on samaasah.

Message Title: aksharam tel no.
Message#: 312 Date: Monday, January 10, 2011 -- 2:16:22 PM
Guest's Name: latha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

sir, i found the aksharam telephone number in the beginning of this article, long outdated! it consists of 7 digits that is no more prevalent. it is very important to update your articles on the web. i am a bangalorean and i could understand that digit 2 has to be prefixed to it. but what about people from other places/countries?? hope to see the correction soon. namaste.

Message Title: सद्गुरुम् sadgurum
Message#: 311 Date: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 -- 7:25:34 PM
Guest's Name: श्रीहरप्रसादः haraprasAda mahApAtra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: bhAratawarSam
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

ब्रह्मानन्दं परमसुखदं केवळंज्ञानमूर्त्तिं द्वन्द्वातीतं गगनसदृशं तत्त्वम्अस्यादिलक्षम्। एकंनित्यं विमळम्अचळं सर्वधीसाक्षिभूतं भावातीतं त्रिगुणरहितं सद्गुरुं तं नमामि।।

Message Title: Shuddhadwait Vedantanusaren Shrimadbhagwatasya Samikshatmakam Adhyayanam
Message#: 305 Date: Monday, December 20, 2010 -- 11:14:24 AM
Guest's Name: Ulhas Martand Pradhan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Date:27th September 2010/20th December 2010 Dear Sir, Shuddhadwait Vedant is a very very subtle sub ject and through numerous "Shruti Vakyas" found in all the Adhyayas of Shrimad Brahmasutranubhashyam grantha we feel that we go very near to the heart of Shrimad Vallabhacharya and his son Shrimad Vitthaleshji. If one wants to study in depth the subtalities of Shrimad Brahmasutra whose rachanakar is the great saint Shrimad Vyasa Maharshi then its Anubhashya by these two great exponents of Vallabh Vedant will definitely serve ones purpose. The more you study in depth the sutras esp Bhashya Prakash and Rashmi as narrated in Brahmasutranubhashyam granth one realises the indepth study of these Vallabh Vedant scholars. Say for example the bhashya on Brahma Sutra "Shabdaccha". Above and numerous Brahma Sutras as explained in all the adhyayas of the great granth " Brahmasutranubhashyam" written by these two great scholars will give us in depth knowledge of the Shuddha Adwait Vedant philosophy. Regards, Ulhas Pradhan Mo.No09930142924

Message Title: Great work done and helpful in learning sanskrit and it is also helpful to school students in doing the homework and assignemts
Message#: 296 Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 -- 4:05:13 PM
Guest's Name: Pankaj gupta
Guest's Address: Delhi Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Great work done and helpful in learning sanskrit and it is also helpful to school students in doing the homework and assignemts. Please also try to make it interactive,as there are some very small querries for u, but very difficult for us, that can be answered by u and ur staff in seconds. Thank a lot for providing such a beautiful work on the website

Message Title: Hindi transalation for Vakratunda Mahakaya and Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu
Message#: 290 Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010 -- 6:16:23 AM
Guest's Name: Shweta Johari
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Pls send me the hindi transalation for 1. Vakratunda Mahakaya 2. Mangalam bhagwan Vishnu Mangalam Garudwadhaj

Message Title: sanskrit words meaning
Message#: 286 Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010 -- 4:53:44 PM
Guest's Name: shreekunjmandapam
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

great work, its delight that someone takes so much pain to provide this beautiful information thanks

Message Title: शंशोधनार्थं
Message#: 285 Date: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 -- 7:01:12 AM
Guest's Name: देवानन्द शुक्लः
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

मान्याः कृपया एतस्य वाक्यस्य मुख्यपृष्ठे संशोधनं कुर्वन्तु इति मे निवेदनम् । आगच्छन्तु प्रतिदिन जीवने वयं शुध्द संस्कृतं कथयिष्यामः (अशुद्धम्) आगच्छन्तु प्रतिदिन-जीवने वयं शुद्धं संस्कृतं कथयिष्यामः (शुद्धम्)

Message Title: To know the originity
Message#: 284 Date: Sunday, November 07, 2010 -- 1:58:20 PM
Guest's Name: Dr. Harprakash Sharma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear sir, first of all i thank you for creating this wonderful site . Will you please let me know who has written and in which book " Sarvey bahvantu sukhinah Sarvey Santu Nirmaye Sarvey bhadrayani pashyantu ma kaschychit dukh bhaak bhavet" Awaiting your reply. Harparkash

Message Title: Expressing gratefulness!!
Message#: 277 Date: Monday, October 25, 2010 -- 10:20:07 AM
Guest's Name: Yatin Narendrabhai Pathak
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

You have done a fantastic job to give the best to future generations.

Message Title: find the slokas in sanscrit with their meaning
Message#: 261 Date: Friday, October 08, 2010 -- 9:38:34 AM
Guest's Name: Paban Sharma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am always interested to find out what is there in our sanscrit literature. But most of the site that I have visited are in english without putting "original sloka" neaby. I want to visualize the things in my own way. If you can help me, Thank you Prof. Dr.Paban Sharma

Message Title: Reference of Sanskrit Shloka
Message#: 259 Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 -- 3:00:40 AM
Guest's Name: Braj
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I wanted to know the reference of the shloka given on the top left hand corner of this page Sarve bhavantu sukhinah sarve santu niramayaah Sarve bhadrani pashyantu ma kashit dukhbhagbhavet

Message Title: Thank you
Message#: 248 Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 -- 12:20:14 PM
Guest's Name: raj mohan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: www,

This is a really great site, Thank you, it is surely a labour of love.

Message Title: Sanskrit Slokas
Message#: 247 Date: Monday, September 13, 2010 -- 2:48:07 AM
Guest's Name: Kalyani
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

hi, i searchd this site in google and was happy to know such shlokas and other detials are givien in this site. I will recommend everyone to view and get benefited by this site. Thanks,

Message Title: Sanskrit Hindu Wedding Shlokas
Message#: 246 Date: Thursday, September 09, 2010 -- 8:26:55 PM
Guest's Name: Shaanti
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want to write a Sanskrit Wedding Sholka on my wedding card Can you pls help me. Can you please send me a few shlokas so that I can pick and choose. Also, I could not find anywhere the seven vows in Sanskrit with its English Translations. Can you please help me with it.

Thanks a lot

Message Title: good work
Message#: 245 Date: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 -- 11:20:23 AM
Guest's Name: Vasu
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi All,

I have been searching for a place to learn sanskrit on web, its good that i have found one today. As an indian i felt its necessary to learn sanskrit by everyone. I hope the site would be a starting point to develop such encouragements.

Thank you.

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 244 Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 -- 6:51:29 PM
Guest's Name: jyothi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


i want regarding a project for my daughter.she has to write about the biography of sanskrit poet -DANDIN(or DANDI) in sanskrit. can anybody help. she needs for tomarrow.

Message Title: Sanskrit-Hindi Grammar
Message#: 243 Date: Monday, August 30, 2010 -- 5:01:29 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear all,

This site is very helpful to learn Sanskrit. One can learn Sanskrit quite easily. But I have a request that as the Sanskrit is an Indian language and indians will take a main action to learn Sanskrit, so if Sanskrit grammar will be in Hindi language, it will help something more.

But this site is very helpful for me.


Message Title: Yagnopavit
Message#: 241 Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 -- 4:49:08 AM
Guest's Name: Aditya Jhala
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Namaskar. First of all I would like to thank as well as congratulate you for the efforts made by your team for maintaining our language- Sanskrit. It will be a favour for me if some Mantra will be placed on the website, which are used during Yagnopavit Sanskar. Thanking you in advance.

Message Title: असंस्कृतानि लिखितानि
Message#: 240 Date: Monday, August 16, 2010 -- 4:51:16 PM
Guest's Name: श्रीहरप्रसादः
Guest's Address: सृष्टिः, शास्त्रीनगरः, नवगड़ः 752069 उत्कळप्रान्तः Country: भारतवर्षम्
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

कतिपयानि व्याकरणीयानि वर्णानिचाशुद्धानि लक्षन्ते। प्रतिकुर्याद्यथोचितमिति।
दुःखभाक् भवेत् > ~भाग्भवेत् (संहितैकपदा नित्या नित्या धातूपसर्गयोः। नित्या समासे
वाक्ये तु सा विवक्षामपेक्षते।।)।
सुश्वागतम् > सुस्वागतम्। (सु सु आ~)
सब्दार्थ > शब्दार्थम्(प्रथमैकवचनम्)।
आङ्ग्लभाषा लिपि > ~षालिपिः।(समासः)
अतिथि पुस्तकम् > अतिथिपुस्तकम्।
लिपि > लिपिः। मुख पृष्ठ > मुखपृष्ठम्।
श्लोक > श्लोकः। शब्दकोश > ~षः।

Message Title: mahtma gandhi
Message#: 239 Date: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 -- 4:48:48 PM
Guest's Name: akhilachandra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: subhashits
Message#: 238 Date: Saturday, July 31, 2010 -- 2:01:48 PM
Guest's Name: rahul jain
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

The subhashits are given according to classification in different criteria of yours. My suggestion is that add more subhashits to your list (if it permits) and classify them according to their subjects. For ex. if I want subhashits on the topic of mother or anything else, I would get many subhashits on that topic by entering the required link. It would make our work more easier.

Message Title: Rituals
Message#: 235 Date: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 -- 8:27:17 PM
Guest's Name: V.R.ANIL KUMAR
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have recently set up a trust called Kalpa Heritage Trust with the objective of sourcing material on Kalpa Shastra, putting it online for free availability to anyone interested. I would appreciate comments & suggestions on the content of the web site of the trust

Message Title: team building
Message#: 234 Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 -- 10:14:32 AM
Guest's Name: saswati majumdar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want to kow the exact word of team building in sasnkrit language

Message Title: sanskrit shlokas
Message#: 233 Date: Sunday, July 18, 2010 -- 10:41:23 AM
Guest's Name: aindrila dey
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

please provide a few shlokas from bhagavad geeta

Message Title: Samskrit Bharati conducted correspondence course.............
Message#: 230 Date: Friday, July 09, 2010 -- 5:39:20 PM
Guest's Name: Hemalatha Sridhar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please have the question papers of all exams of all levels corresponding to the past years...published in your site so that the students can stand to benefit out of it and gain a hold on the divine language.


Message Title: Sanskrit and your website
Message#: 229 Date: Friday, July 09, 2010 -- 5:39:05 AM
Guest's Name: Giti Thadani
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Thank you so much for your site. I have been studying Sanskrit since many years and it is a tremendous wealth. I find in your site a very clear approach.

In appreciation - Giti

Message Title: Bagya Suktham
Message#: 228 Date: Monday, July 05, 2010 -- 4:25:35 PM
Guest's Name: Lakshman
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please provide me the website where i can download the text of baghya suktham

Message Title: Need some stuff in sanskrit
Message#: 227 Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 -- 12:54:30 PM
Guest's Name: Utsav Soni
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

mujhe kuch sanskrit me chitra varnan + kathayen chahiye please!!!!

Message Title: Wedding shlokas
Message#: 225 Date: Thursday, June 24, 2010 -- 12:21:02 PM
Guest's Name: Renu
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

can you email me the shloka beginning with - Mangalam Bhagwan Vishu....

Message Title: Amazing job...
Message#: 222 Date: Friday, June 18, 2010 -- 7:20:28 PM
Guest's Name: A Proud Hindu
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


You folks are doing an amazing job. In the present age, where Hindu way of life is facing a lot of problems, some our own and by others, your work is commendable. I wish you guys all the very best!!! Keep up the good work.. Rather than be destructive, if we all co-operate do constructive work, it would benefit humanity

Message Title: want an essays on fredom fighters of india
Message#: 221 Date: Monday, June 14, 2010 -- 10:26:24 AM
Guest's Name: sneha kumar gupta
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i wanna good collection of essays on topic freedom fighter of india

Message Title: guru
Message#: 220 Date: Monday, June 14, 2010 -- 9:04:24 AM
Guest's Name: ravi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: cyprus
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

sanskrit solakas based on guru

Message Title: Slokas for wedding invitation
Message#: 219 Date: Friday, June 04, 2010 -- 6:31:35 AM
Guest's Name: Chandana
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Am getting married & would like to have relevant slokas/mantras(more spiritual perspective of marriage) printed in Sanskrit on the wedding invite. Would be grateful if you could help me.


Message Title: WEDDING VOWS
Message#: 218 Date: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 -- 8:50:29 AM
Guest's Name: Priya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

please let me know how to say 'Never to part' in sanskrut. I would like to imprint it on my wedding ring.

Message Title: Meaning of a word
Message#: 217 Date: Monday, May 31, 2010 -- 7:51:31 AM
Guest's Name: Vivek bhatnagar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want 2 know the exact meanining of word BHUVI (भुवि)which i understand another name of heaven. will it be suitable as a house name ?

Message Title: pdf
Message#: 216 Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 -- 9:44:06 PM
Guest's Name: srinivasacharyulu maddali
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: US
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

let me know if this is available as pdf for teaching to kids

Message Title: meaning of saanvi
Message#: 215 Date: Thursday, May 20, 2010 -- 10:58:02 AM
Guest's Name: deepak deshmukh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

give full meaning of word saanvi

Message Title: hari na bhi, hare na bhi, surerabhai, laladalikithat rekha
Message#: 214 Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 -- 3:12:57 AM
Guest's Name: Samuel
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


I shall thank you to let me know where the above quote appears in Hindu Mythology.

Message Title: Other
Message#: 213 Date: Monday, May 10, 2010 -- 10:07:04 AM
Guest's Name: Rob Miller
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: United States
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I liked your site.

Message Title: invitataion for ramayan path
Message#: 212 Date: Saturday, May 01, 2010 -- 7:31:16 AM
Guest's Name: ram kumar
Guest's Address: pathankot punjab Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

please send some sanskrit slok for invitation for Ramayan path

Message Title: Sanskruta Nitibani
Message#: 209 Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 -- 4:00:10 AM
Guest's Name: Himanshu Shekhar Hota
Guest's Address: N302, AWHO, Vivek Vihar, Sec-82, Noida, UP 201304 Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Dear all,
I'm trying to find out the whole lot of NitiBani that we were used to read while studying in Class VIII in 1987-88. One of its shloka is as follows:
Utsave Vyasane Chaiba Durbhikshye Rashtrabiplabe Rajadware Shmashane Cha Jah Tisthati Sah Vandhavah (Who are real friends)
I would be very grateful for your help to find out the whole NitiBani on some website.
Thanking all,
Warm regards,

<br> <br> <u>Response from team</u>: This shloka is from Chanakya Neti. You can find this and many more in our <a href="">Shloka Pages</a>.

Message Title: meaning of SAANVI
Message#: 208 Date: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 -- 5:49:59 PM
Guest's Name: Ram
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi, I am trying to find out if SAANVI is a Sanskrit name, if so could you tell the meaning of this and what is the origin of this name (like which shloka/ verse). In some baby naming sites they have given the meaning as Name of Godess Lakshmi .. is it correct ?

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 207 Date: Sunday, March 28, 2010 -- 9:51:34 AM
Guest's Name: kishorbhai
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

this site is best

Message Title: Your website
Message#: 206 Date: Friday, March 26, 2010 -- 11:38:49 PM
Guest's Name: Vinod kumar Sakariya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I found your contents for learning sanskrit extremely helpful. I am trying to learn. I know hindi very well which is a additive factor but to be completely new for Sanskrit, need some more,commonly used translated words especially used in our Poojas, stotra etc. If you have please mail me, I will be grateful. Dhanyvaad.... Vinod

Message Title: lRRiTlakaara (Future Tense)
Message#: 205 Date: Saturday, March 20, 2010 -- 11:23:34 AM
Guest's Name: Dinar Karkhanis
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Excellent Site and a Great Effort. Of the many sites, I have found this one quite simple to learn and understand. Suggesting a correction.In chapter 3, lRRiTlakaara (Future Tense), in the first table, under "Future Tense - Third Person Singular ", the translation should be "bhaviShyatakaala prathamapuruSha ekavachana" instead of "vartamaanakaala prathamapuruSha ekavachana".

Message Title: Thank you
Message#: 204 Date: Friday, February 26, 2010 -- 3:27:59 PM
Guest's Name: Raghavendra Kattinakere
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Thank you. Very useful website. I will come here to get some of my mistakes corrected.

Message Title: sanskrit shloka
Message#: 203 Date: Thursday, February 11, 2010 -- 6:08:57 AM
Guest's Name: Mukta
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Can you please help me in finding this? I am looking for a shloka probably from chanakaya niti, but can recall only initial words of the same i.e. 'Gandhe Suvarne, fal ishwaku dande...'. The translation was that gold does not have smell, sugarcane does not have fruits, ....kings dont have long lives etc etc. It pertained to that God did not give everything to "any one" but kept a good balance . Thanks and Kind Regards

Message Title: news in sanskrit
Message#: 202 Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 -- 3:13:21 PM
Guest's Name: amita
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I just want to read news in sanskrit bhasha. Can you help me?

Response from team:You can get list Sanskrit News of sites from Sanskrit Websites page.

Message Title: chatur vedas
Message#: 201 Date: Monday, February 08, 2010 -- 8:43:31 PM
Guest's Name: hari vsrc sharma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want to read chatur vedas,upanichads,meemasa,in original classic sanskrit text books.please let me know the source to procure them and cost.

Message Title: IAST
Message#: 200 Date: Monday, February 08, 2010 -- 7:10:32 AM
Guest's Name: rākēśvaraḥ
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi, The website is Great. But I just hope you used some standard for English transliteration, like IAST or Diacritic Latin. Please know more about IAST - About Translitration - विज्ञानम् is supposed to be written as vijñānam
राकेश्वरः as rākēśvaraḥ
संस्कृतः as saṁskr̥taḥ etc.
This way there is only one Roman Character for corresponding saṁskr̥ta Character. And it is a standard so no confusion.

Response from team: In our website we have used ITRANS, which also happens to be a more easier and accepted standard, while dealing with computer systems. Keeping in mind the larger audience over the Internet and world, using IAST is easier said than done, as most will not be able to feed-in the input characters using a 101 English keyboard. Besides, using IAST needs a higher learning curve on part of the average user than ITRANS. As we have pages like 'Online Dictionary' and 'Guest Book' which can take Devanagari inputs, we have preferred ITRANS over the rest of the standards. IAST remains a good option for print media like books, magazines etc.

Message Title: five sentences on library
Message#: 198 Date: Friday, February 05, 2010 -- 2:00:23 PM
Guest's Name: himani
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

this is a good site for sanskrit i think those studyng sanskrit should refer it

Message#: 196 Date: Monday, February 01, 2010 -- 3:36:04 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am extremely happy to look at the web site. I got this site while searching to learn SAMSKRUTAM so as to enable me for an acquaintance with the vedic literature. I feel that I can end my search here for my purpose. HOPE THE BLESSINGS OF ALMIGHTY BE SHOWERED ON ME.

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 195 Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 -- 4:53:53 AM
Guest's Name: jyoti rajpurohit
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: sanskrit

sarve bhavantu sukhinah

Message Title: samskrutam
Message#: 193 Date: Monday, January 25, 2010 -- 9:06:15 AM
Guest's Name: R.Devarajan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

It makes an interseting reading; All useful informations

Message Title: SANSKRIT
Message#: 191 Date: Friday, January 22, 2010 -- 8:52:25 AM
Guest's Name: M. RAJ KUMAR
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I'm very much interested to learn Sanskrit. I'm in initial stage. Please send me material.

Message Title: slokas for wedding invitation cards
Message#: 187 Date: Monday, January 11, 2010 -- 5:57:48 AM
Guest's Name: aakanksha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls help me with few wedding slokas in sanskrit which i can put on my wedding invitation. thank you

Message Title: Wedding card matter
Message#: 185 Date: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 -- 4:29:03 AM
Guest's Name: Mruga
Guest's Address: Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

pls help me with few wedding slokas in sanskrit which i can put on my wedding invitation. thank you

Message Title: on line test taken on 4-1-2010
Message#: 184 Date: Monday, January 04, 2010 -- 3:16:50 PM
Guest's Name: I.V.Narasimhacharya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

The test is good.It is interesting.The test covers all the topics.
In the test in the question No.13 (C) is correct.But (D) was ticked as correct.Verification requested. The Test ID: 83d21504-4f66-4690-82d3-55082e1b84c3 Test dated 4-1-2010.Correct Answers stated as 14 for 20.Marks given as 70.These details were given for reference.

Response from team: Thank you for identifying the error. We have corrected the question paper. Your test transcript (and transcripts of all others who got this question) now reflects this correction. If you find similar errors please identify the same.

Message Title: I need few sentences in sanskrit on our country, India/ Bharat
Message#: 183 Date: Monday, January 04, 2010 -- 7:10:47 AM
Guest's Name: Madhumeeta Padhi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This is a good site for sanskrit & hence I want to learn & teach Sanskrit to my son who has taken up Sanskrit as an option for CBSE.

Message Title: Panchatatra and vishnu sharma
Message#: 181 Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 -- 4:45:01 PM
Guest's Name: reshma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Nigeria
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please send me in sanskrit script your article on panchatantra and Pandit Vishnu Sharma.

Message Title: Sanskrit books
Message#: 180 Date: Monday, December 28, 2009 -- 1:40:02 PM
Guest's Name: Suresh Panta
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want to learn sanskrit. Can you please suggest books.

Message Title: Sanskrit Resources
Message#: 179 Date: Friday, December 25, 2009 -- 11:02:33 AM
Guest's Name: Sree
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Thanks for an impressive site for promotion of Sanskrit. Keep up the good work. Meanwhile, I found two a couple of interesting subhashita blogs which are not listed in your resources.

Message Title: Sanskrit Website
Message#: 178 Date: Thursday, December 24, 2009 -- 2:52:40 AM
Guest's Name: Arun
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I would like to recommend this Sanskrit website:

Message Title: roops
Message#: 177 Date: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 -- 4:49:48 AM
Guest's Name: akanksha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i just want to request u to mention some dhatu roop and all roop should be mention in the website so that we could find easily to make my children learn.and convinient for all.why to buy difft. difft. books. thanks

Message Title: sanskrit shlokas
Message#: 176 Date: Monday, December 21, 2009 -- 7:06:16 AM
Guest's Name: Ajay Shah
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I would like to have some good sanskrit shlokas or quotes on importance of books. I want them for my department library.

Message Title: Slokas for wedding invitation
Message#: 173 Date: Monday, December 14, 2009 -- 2:57:45 AM
Guest's Name: Amruta Malik
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Sir..I would like to include a few slokas in sanskrit on my wedding invitation, especially the ones inviting the gods to the auspicious ceremony.Would appreciate your kind help in this regard, could you please email the slokas along with their translations in english. Thank you Amruta

Message Title: sloka
Message#: 172 Date: Monday, December 07, 2009 -- 5:38:24 PM
Guest's Name: Vijay Krishnan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want some good wedding slokas for my wedding invitation.Kindly provide this.

Message Title: Marriage Card
Message#: 168 Date: Thursday, November 26, 2009 -- 6:21:46 PM
Guest's Name: Sri Kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hello, this msg is in Continuation of message 162 - I have put my effort and looked all over the internet and asked people i know for this kind of sloka but in vain. i have come back presuming that i may find some assistance. please help...sinciere thanks...:-)

Message Title: Learning Sanskrit
Message#: 164 Date: Saturday, October 31, 2009 -- 10:56:14 AM
Guest's Name: C.R. Ananthanarayanan
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I am very much impressed with the presentation; though interested and needed to learn Sanskrit I am not sitting over for it. But on seeing this site, I swear to learn Sanskrit right from now onwards.
I request I may please be guided suitably.

Response from team: We are delighted to see that we have been able to inspire to put your contemplation into action. It is easy to learn and speak Sanskrit. Few simple steps will be -

  • at home speak in Sanskrit for day-to-day conversation;
  • learn basic Sanskrit grammar from books or from Grammar Tutorial Section of our website; and
  • read literary works of Kalidasa, Magha etc., from books available from different publishers like MLBD.
With these simple steps within few months you will be able to speak Sanskrit effectively.

Message Title: spoken sanskrit learning
Message#: 163 Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009 -- 1:32:00 AM
Guest's Name: naresh kumar agarwal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

I Want to learn spoken sansrit, Can i get a hindi to sandrit translation book where i can know the usage of the words and form sentences to speak sanskrit

Message Title: Marriage Card
Message#: 162 Date: Friday, October 23, 2009 -- 9:27:04 PM
Guest's Name: Sri Kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hello, I am looking for a mantra which is to invite gods to attend the marriage ceremony and bless the couple. if you can please provide that to me with the meaning in english. - thanks in advance

Message Title: Prehelika
Message#: 161 Date: Friday, October 23, 2009 -- 5:31:32 PM
Guest's Name: Lekshmi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want many prehalikas in Sanskrit

Message Title: wedding
Message#: 160 Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009 -- 11:54:37 AM
Guest's Name: usha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

sanskrit sloka on the wedding invitation

Message Title: plz send shalokas in sanskrit by kalidas
Message#: 159 Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 -- 3:30:24 PM
Guest's Name: mansi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

plz send some sanskrit shalokas written by kalidasa for my project

Message Title: Wedding card
Message#: 158 Date: Monday, October 12, 2009 -- 7:05:37 PM
Guest's Name: Ram Gupta
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Looking for a suitable text for wedding invitation in Sanskrit

Response from team: You can get a set of shlokas on marriage in Marriage Shloka Page.

Message Title: Plz give me wedding slokas with english meaning
Message#: 157 Date: Monday, October 12, 2009 -- 6:22:01 AM
Guest's Name: santhosh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Plz give some wedding slogas with english meaning

Response from team: You can get a set of shlokas on marriage in Marriage Shloka Page.

Message Title: vedas
Message#: 156 Date: Sunday, October 11, 2009 -- 6:06:39 PM
Guest's Name: k.v.subramanian
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

VEDA schools are dwindling. through this website if possibleVEDAS may be taught with meanings. Actually my desire is that SANSKRIT SHOULD BE THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE OF INDIA.

Response from team: Thank you for your suggesation. In fact we are currently preparing contents with selected shlokas from Veda/Upanishads along with their appropriate meaning and context. In near future we will start publishing the articles.

We also desire Sanskrit becomes our day-to-day language. However, we get only what we deserve and not what we desire. So, let us all work towards bringing back Sanskrit to our daily life with the simple start at our own homes.

Message Title: An essay required
Message#: 155 Date: Saturday, October 10, 2009 -- 4:26:04 AM
Guest's Name: Mayank Lohia
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Could u pls send me a few lines written in sanskrit about my school. I need to write an essay on my school in sanskrit.

Message Title: Book Publishers, Learning Samskrutam
Message#: 154 Date: Sunday, September 27, 2009 -- 3:07:37 PM
Guest's Name: Shrinivas
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Probably one of the most important publisher of Samskrutam books:
Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office Oriental Publishers & Distributors, K. 37/99, Gopal Lane, Near Golghar (Maidagin) Post Box 1008, Varanasi-221001 (.U.P.) INDIA Phone : (Offi.) 0542-2333458, (Resi.) 0542-2334032, 2335020 Mob. 09415303382 Email ID :
Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy K. #7/118, Gopal Mandir Lane, Near Golghar (Maidagin) P.B. No. 1118, Varanasi-1 Pin : 221001 (India) Phone : (Offi.) 0542-2333458, (Resi.) 0542-2334032, 2335020 Mob. 09415303382

A good website for learning Samskritam

Response from Thank you for sharing the websites. We will add these to the list of 'Resources Page'.

Message Title: Thank You.
Message#: 153 Date: Sunday, September 27, 2009 -- 1:14:56 PM
Guest's Name: Amit Kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I really appreciate for your valuable services, and your aim to make easier sanskrit for the world. I found only one site who provides slokas in sanskrit,and slokas are translated in many languages. Thank You very much.

Message Title: Thank you !
Message#: 152 Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 -- 3:35:08 AM
Guest's Name: Usha Rani .P
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Thank you for putting up this site. I am posting one sanskrit sloka a day to my friends and relations and they are appreciating it. One more good thing is you have not put any copyright restrictions , which is as it should be. I feel our ancient wisdom like Chanakya Neethi have to be read by all. Even if I want to copy only the sloka from the book, I have copy restrictions. Hence I find your site very useful. All of us are learning a bit of Sanskrit due to this.
Thank you once again.

Response from team: We are happy to see our effort achiving the real intent.

Message#: 151 Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009 -- 3:14:13 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This website is one of the few practical efforts that I have found on the web that works towards bringing back Smaskrit to life. I came upon this site when I was searching for the original of the shlokas of Chankya's Niti Shastra. There are many sites that put the English translation but this is the only one where one finds the original which have a flavour of their own.Hebrew is one of the dead language that has been brought back to life by the Israelis. A hundred years ago it was used only in the religious ceremonies of the Jews whereas today it is used as day to day spoken language by the whole of Israel.The same can be done with Samskrit.It is the mother language of our national language Hindi and almost all our vernaculars.Only when Samskrit will be used as language in our daily life, then only it will be truly revived. From the log it is evident that the team is putting some serious effort and all of them deserve our praise.Good work!

Response from team: Thank you for your complements. We are sure in near future Sanskrit will start taking the same place in our daily life as it was only a few hundred years back. To make this successful all we need is to start using Sanskrit at home just like our mother-tongue. This small begining is the most effective way forward.

Message Title: appreciate for ur valuable service
Message#: 150 Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009 -- 12:02:51 PM
Guest's Name: vijaybhaskar sharma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I really appreciate for ur valuable service for providing the easy way to learn the sanskrit.
Thank you.

Response from team: Thank you for your complements.

Message Title: Feedback
Message#: 149 Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009 -- 9:15:16 AM
Guest's Name: Satyendra Kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Well it is a nice effort towards promoting the world's oldest language. For making it better i want to give some following suggestions. 1. Add a subscription link for getting updating thing on this site via e-mail. 2. The meaning of Slokas must be given in Hindi. 3. Need a lots of collection more. 4. A description must be given about timing & way of chatting Mantras & Slok. 5. A collection of images of God & Goddess will make this site better.

Response from team: Thank you for your suggestions. (1) For notifications on updates we are already providing a simple RSS Feed. You need to subscribe to the same and your browser's news reader will automatically check for the updates. In our endeavour to spread Sanskrit language we are avoiding technologically involved features like email notification etc. (2) We have given the meaning of shlokas in English so that wider audience can benefit from it, and knowledge of Hindi (both language and script) does not become a hindrance. (3) We are adding more and more contents from time to time, and will continue to do so. (4) For mantras the simple guideline is to chant the mantra in a calm, quite and pure environment and with similar mental attitude. Vedic Mantras have a far greater science behind them than simple facts like time of chanting. (5) Through the website we are trying to spread Sanskrit language and literature to the maximum possible audience. Putting non-text information like images has technological limitations for many browsers. So, presently we will continue publishing the website for informative and educational purpose in plain-text format.

Message Title: Learning Samskrut the language of Gods
Message#: 148 Date: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 -- 8:38:22 AM
Guest's Name: Jana Ramaswamy Iyengar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

An ardent student of the language, attending classes at the age of 65. A lot is taught and an ocean is remaining

Message Title: slokas on "mitra" means bandhava or friend
Message#: 147 Date: Monday, August 31, 2009 -- 9:43:44 AM
Guest's Name: Biswajit Choudhury
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls. help mme with few slokas which consist the word "mitra" means bandhava or friend.

Message#: 146 Date: Sunday, August 30, 2009 -- 11:39:13 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want books in sanskrit language. send me informationabout paryavaran in sanskrit.

Message Title: Sanskrot Resources
Message#: 145 Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 -- 10:53:19 AM
Guest's Name: Sreejith Varma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

There is a site run by Department od IT govt of India. or There are many Indian languages listed where there are also Sanskrit tools which can be downloaded

Response from team: Thank you for suggesting the website. This is one of the links already listed in our Resources Page.

Message Title: IGCSE in UK
Message#: 144 Date: Monday, August 24, 2009 -- 10:01:29 PM
Guest's Name: Balaram Dash
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: uk
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

While browsing for buying Sanskrit grammar book ( by Panini) online for my daughter who is preparing for her Year 11 exam in UK, I am surprised to see this site and Proud to know it is published from Bhubaneswar. My best wishes to all team members for a classic job done.

Response from team: Thank you for the complements. You can visit MLBD and place order online, for grammar and many more Sanskrit books.

Message Title: slokas
Message#: 143 Date: Saturday, August 22, 2009 -- 8:36:10 PM
Guest's Name: M.L.Gupta
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Fonts size needs increase. English translation needs improvement. so does spelling. Can you also include hindi version ? I was looking for the sanskrit & Hindi text of Kalidas's works, but failed to read him. access to great sanskrit works through sanskrit-Hindi-English routes would promote indian culture.

Response from team: Thank you for your feedback.
* The font size that we are using is optimised for 640/800 resolution, so that most screens can display the pages appropriately. Each browser supports options to increase the font size. For a bigger font you can check your browser options.
* We are using simple style of English so that everyone including school children can understand the contents. This is a difficult task, and someone with experience with this will understand the choices that are to be made. However, we keep on reviewing the contents to improve style and spellings.
* We are maintaining contents in English (and Devanagari), so that it can benefit the larger audience irrespective of the available technology. A Hindi version content will serve a limited audience only.
* Through our website we are promoting Sanskrit language and literature, so that people get inspired to understand the priceless heritage that we have. Indian culture is meant for the entire mankind. So, true promotion of our culture will happen only when we appreciate our heritage and live by the values taught, irrespective of the language used to teach those values.

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 142 Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 -- 3:10:37 PM
Guest's Name: Arjun Dasaniya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want Chapterwise Q&A of Sanskrit of Class 8th Thank You

Response from team: We will be more happy to see you follow the difficult path and solve the Q&A of your syllabus yourself. Because, this will help you learn Sanskrit better than we providing the answers. Best of luck.

Message Title: Bed time shlokas and before food Shlokas
Message#: 141 Date: Sunday, August 09, 2009 -- 6:44:32 PM
Guest's Name: Indira Saxena
Guest's Address: CA/1D Munirka DDA New Delhi 67 Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Kindly let me have Shlokas to be recited before Bhojan(Food) and Bed time Pranam Indira saxena

Message Title: essay in sanskrit
Message#: 140 Date: Sunday, August 09, 2009 -- 4:36:49 PM
Guest's Name: shubham
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

essay on environment in sanskrit

Message Title: simple slokas
Message#: 139 Date: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 -- 2:41:01 PM
Guest's Name: haritha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i would like to have simple slokas with english meaning

Response from team: You can find shlokas with their english meaning in Shloka Page.

Message Title: Sanansa Path/Progoti Path slok
Message#: 138 Date: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 -- 1:38:34 PM
Guest's Name: Saatyjit Dey
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Pl. send by e-mail sloks of sananda path and progoti path books, which are interesting to me. regards yours faithfully satyajit dey

Message Title: wow
Message#: 137 Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 -- 2:49:12 PM
Guest's Name: sheetal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Cyprus
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

wow just happened to visit ur site as a part of my search for a hymn... kali tripura sura sur mai.... which i heard in a temple in india. i m afraid i dont know the whole hymn nor do i know the name of it, but it was being sung so beautifully by the women that i just sat there till they finished it. and ever since i came back i m looking for it hope u grow ur site to accommodate a wide range of "india". it was an eye opener to go through ur site and as my son was here trying to listen to some music; his comments made me realize that ther r so many things that as kids we learnt in schools, home, neighbourhood, etc and they r completely unaware of it. ur section about what philosophers around the globe have said about india left him spell bound. hope this site grows by leaps and bounds.... congrats on gr8 work keep it up.

Response from team: Thank you for your complements. Our endeavour is to spread Sanskrit and Indian Literature as much as possible. We will keep on adding more contents to cover different aspects of our precious heritage.

Message Title: wedding slokas
Message#: 136 Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 -- 9:04:24 PM
Guest's Name: suvrita
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Could u please suggest some sanskrit slokas , along with their meanings in english , which would be relevant and suitable to print on my wedding inviation card.. like some slokas relating to love and marriage? Thanks a lot.

Response from team: You can find some marriage shlokas in the Marriage Shloka Page.

Message Title: Sanskrit newspaper
Message#: 135 Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 -- 2:13:13 PM
Guest's Name: Sudharma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

It would be great if you can include the web link of the only Sanskrit newspaper ( in the list of your resources.

Response from team: Thank you for sharing the epaper link. We will add it to the resources page.

Message Title: write my name in sanskrit
Message#: 134 Date: Friday, July 24, 2009 -- 1:58:46 PM
Guest's Name: gaurang
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

hi i would like to know how can i write my name in sanskrit my name is GAURANG.

Response from team: Your name will be written as - गौराङ्ग

Message#: 133 Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 -- 1:54:48 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Response from team: As you have rightly mentioned it is necessary to teach grammar for students to be able to form sentences correctly. For that we have the Grammar Tutorial section with topics on all necessary areas. More and more topics are being added.

Message Title: basic books for sanskrit.
Message#: 132 Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 -- 11:53:16 AM
Guest's Name: hemanth
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please suggest some basic books available in the market for learning sanskrit language

Message Title: Panchatantra
Message#: 131 Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 -- 2:05:13 PM
Guest's Name: Arvind
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I needed a e-book of the panchatantra stories written in Sanskrit. Please send an internet link.

Message Title: wedding slokas
Message#: 130 Date: Monday, July 06, 2009 -- 3:19:39 PM
Guest's Name: girish
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: uk
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i would like to have wedding slokas with english meaning

Message Title: Surya &amp; Netropanishat Strotam
Message#: 129 Date: Monday, June 29, 2009 -- 10:06:25 AM
Guest's Name: Monika
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

please help me provide this surya name & Netropanishat Strotam.

Message Title: sanskrit slokas for my 25th wedding anniversary
Message#: 128 Date: Monday, June 29, 2009 -- 9:34:26 AM
Guest's Name: saurabh Upadhyay
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Kuwait
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls suggest few 25th wedding anniversary slokas in sanskrit which i can put on my invitation. thank you

Message Title: wedding slokas
Message#: 127 Date: Monday, July 06, 2009 -- 3:19:39 PM
Guest's Name: girish
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: uk
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i would like to have wedding slokas with english meaning

Message Title: vartalaps and chitra lekhan
Message#: 126 Date: Saturday, June 27, 2009 -- 7:11:51 AM
Guest's Name: meenakshi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: -

I want vartalap on chikitsak aur rogi,guru aur shishya,bharat ke rituon par(do mitro ke beech). And chitra lekhan on paryavaran,utsav,vidyalay,priy adhyapak,jantushala.

Message Title: invitation
Message#: 125 Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009 -- 6:42:24 AM
Guest's Name: neeti bhardwaj
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I would like to have a sample of birthday invitation in sanskrit

Message Title: invitation
Message#: 124 Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009 -- 6:42:24 AM
Guest's Name: neeti bhardwaj
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I would like to have a sample of birthday invitation in sanskrit

Message Title: saskri shlokas on friends
Message#: 123 Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009 -- 7:34:08 AM
Guest's Name: joje thomas
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want sanskrit shlokas on friends for my project

Message Title: written letters
Message#: 122 Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009 -- 2:40:08 AM
Guest's Name: abhigobi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want to learn sanskrit as it is the main laguage...........

Message Title: Meaning of a word
Message#: 121 Date: Saturday, June 06, 2009 -- 1:18:47 PM
Guest's Name: Srikanth
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India, Hyd
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want complete body parts names in sanskrit

Message Title: nature
Message#: 120 Date: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 -- 10:31:59 AM
Guest's Name: monika
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

10 sentences on nature in sanskrit

Message Title: interesting
Message#: 119 Date: Friday, May 29, 2009 -- 7:51:48 AM
Guest's Name: Nithya vijaya
Guest's Address: #748, ramesh nilaya, shivrampet, mysore Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

i am so thrilled too this site. Hats off for preserving our culture. Were i see nowadays people r learning french and leaving a part our hindu language i was worried that the next generation may be not having any note about sanskrit. please let me know about marriage invitation cards writtten in sanskrit and translt it in english as well how lord venkateshwara happened to give his inlaws and their marriage took place in tirupati

Message Title: telugu
Message#: 118 Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009 -- 5:06:23 PM
Guest's Name: R.pavan kumar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

BOOKS i want information about sanskrit books-central ma, b.e.d entrance exmanination books and sanskrit bhashacharitra book please give me sir, address&phone nembers.

Message Title: subhasitam
Message#: 117 Date: Monday, May 11, 2009 -- 11:23:41 AM
Guest's Name: samir
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Website is good. Especially the Subhasitam section.

Message Title: comments
Message#: 116 Date: Thursday, May 07, 2009 -- 6:28:07 PM
Guest's Name: Asaba Owerri
Guest's Address: Country: Lagos Nwanne
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I love this page. It looks really nice and very courageous. Keep it up and I will stopby next time

Message Title: jokes
Message#: 115 Date: Sunday, May 03, 2009 -- 7:29:31 AM
Guest's Name: niraj sethia
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: Sanskrit-shlok
Message#: 114 Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009 -- 5:48:35 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: mahendra_bhatnagar

Pl. let me know sanskrit-shlokas.

Response from team: You can read many shlokas in our Shloka Page.

Message Title: seven vows of marriage
Message#: 113 Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 -- 8:35:42 PM
Guest's Name: raghu naath
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

seven vows of marriage

Message Title: wedding sloka for a wedding card
Message#: 112 Date: Saturday, April 25, 2009 -- 6:21:19 AM
Guest's Name: shekar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i need few wedding slokas in sankrit and their meaning in english for a wedding card. Please kindly help in this as early as possible as the marriage is very near. thank you

Message Title: Need sanskrit lines and the meaning about love or marriage
Message#: 111 Date: Friday, April 24, 2009 -- 10:22:02 AM
Guest's Name: Rathi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i need sanskrit lines and the meaning about love or marriage for preparing wedding invitation

Message Title: Mistakes in pronunciation - samskrutam
Message#: 110 Date: Monday, April 20, 2009 -- 4:58:01 AM
Guest's Name: Chandrasekhar M
Guest's Address: Pranavam, TC 16/711(3), Kochar Road, Jagathy,Trivandrum Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

In the Grammer & Vocabulary section Balaa is misspelled as Vaalah. Please correct the english pronunciation as Baalah instead of 'Vaalah'. You know pretty well that Baalah means boy where as Vaalah means Tail.
Rest in next mail.

Response from team: In many grammar books 'v' and 'b' are written interchangably. However, as you have pointed out it is more appropriate to write 'baala' than 'vaala'. We will change the pages accordingly.

Update from team: Now all the pages have 'baala' instead of 'vaala'.

Message Title: wedding shloka for wedding card
Message#: 109 Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 -- 8:29:12 AM
Guest's Name: prafull
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls send dis soon

Message Title: wedding invitation card
Message#: 108 Date: Monday, April 13, 2009 -- 2:21:38 PM
Guest's Name: chinmay
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want to write my wedding card in sanskrit will u pls help me can u send me some sample wedding card in sanskrit? plz reply asap

Message Title: sanskrit slokas for wedding card
Message#: 107 Date: Friday, April 10, 2009 -- 4:40:20 AM
Guest's Name: Rajalakshmi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls help me with few wedding slokas in sanskrit which i can put on my wedding invitation. thank you

Message Title: Sanskrit
Message#: 106 Date: Thursday, April 09, 2009 -- 9:06:37 AM
Guest's Name: Sri Amulya Krushna Padhi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am the lecturer in Vyasanagar College, Jajpur Road, Jajpur, Orissa. i want to give me details information about the sanskrit new literature

Message Title: 7 vows of marrigage in Sanskrit with its interpretation in English
Message#: 105 Date: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 -- 9:48:56 AM
Guest's Name: divya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I would be highly obliged if you can send me 7 vows of punjabi wedding in Sanskrit with its word-to-word interpretaion in either english or Hindi.

Message Title: slokas in sanskrit
Message#: 104 Date: Friday, April 03, 2009 -- 12:43:31 PM
Guest's Name: Neeraj Verma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls help me with few wedding slokas in sanskrit which i can put on my wedding invitation. thank you

Message Title: Please send to my Mail to Learn Sanskrit
Message#: 103 Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 -- 12:47:48 PM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

As I am fond of learning Sanskrit, I am not having books on Sanskrit. Please send me a email to learn Sanskrit-Tamil version.

Message Title: Request
Message#: 102 Date: Friday, March 20, 2009 -- 9:27:43 AM
Guest's Name: Dipankar Roy
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Mahanubhav Please let me have the full learning text in .pdf or other version that I may download , print , study & learn Sanskrit as my own Shubham Dipankar Roy

Message Title: Sanskrit Solkas on the wedding card of Kashmiri Pandit's Marriage.
Message#: 101 Date: Saturday, March 14, 2009 -- 7:28:30 AM
Guest's Name: Prabhat Das
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I shall be grateful if you would kindly let me know sanskrit slokas to be printed on the wedding card of a Kashmiri Pandit Boy. Regards, Prabhat

Message Title: sanskrit essay
Message#: 100 Date: Thursday, March 12, 2009 -- 7:11:00 AM
Guest's Name: Aaditya Nerkar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: amravati
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

please give me some sanskrit essay fast..........

Message Title: sanskrit slokas for wedding
Message#: 99 Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 -- 6:30:27 PM
Guest's Name: jasleen kaur
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pls help me with few wedding slokas in sanskrit which i can put on my wedding invitation. thank you

Message Title: nice site.....
Message#: 98 Date: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 -- 12:49:24 PM
Guest's Name: Niharika
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

it is a nice site and very useful too..... it can be preferred in any difficulty in sanskrit....

Message Title: prahelika
Message#: 97 Date: Monday, February 23, 2009 -- 8:24:47 AM
Guest's Name: chimma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

please send me some sanskritpuzzles and their answers.its urgent.

Message Title: Very useful site
Message#: 96 Date: Monday, February 16, 2009 -- 2:38:21 AM
Guest's Name: Parul
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Very good inititaive! I was looking for sanskrit website like this for long time.

Message Title: want an essay
Message#: 95 Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009 -- 11:49:12 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

can i get an essay on shree ganesha in sanskrit language

Message Title: please help
Message#: 94 Date: Sunday, February 08, 2009 -- 3:27:55 PM
Guest's Name: kash
Guest's Address: mumbai Country: india
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

please let me know where can i find english stories from 101 stories of panchatantra story name is reap what you sow

Response from team: You can refer the books published from MLBD. You will get the original stories with their original Sanskrit script and transalation.

  • Panchatantram of Vishnushrama - M.R. Kale (Sanskrit - English)
  • Hitopadesha of Narayana - M.R. Kale (Sanskrit - English)
  • Panchatantram - Shyamacharana Pandeya (Sanskrit - Hindi)

Message Title: Appreciation
Message#: 93 Date: Saturday, February 07, 2009 -- 6:00:17 AM
Guest's Name: kumar Dhiraj panday
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear friend,, i have gone through the slokas, mentioned in the web site and just wanted to thank you for the same,i Appreciate the way you are keeping the language alive....i have been looking for this since long.

Thank you very much

Message Title: Want Sanskrit lines for marriage card
Message#: 92 Date: Thursday, February 05, 2009 -- 1:18:27 PM
Guest's Name: Anil Garg
Guest's Address: sunam Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Can you help me for finding lines in sanskrit for my brother's marriage card..plz..

Message Title: Sanskrit Lanaguage
Message#: 91 Date: Thursday, January 29, 2009 -- 1:27:58 PM
Guest's Name: Rakesh Dave
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Sirs / Madam, Your website is informative. During school days i learnt sanskrit and almost forgot it. All of a sudden i came across your valueable and informative website. Its really great to know that you have taken pains to launch it. I would continue visiting website. Our heartiest congratulatins to you and your team of literate people.

Best Rgds,
R. Dave

Message Title: essay on river Ganga
Message#: 90 Date: Saturday, January 17, 2009 -- 4:13:56 PM
Guest's Name: Kartik
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

please find a sanskrit essay on river ganga and email me...thanks

Message Title: Correction
Message#: 89 Date: Friday, January 16, 2009 -- 5:47:25 AM
Guest's Name: Shreekant Hegde
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

रामायणम् is world famous but you have written as "रामायणः". How can u commit such big mistake?

Response from team: Thank you for identifying the mistake. This is one of the few mistakes which never got noticed. It is only because of Sanskrit lovers like you, we find those. We have corrected it now. If you find similar mistakes please feel free to identify those.

Message Title: Anuswar vs 'm'
Message#: 88 Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009 -- 3:56:16 PM
Guest's Name: Prakash Khadilkar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

In the grammatical rules section Rule#1 and #3 are correctly stated. While printing #2, rule #1 is repeated. The correct rule is " When a sentence ends with a word which itself ends with an anunaasik, the anunaasik is replace with म् .

Response from team: Thank you for identifying the error. We have corrected it now. If you find similar errors do let us know.

Message Title: Congratulation
Message#: 87 Date: Saturday, December 27, 2008 -- 3:02:20 PM
Guest's Name: Parsu Dhakal From Gangtok,Sikkim
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This is a very good website for Sanskrit. Congratulation. Thanks

Message Title: Please Help
Message#: 86 Date: Saturday, December 27, 2008 -- 6:09:26 AM
Guest's Name: Saahil Agrawal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Please Tell me Where i can get Dhatu Roopa in Computer

Response from team: You can get list of common 'dhaatu ruupas' at - Verb Forms. Currently only few entries are available, and we are in the process of adding more to the list. You can also refer the pdf from Verb Forms containing key verbs.

Message Title: तुमुन् प्रत्यय
Message#: 85 Date: Friday, December 05, 2008 -- 11:35:55 AM
Guest's Name: Khadilkar Prakash
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sentence No. 8 and 9 needs revision. If there are two boys then बालकौ Should be used. and if the sentence you go to... is not used in imperative mood then the verb form इच्छसि should be used.

Response from team: Thank you for identifying the typo in statement 9. It is corrected now. Statement 8 does not need any correction as it is expressing the sense of 'taking some action' in future. If you find other similar errors please feel free to identify those.

Message Title: thank you
Message#: 84 Date: Thursday, December 04, 2008 -- 2:35:04 PM
Guest's Name: bhargav
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am in the 10th standard and i find this web site to be extremely useful in my studies. Thanks a lot. Thanks to your web site i could asses my self as to where i stand in Sanskrit. I hope many more people visit this web site and benefit.

Message Title: wedding invitation
Message#: 83 Date: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 -- 2:29:12 PM
Guest's Name: gaurang
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: BHARAT
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want to write my wedding card in sanskrit will u pls help me can u send me some sample wedding card in sanskrit?

Message Title: spoken samskrut
Message#: 82 Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 -- 11:00:43 AM
Guest's Name: snehal
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

this is very good that you think about us.

Message Title: Sanskrit Voice
Message#: 81 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008 -- 10:29:57 PM
Guest's Name: Seshu Karthick
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This is a very good website for Sanskrit. I especially liked the web services. It would be more universal if you had used REST formatted query that outputs results as RSS. Check out I created this site with a similar objective as yours. To spread Sanskrit in the Digital Age. Can you please add this site to your Resources.

Response from team: Thank you for your suggesation. Taking cue from that we have now added RSS Feed to publish important updates etc. Other technical aspects we will incorporate, if the need arises. We will visit your website, and add it if the contents match any of the categories of links that we are maintaining.

Message Title: where can u get sanskrit essays on sanskrit's contribution to ayurvrdic medicine in SANSKRIT online
Message#: 80 Date: Monday, November 17, 2008 -- 2:14:16 PM
Guest's Name: keerthana
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

please need this to be replied in 1 week...

Response from team: It was not possible to find any Sanskrit essay written on this. However, we have emailed you a set of links from wiki on Ayurveda. That may help you writing your own essay.

Message Title: learning sanskrit
Message#: 79 Date: Friday, November 14, 2008 -- 12:55:56 AM
Guest's Name: vidya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This is the best Sanskrit site ! Cogratulations!

Thank You

Message Title: mantras for maharatrian wedding ceremonies.
Message#: 78 Date: Monday, November 10, 2008 -- 9:07:31 AM
Guest's Name: sanket kathalkar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am looking for free downloading of common and auspicious sanskrit mantras/shlokas recited during wedding ceremonies.

Message Title: sanskrit
Message#: 77 Date: Sunday, November 09, 2008 -- 7:40:00 AM
Guest's Name: parthasarathy
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Its amazing to know that Sanskrit on Internet is available. I would like to congratulate the entire team who made this possible. I am a teacher working in a pvt., school as head of the dept of Sanskrit for more than 18 years. If you need my service I would be glad to do so; and I wll be sperading across the internet sanskrit across the world because most of my students are across the world. So it would be easy for you to reach the younger generation. Wishing to serve. "There is no meaning in life without Sanskrit.".

Parthasarathy M.A; M.PHIL (PH.D.)
Head of the Dept, Sanskrit Dept,
PSBB School, Chennai, India

(Note: The above post has been slightly moderated for clarity.)

Response from team: We will reach out to you to discuss more on this.

Message Title: Sanskrit Crossword Puzzles
Message#: 76 Date: Friday, November 07, 2008 -- 10:40:04 AM
Guest's Name: team
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Orissa Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website: - Sanskrit Crosswrod Puzzle

Welcome to

In our continuing effort to spread Sanskrit we are happy to introduce the Sanskrit version of famous word game Crossword Puzzles. We have started with puzzles covering different themes, along with their solutions. The puzzles can be accessed at - Crossword Puzzles.

You can also contribute crossword puzzles. We will check those for correctness and publish along with your name. While authoring few rules are to be followed. The rules are listed in the puzzle page. For submitting a puzzle or for any queries please write to us at

! ! ! Happy Puzzle Solving ! ! !

Message Title: wedding invitation
Message#: 75 Date: Thursday, November 06, 2008 -- 5:29:38 PM
Guest's Name: ARUN JOSHI
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want saskrit format for wedding invitatin

Message Title: how does sanskrit and computer is related?
Message#: 74 Date: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 -- 11:36:31 AM
Guest's Name: radhika
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi! i m learning sanskrit in S.Y.B.A. my speciality in sanskrit grammar and PATHANTAR. so i want to study in sanskrit and computer. plz.give me right guidence.

Message Title: marriage slokas
Message#: 73 Date: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 -- 8:51:32 PM
Guest's Name: sridevi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am getting married and would like to have slokas or mantra tp print on wedding card. Please help me

Message Title: Marriage Slokas
Message#: 72 Date: Monday, October 27, 2008 -- 8:37:19 AM
Guest's Name: Parthasarathy
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Team, Am getting married &amp; would like to have relevant slokas/mantras printed in Sanskrit in the wedding invite. Would be grateful if you could help me Thanks Parthasarathy

Message Title: subsidy
Message#: 71 Date: Sunday, October 26, 2008 -- 3:10:10 PM
Guest's Name: Mrs.Rama Gururajn
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Can you just inform whether any subsidy is given to Vedapatashalas, and if so, what are the norms and modalities?

Message Title: Wedding slokas
Message#: 70 Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008 -- 5:11:18 AM
Guest's Name: Vivek
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi, you are maintaining a great site. greate you have obiliged several people with this request. can you send me some good slokas to be printed on a hindu wedding card with source and meaning. are you also maintaining the same on some page link because it seem to be a common request

Message Title: Wedding invitation slokas
Message#: 69 Date: Monday, October 20, 2008 -- 7:38:30 AM
Guest's Name: Vasanth Mohan Manchi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I going to be married can you please send the best wedding invitation slokas which can standout in taking all the requisite meanings. Thanks a Lot! Vasanth

Message Title: KADHAMBHARI
Message#: 68 Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008 -- 7:03:00 AM
Guest's Name: SARVESH
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: Best site i ever found
Message#: 66 Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 -- 2:02:30 PM
Guest's Name: pradeek
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi every one i want to study Sanskrit..

Message Title: invitation shlokas
Message#: 65 Date: Monday, October 13, 2008 -- 1:10:53 AM
Guest's Name: som gupta
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

sir i want to have some invitation quotations in sanskrit

Message Title: Methods and practice of hindi to sanskrit translation
Message#: 64 Date: Friday, October 10, 2008 -- 1:52:56 PM
Guest's Name: shikha
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi, give me the sugesstion about the procedure of hindi to sanskrit translation.

Response from team: We have sent you an email containing few suggesations on transalation procedure.

Message Title: neethi slokams
Message#: 63 Date: Friday, October 10, 2008 -- 12:37:43 PM
Guest's Name: Rallapalli Sundara Rama sarma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

can u get me the 5 slokas having a makutam as 'kriyaasidhisathve bhavatu mahataam nopakarane'

Message Title: Request Slokas,Quotes for wedding invitation card
Message#: 62 Date: Friday, October 10, 2008 -- 12:36:08 PM
Guest's Name: sbelur
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hello I would like to kindly request you to send me few sanskrit slokas and/or quotes to be used for marriage cards. Appreciate if they have a lot of meaning in them i.e message to the reader. If they are in pure sanskrit, may i request the translation in english as well. Thanks in advance

Message Title: wedding card in sanskrit
Message#: 61 Date: Thursday, October 09, 2008 -- 3:16:21 PM
Guest's Name: Richa
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

we want my brother's wedding card to be written in sanskrit,it'l be great to have some suggestions regarding the slokas to be used,and other contents.

Message Title: SLoka to get married
Message#: 60 Date: Saturday, October 04, 2008 -- 11:46:30 AM
Guest's Name: Manali
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

There's a sloka that begins as "He gaura ardhangini......." that is condired to be chanted by females to get married. Pls. send me the complete sloka

Warm Regards,

Message Title: best site ever found
Message#: 59 Date: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 -- 5:53:19 PM
Guest's Name: Bharadwaj
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This website is great. I appretiate it because I just love sanskrit. I expect more from this website.
Athithi devo bhava

Message Title: samskrita geetams
Message#: 58 Date: Monday, September 29, 2008 -- 3:25:23 AM
Guest's Name: padma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i would like to know the links to samskrita geetams

Message Title: marriage slokas to be printed on wedding card
Message#: 57 Date: Sunday, September 28, 2008 -- 8:01:19 AM
Guest's Name: Suraj Mundra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: iNDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

blessings in Sanskrit to Bride and Groom

Message Title: Bhagavata Purana
Message#: 56 Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008 -- 8:37:22 PM
Guest's Name: Michael Beloved
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

if you know of a source for sanskrit file of Srimad Bhagavatam, preferably in non-pdf format, please inform me.

Message#: 55 Date: Friday, September 26, 2008 -- 5:12:55 PM
Guest's Name: ABHIRAM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: Shlokas
Message#: 54 Date: Friday, September 26, 2008 -- 7:55:56 AM
Guest's Name: Prathima
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Could you please mail me the wedding shlokas as you have done for others? Thank you very much.

Message Title: Sanskrit Shloka
Message#: 53 Date: Monday, September 22, 2008 -- 12:33:52 PM
Guest's Name: Anant Kittur
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sir, May I request you to send me a two lines Sanskrit Shloka on Shri Suryanarayana for praising, thanks giving him for being the life giver and sustaining the entire Shrishti.
With Regards,
Anant Kittur.

Message#: 52 Date: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 -- 6:00:33 PM
Guest's Name: PRAJNA
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: Blessings in Sanskrit to Bride and Groom
Message#: 51 Date: Monday, September 15, 2008 -- 12:41:24 PM
Guest's Name: Laxmi N.V.
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I would like to have blessings in Sanskrit to Bride and Groom.

Message Title: Chanakya nitibani
Message#: 50 Date: Friday, September 12, 2008 -- 11:40:06 AM
Guest's Name: Manoj Kumar Pattanaik
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want some sankrit slakas on Knowledge, like gnativi bantayate naiva chauranapi na niyate danenam na khyam jati etc. Please send one.

Message Title: Slokas
Message#: 49 Date: Friday, September 12, 2008 -- 9:54:50 AM
Guest's Name: Suraj
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I would like to put some sanskrit slokas on a wedding invitations. Could you Please help.Also could you tell me the meaning of all these please

Message Title: thank you
Message#: 48 Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 -- 3:59:58 PM
Guest's Name: kesh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: usa
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

thank you for all the kindness by bringing samkrit to our homes

Message Title: i wnat to learn sanskrit
Message#: 47 Date: Saturday, September 06, 2008 -- 8:03:19 AM
Guest's Name: priyanka
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

hello everyone there, i was very happy to see there is such thing going on i wanted detailed study of sanskrit, am a Literature Graduate i wanted even to sanskrit, can you guide me something correspondence if possible, waiting for your favourable reply.

<br><br><br> <u>Response from team</u>: You can avail correspondence course from <A href='' target='_new' >Samskrita Bharati</A> or <a href='' target='_new' >Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan</a>. An email has been sent to you with more details on this.

Message Title: panchatantra
Message#: 46 Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008 -- 3:50:42 PM
Guest's Name: om namo
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want sanskrit details on panchatantra (immediately)

Response from team: The complete detail is available in 'Literature Section' - Panchatantra.

Message Title: Sanskrit Shlokas
Message#: 45 Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008 -- 12:58:18 PM
Guest's Name: Ravi Paneri
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want to learn shlokas.

Response from team: Many shlokas for day-to-day use are available in 'Shloka Section' - Shloka. These include Subhasittam, Chanakya Neeti, Mantras and Peace Mantras.

Message Title: Jain Wedding Shlokas with English translation
Message#: 44 Date: Friday, August 29, 2008 -- 5:58:01 AM
Guest's Name: Bhavesh Shah
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I require Jain Wedding Shlokas with English Translation

Message Title: some guru mantra
Message#: 43 Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 -- 2:58:42 PM
Guest's Name: swati
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Message Title: sanskrit university more in india to open
Message#: 42 Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 -- 6:26:44 PM
Guest's Name: sunny
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: uk
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i am lawyer from london, uk. some suggestion for u. i love india too much. i love indian language and world language sanskrit too much.
1) create awareness about sanskrit in all people.
2) start more university related to sanskrit in all state.
3) invite private university do investment in this thing and invite them to start private sanskrit unversity.

(Note: The above post has been slightly moderated to give it a wider reader spread.)

Response from team: Currently each state in India has Sanskrit education as part of school, college and University syllabus. There are atleast 9 recognised Sanskrit Universities as well. Many organisations like Samskrita Bharati, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Chinmaya Mission are already actively involved in spreading Sanskrit (and Hindu teachings) in all sphere of life. Besides these many online initiatives like, (this website),, etc., are already available. These are only few to name. So, the real thing that is missing is the participation from we people to make Sanskrit part of our daily life.

Message Title: naishadhiyacharitam ki tikao hetu
Message#: 41 Date: Saturday, July 26, 2008 -- 10:07:42 AM
Guest's Name: smita saraswat
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Respected sir/madam, i am a scholar and my subject is "Naishadhiyacharitam Me Ting,Krt or Taddhit Prtyayon Ki Vayanjakta".i want to get more knowledge about my subject.

Response from team: An email has been sent to you to discuss more details on this.

Message Title: sanskrith
Message#: 40 Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008 -- 2:43:26 PM
Guest's Name: vijnani
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i understood the importance of the sanskrith language.but i did not understand what are the measures taken by the publics to distribute the subject.

Message Title: Request
Message#: 39 Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008 -- 10:23:02 AM
Guest's Name: shakunthalarao
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Prannam. I am learning Samskrutam. Your site is exceptionally good. I am interested in lessons from 5th chapter, espetially 5th, about krit pratyayas. When will it be ready?. It is urgent from my side to learn. I was disappointed that lessons are upto 4 chapters only. Till you add those lessons can you suggest some way to learn through internet?.
Thank you, With Regards.

Response from team: The 5th and subsequent chapters are being written. It will take 3-4 weeks from today (31.July.2008) for the Chapter 5 to be published. We are not sure if any website on Internet has tutorial on this.

Message Title: study material for the students of VIII to X composite and Entire of SSC board
Message#: 38 Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008 -- 6:51:41 AM
Guest's Name: Anita nitin Guruji
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am the teacher in Abhinav Vidyalay. Looking for extra study material based on SSC board pattern in Sanskrit.

Response from team: An email has been sent to you to discuss more details on this.

Message Title: shloka for mangal phere, hindu punjabi wedding
Message#: 37 Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 -- 5:24:42 PM
Guest's Name: K. S.
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I wish to download sanskrit mantras/shlokas recited during wedding ceremonies, with hindi explanation what the bride and groom can understand and follow. I need it for my daughter's wedding. Regards K.S.

Message Title: to learn sanskrit
Message#: 36 Date: Friday, July 11, 2008 -- 5:13:15 AM
Guest's Name: sp kaushik
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

pranaam, i really wish to learn sanskrit language.. i know little basics..but wish to be a master so that could read holy sanskrit text and shlokas on my own.. this website,it seems,is capable to provide knowledge of sanskrit and it's vyaakarana...

Response from team: You can learn grammar and many shlokas from our website, to get a good start on Sanskrit. Since you also wish to read holy sanskrit texts it will be an added advantage if you can undergo some correspondence course on the same. Chinmaya Mission provides such correspondence courses on Vedanta. For more information visit - We have emailed you more details on this.

Message Title: about basic sanskrit correspondence course
Message#: 35 Date: Friday, June 27, 2008 -- 1:50:18 PM
Guest's Name: Santosh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want to know about the basic sanskrit correspondence courses offered in different universities in maharashtra.

Response from team: You can avail correspondence course from Samskrita Bharati or Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. An email has been sent to you with more details on this.

Message Title: shlokas on guru mahima &amp; vani mahima
Message#: 34 Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008 -- 5:41:48 PM
Guest's Name: kaustuv
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: nghngj

please can i get some shlokas

Message Title: jokes in sanskrit
Message#: 33 Date: Saturday, June 14, 2008 -- 7:36:43 PM
Guest's Name: kshitij
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

can you please tell me jokes in sanskrit for homework

Message Title: सोर्ठा और दोहा मै क्या अंतर है
Message#: 32 Date: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 -- 12:54:07 PM
Guest's Name: jagdish mishra
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

सोर्ठा और दोहा मै क्या अंतर है

Message Title: some information about sanskritScience
Message#: 31 Date: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 -- 11:19:08 AM
Guest's Name: Pawan K. Sharma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sir/ Mam, we want some information for sanskrit Scince Text Book

Message Title: jokes in sanskrit text
Message#: 30 Date: Friday, May 30, 2008 -- 9:04:09 AM
Guest's Name: anne
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

i want some jokes in sanskrit for my daughters holiday homework. can u send me some?

Message Title: Learn Sanskrit Online - Test, Dictionary, Shloka, Stories, Grammar
Message#: 29 Date: Monday, May 19, 2008 -- 1:01:39 PM
Guest's Name: team
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Orissa Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

Welcome to In our continuing effort to spread Sanskrit we have included the following online features in our website. These will help learning Sanskrit easily, and are free to use.

Online Test: You can undergo online-tests to test your knowledge on Sanskrit grammar, literature and shloka. Each test will list a set of 20 randomly selected objective type questions for you to answer. On completion, the result is displayed immediately, along with detailed answers. Each such test is given an unique Test Id and we preserve all such test sessions for your reference. Using the Test Id you can view your earlier tests. You can undergo any number of online-tests. (Online Test)

Online Dictionary: 5000+ words for day-to-day use, collected from different sources are in the dictionary. You can search words as Sanskrit-English, English-Sanskrit and ITRANS-Sanskrit. More words are being added to the dictionary. (Online Dictionary)

Online Shloka: A collection of shlokas and mantras are in the "Shloka" section, categorised as Chanakya Neeti, Subhattiam, Peace Mantras and Mantras. More such shlokas are being collected. (Shloka Collection)

Online Grammar: Basic Sanskrit grammar has been detailed in "Grammar &amp; Tutorial" section. Content for advanced grammar is being written. (Online Grammar Tutorial)

ASP.NET Web Service: We have exposed the Online Dictionary and Shloka as web services. If you are building any Sanskrit Software, these web services can be consumed to get the data from data repository. (ASP.NET Web Service&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;Service WSDL)

Besides these we have different pages for literature, stories, Sanskrit website links, book publishers etc. We keep on adding more contents, to cover different aspects of Sanskrit language and literature. So, do keep visiting the different sections.

Message Title: shlokas
Message#: 28 Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 -- 7:14:25 AM
Guest's Name: kamla jain
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want some Niti shiokas by Chanakya. thanks.

Response from team: You can check our "Shloka" page (Shlokas -> Chanakya Neeti) to get a list of "Chanakya Neeti" shlokas. Alternatively you can check the url: Chanakya Neeti Shlokas

Message Title: Want the complete Shlok
Message#: 27 Date: Saturday, May 10, 2008 -- 12:54:29 PM
Guest's Name: Reenee
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Deiwadhin jagat sarv mantradhin tu deitam te mantra brahanadhina, bramhno mum deiwatam-----------i want this particular shlok completely

Message Title: Mantras/Shlokas Recital
Message#: 26 Date: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 -- 5:33:22 PM
Guest's Name: Raj Rakesh
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am looking for free downloading of common and auspicious sanskrit mantras/shlokas recited during wedding ceremonies. I need it for my daughter's wedding.

Response from team: We have collected few wedding shlokas from different sources and emailed you.

Message Title: DERIVATIVES
Message#: 25 Date: Friday, May 02, 2008 -- 2:22:41 AM
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: bsnl


Response from team: You can check our "Grammar Section" page (Tutorial -> Grammar & Tutorial -> Chapter 10: Noun Forms) to get a list of important words with their complete derivations. URL: Noun Forms

Message Title: slokas in sanskrit
Message#: 24 Date: Friday, April 18, 2008 -- 11:12:39 AM
Guest's Name: vijayalakshmi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:



Response from team: We have collected few wedding shlokas from different sources and emailed you.

Message Title: Correspondence Course
Message#: 23 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2008 -- 10:21:41 AM
Guest's Name: Kumari Deepa
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Namaste. HariOm. Please email me with details about your correspondence course in Sanskrit. I am not a beginner; I am not at all a novice to the study of Sanskrit. I wish to pursue my studies in Sanskrit. Please mail me with details.

Response from team: Our website tries to spread Sanskrit. But, as of now we do not provide any formal course etc. You can avail correspondence course from Samskrita Bharati or Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. An email has been sent to you with more details on this.

Message Title: Wedding Shloka
Message#: 22 Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 -- 2:38:24 AM
Guest's Name: Ms. Apeksha Nahata
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am a jain and going to be married to a Banya so I want best wedding invitation slokas which can standout in taking all the requisite meanings.

Response from team: We have emailed you few shlokas to choose from. The shlokas have been taken from different sources.

Message Title: Wedding Shloka
Message#: 21 Date: Thursday, March 13, 2008 -- 5:23:23 PM
Guest's Name: Ashutosh Dhavale
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country:
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi, First of all thank you very much for creating such a wonderful Sanskrit resource!

Like message #17, I was looking for sanskrit shlokas to print on a wedding invitation. I'd very much appreciate your help in this regard.

Sincere regards,

Response from team: We have emailed you few different shlokas to choose from. The shlokas have been taken from different sources.

Message Title: Wedding Shloka
Message#: 20 Date: Thursday, January 24, 2008 -- 11:56:25 AM
Guest's Name: Mr. Sam
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Hi, I am looking for Shlokas which speak of love and committment which I can use for our wedding. Ideally, the Shlokas I am looking for need not invoke the Gods or speak of Duty. Please help!

Response from team: We have emailed you few shlokas taken from different sources.

Message Title: Info Provided About Vedavyasa's Works
Message#: 19 Date: Wednesday, December 26, 2007 -- 1:48:17 PM
Guest's Name: Prashanth
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

This is to inform that the works by Vedavyasa provided in ( is not proper. It is not SrimadBhagavadgeeta, but it is "SrimadBhaagavata". Bhagavadgeeta is a part of Mahabharatha. SrimadBhaagavata is a seperate Grantha itself.

Response from team: The reason we have separately mentioned "Srimad Bhagvad Geeta" in the list of works of 'Vyasa' is it's importance in Indian context. As you have rightly mentioned "Srimad Bhagvad Geeta" is part of "Mahabharata" itself. So, it will not be incorrect to mention it the way it has been done. Though it is part of "Mahabharata" it is treated as a different work in itself. "Srimad Bhaagavata puraNa" is a different grantha in itself.

We appreciate your observation and comments. If you find any other possible errors you can email us the details at and we will rectify those, if appropriate.

Message Title: Help
Message#: 18 Date: Saturday, November 17, 2007 -- 1:12:31 AM
Guest's Name: Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Sharma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Sir, Can I help you in updating this website and create attractive. I am also working on this type of website. With regards.

Response from team: Thank you for offering your help. We have a team of technical members who help us in this area. In future if we need any help we will reach out to you.

Message Title: Wedding Sloka
Message#: 17 Date: Saturday, October 27, 2007 -- 5:17:34 AM
Guest's Name: shikha modi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am looking for slokas to print on a wedding invitation card. Kindly send the translation also.

Response from team: We have emailed you seven different shlokas to choose from. The shlokas have been taken from Rig Veda and Yajur Veda.

Message Title: Literature Section
Message#: 16 Date: Saturday, October 20, 2007 -- 3:53:42 AM
Guest's Name: aastha shukla
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

You have mentioned the great literary works in Samskrit from our rich past. I think it would be better if you could provide some links to related works. Like Valmiki's Ramayana is available on and so on.

I am a housewife interested in Sanskrit and Ancient Hindu texts. If you would be interested I can contribute to your site by way of writing the texts in sanskrit font. I am not so confident about my translational abilities -- I would prefer to leave that to you!

Response from team: We will add the link to in appropriate section. Thank you for offering your help. We will be in touch with you if we need any help.

Message Title: -
Message#: 15 Date: Thursday, October 11, 2007 -- 10:43:00 AM
Guest's Name: Sri T.Kesava Sarma
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

You have given information exhaustively on each aspect. I congratulate the team for the stupendous work put in. I think one aspect is not clear how one can get financial assistance for publishing his works.

Response from team: In building the web site our only intention is to spread Sanskrit as much as possible. We do not have any intention of making any financial gain out of it, and all our expenses are sponsered by our host. That is the reason we have not looked into financial aspects.

Message Title: -
Message#: 14 Date: Sunday, August 19, 2007 -- 7:15:46 AM
Guest's Name: V. Krishnamoorthy
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I have gone through this website. This is wonderful.

Message Title: Learning Samskritam
Message#: 13 Date: Sunday, August 19, 2007 -- 6:50:07 AM
Guest's Name: Sethu.Ramachandran.
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India.
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Really wonderful site. It enabled me to revive my knowledge in the great and divine language after 40 years.Thanx. One request is kindly make the Dictionay section still more user friedly enabling easy input in samskritam to get the meaning and to get into the the section of the vowel or consonant straight by typing the vowel or consonant.

Response from team: As of now our efforts have been to publish as much language, grammar and literature related information as possible. We will definitely try to make the dictionary more user friendly while maintaining browser compatibility for wider availability.

Message Title: -
Message#: 12 Date: Friday, August 17, 2007 -- 8:25:10 AM
Guest's Name: EZEIGBO
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: -

I read about Sanskrit correspondence course i love this site i will come back. thanks Ezeigbo Gburugburu

Message Title: Maha Mritunjaya Mantra
Message#: 11 Date: Friday, July 20, 2007 -- 11:32:07 PM
Guest's Name: Bhuvanesh Ramamurthi
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Indonesia
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I am working in Indonesia. I would like to know Mritunjaya Mantra. Could you please get it in Sanskrit? Thanks.

Response from team: Following is the mantra. An email has been sent to you with the mantra in this.

ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगंधिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् ।
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षिय माऽमृतात् ॥

OM tryambaka.n yajaamahe suga.ndhi.n puShTivardhanam
urvaarukamiva bandhanaanmrutyormukshiya maa.amRRitaat

Message Title: Shloka
Message#: 10 Date: Friday, June 29, 2007 -- 3:12:21 AM
Guest's Name: Roshan S
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website: Slokas in Sanskrit

An interesting website. Can I get slokas of Guru Mahima and Vani Mahima

Response from team: New mantras on guru vandana and Saraswati vandana have been added into the shloka section. Please visit the 'mantra' section for those. An email with the newly added mantras have been sent to you as well.

Message Title:
Message#: 9 Date: Monday, March 05, 2007 -- 7:42:21 AM
Guest's Name: lavanya
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: india
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

sanskrit question paper [inter 2nd year ]

Message Title: Correspondence course
Message#: 8 Date: Friday, September 29, 2006 -- 8:01:46 AM
Guest's Name: G Ramachandran
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: INDIA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

An interesting Website. Contains information to sustain readers quest and interest. I read about Sanskrit correspondence course in a local Newspaper. Would enroll and pursue the courses.

Message Title: -
Message#: 7 Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 -- 11:09:07 PM
Guest's Name: MRS MIRA MEHTA
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: USA
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:


Response from team: Our website tries to spread Sanskrit. But, we do not provide any course etc. You can check with Samskrita Bharati. Samskrita Bharati provides Samskrit correspondence courses. They also conduct SANSKRIT CONVERSASION CAMPS in USA, from time to time. You can check that option as well. An email has been sent to you with more details on this. Url:

Message Title: Reg. Learning Samskrutam
Message#: 6 Date: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 -- 11:37:45 AM
Guest's Name: Padminiteja Kondapalli
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a journalist for the last 15 years. I completed B.A. with second language as Hindi. Now I want to do Samskrutam courses. Kindly guide me how to start the programme.

Thanking You,

Response from team: You can avail correspondence course from Samskrita Bharati. An email has been sent to you with more details on this.

Message Title: Sanskrit corresponndence course from <i>'Samskrita Bharati'</i>
Message#: 5 Date: Monday, June 05, 2006 -- 10:55:55 AM
Guest's Name: team
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Orissa Country: India
Guest's Email:
Refered Website:

This post is to help anyone who is interested in pursuing a formal course on Sanskrit.

Samskrita Bharati, India ( gives both classroom and correspondence courses on Sanskrit.

Registration: Open through-out the year.

Exam Schedule: The exam is conducted every 3rd Sunday of Februrary and August every year. If an exam centre is not available in specific city, they will send the question papers to answer. The answer paper can be returned over post.

Courses: 4 grades viz., Pravesha, Parichaya, Siksha and Kovida. Each grade is a 6 months course. Certificate is given on successful completeion on each grade.

Current Course Fees: Rs. 200/- for every grade (in India).

Please write them an email and they will give the details of admission procedure.

Contact information:

Samskrita Bharati (International Center called Aksharam)
8th Cross II Phase, Girinagara, 560 085
Bangalore, India
Phones: 080-26721052

email: website is not associated or part of Samskrita Bharati. This post is given for benefit of all who want to learn Sanskrit formally.

Message Title: email from Satish Gatlewar
Message#: 4 Date: Monday, June 05, 2006 -- 1:19:02 AM
Guest's Name: Satish Bhanudas Gatlewar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want to take admission for your course. I have passed 10+2 with Sanskrit as a second language with scoring 100% in X 95% in XII.I want to take admission for further knowledge IN Sanskrit.What will I have to do take admission.Please send your suggestions for me on my above email address.

Message Title: email from Satish Gatlewar
Message#: 3 Date: Monday, June 05, 2006 -- 1:14:22 AM
Guest's Name: Satish Bhanudas Gatlewar
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: India
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

I want to take admission for your course. I have passed 10+2 with Sanskrit as a second language.I want to take admission for further knowledge IN Sanskrit.

Message Title: Email from 'Himanshu R Pota'
Message#: 2 Date: Sunday, May 07, 2006 -- 4:58:26 AM
Guest's Name: team on behalf of 'Himanshu R Pota'
Guest's Address: Not Disclosed Country: Australia
Guest's Email: Not Disclosed
Refered Website:

Following email was received from 'Himanshu R Pota', which we thought of posting here. We appreciate the message in Sanskrit.

नमो नमः|
संस्कृतशिक्षणाय भवन्तः जाल-पत्रः ( अतीव सुन्दरः अस्ति| भवद्भ्यः अस्माकं शुभकामनाः| मम आशा अस्ति भवतां जाल-पत्रः अस्मान् चिरकालपर्यन्तं संस्कृतं शिक्षयिष्यति|

अहमपि संस्कृतशिक्षणस्य प्रयासं करोमि | तत् प्रयासं पश्यन्तु

विशेषरूपे मम नित्यवाक्यानि पश्यन्तु

तत्र मासस्य पत्रे नित्यवाक्यानि सन्ति| उदाहरणतः

मम सर्वस्य जालपत्रस्य सूची अस्ति

धन्यवादाः, त्रुटयः क्षमध्वम्|


हिमांशु पोटा
केन्बरा, औस्ट्रेलिया

Message Title: First Entry - प्रथमः आवलि
Message#: 1 Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 -- 7:45:06 AM
Guest's Name: Biswajit Dash - बिश्वजित् दाश
Guest's Address: Bhubaneswar, Orissa - भुवनेस्वर, ओडिशा Country: India - भारत
Guest's Email:,
Refered Website:

Greetings, Welcome to

Here you will find useful information on Sanskrit language and literature. Please give us your inputs and feedbacks, so that we can improve our contents.

Also if you know of any useful sources related to Sanskrit, please let us know. We will try to include those in our reference pages.

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